The Future of the United States of America.

Discussion in 'The Signs of the Times' started by padraig, May 5, 2010.

  1. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Its obviously a symbol of something and he must know what it means himself and expect others to know? I have no idea? Must have a think.

    Does anyone have an idea? Like a heart? Like someone is going to be strangled?
  2. Steve79

    Steve79 Archangels

    in times of Merkel, this attitude was explained in the German alternative media as a masonic gesture.
    But I can't find an article on this at the moment. It symbolises the Freemasonry Delta.
    With Eric Trump, however, it could also simply be ‘trolling’. Unfortunately, we don't know which side he's trolling...
    Btw - Merkel was also one of the ‘young global leaders’ at the WEF a long time ago. Back then they just called it ‘Global Leaders for Tomorrow’
    Edit: in addition - as I mentioned. This gesture is also recommended by PR consultants to their clients.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2025
  3. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    It’s very obvious with the deacon, so check it again.
    Thanks for the info.
  4. DeGaulle

    DeGaulle Powers

    I wonder would Pope Francis be so keen to unclasp his hands, like he did with that poor little altar boy?
    Mary's child likes this.
  5. Alot of rap artists use the symbol and actors and actresses... I've read it's to show their allegience..
    Mary's child, Steve79 and AED like this.
  6. Sam

    Sam Powers

    Whatever the sign with his hands were, it looks as if Laura Trump saw it grabs his arm and tells him to stop, looking right down at his hands.
  7. padraig

    padraig Powers

    'The American Intelligence Agencies spied upon their fellow Americans for attending the Catholic Traditional Mass'

  8. Marygar

    Marygar Byron

    Not this time. If the U.S government wanted a false flag to oust Castro, it would have happened. Like it happened in the Gulf of Tonkin, which sparked the Vietnam war during the Johnson administration. They didn’t care to free Cuba, their focus was Vietnam and the drug industry in Asia. The plan was to bring in a drug war against our youth. It enriched the government and has continued till this day. Cuba was strategically perfect for the industry. Castro was their man. The CIA trained and funded the Cuban Revolution. That’s the big secret.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2025
  9. Marygar

    Marygar Byron

    Nobody has been able to figure that out except for Roger Stone. He knows. His book pretty much says it. President Johnson and his cabal made tons of money with the Vietnam war. I believe Johnson was the most evil President the U.S. has ever had. So many died in that war, and till today our youth still dies of drugs. He lead the destruction of our own country, We haven’t been able to recover. Is there positive change coming with Trump? I sure hope so, but realistically, it won’t be easy. It’s going to take a miracle to bring back a healthy and sane society.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2025
  10. Carmelite

    Carmelite Archangels

    Tariffs just placed on Canada and Trudeau is doing the same with US I hear. Canada will completely collapse economically. I also get important health products from US, which may stop sending to Canada now. This may hasten to bring in the “ answer to our crisis ( antichrist)”……. Not good:(
  11. AED

    AED Powers

    Very very concerning.
  12. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    Trump has once again threatened the BRICS countries in recent days with a 100% tariff on their exports if they move forward with the plan to create a single currency as an alternative to the dollar. I think he's smart enough to know that, at some point, these countries might feel they have nothing left to lose.
  13. Marygar

    Marygar Byron

    Roger Stone tells the truth about Johnson and the Kennedy’s.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2025
    Steve79 and Agnes McAllister like this.
  14. DeGaulle

    DeGaulle Powers

    I think that the tariffs against Mexico and Canada are short-term, with the intension of 'knocking some sense into them', as happened with Colombia. Despite the threats of 100%, he has imposed a modest one of 10% upon China. I think this might be a lead-in to negotiating a deal in international trade. I hope I'm right.
    Jo M, Sam, orangina and 5 others like this.
  15. orangina

    orangina Archangels

    Trump knows that the economic collapse of the US is close because there is no productivity, the economy was based on large borrowing from banks and the military industry, which again benefited the elite. Biden, with his economic policy, went to the total collapse of the economy, especially with the destruction of the energy sector, borrowing, forgiving student debts and giving 300 billion to Ukraine/Israel...

    A large inflation has arisen that has no coverage in productivity and industry, and interest rates must not be raised because such a debt would mean the end of US dominance and the global collapse of the economy, which is traded in dollars.
    The only salvation is to return industry to the US by introducing high taxes, which will make production in the US more profitable than in Asia, Canada and Mexico. Returning migrants will reduce competition on the labor market and reduce the number of workers, which will raise wages, but as a result, product prices will also rise.

    Trump knows that now is the last moment when the US is still dominant to do so, because in a few years it will not be able to. Even now, tariffs cannot be high for China, because most of the world's goods are produced there, and that would be a big blow to the standard of the Americans.
    What I learned, which of course has nothing to do with ordinary Americans, but with the political and economic elite, is that the USA has no friends.
    Europe had dominant cell phone technology with Nokia, however Apple stole wireless technology and when they released smart phones they implemented and kicked Nokia out of the race which was the dominant company. They later paid about 600 million euros in compensation, but Nokia lost billions of dollars on the market...
    When Huawei became dominant, the US banned the use of Google play, thereby pushing the Chinese out of dominance and protecting the iPhone.

    The European auto industry was the most dominant until 2015 when the USA launched the Volkswagen scandal with exhaust gases and Co2 when the same company had to pay billions of dollars in damages and withdraw about 9 million vehicles from the market. At the same time, the US gave billions in incentives to Tesla when the race for electric cars was breaking out. Volkswagen was then the leader in that race, and now Tesla has taken over the European market....

    The same thing has now happened with Tik Tok, as soon as someone reaches any kind of dominance, there is automatically some kind of blocking and protection in the name of "security". If someone does it on the other side, then the free market is threatened.

    It is normal that no one has confidence in the dollar when Russia has frozen billions of dollars in assets and confiscated them, which is pure robbery and theft. Iran is robbed of the amount of 6 billion dollars of oil that they sold to South Korea and then it is written that it is American money and the like...
    On the other hand, the USA normally overthrows governments in Libya, Syria, Iraq, carries out coups in Ukraine and Georgia under the guise of democracy...
    Of course, it has nothing to do with ordinary American citizens, but with American foreign policy, but such behavior clearly causes a revolt in people and countries, because no one likes thugs who do what they want without sanctions, and hypocritically blame others for their faults.

    The good thing is that such a policy could lead to the collapse of liberal policies in Canada, Mexico, European countries with more politicians who protect state interests, because the left-liberal political elite is doing everything to destroy states in the interests of the globalist collapse of the West. In a way, Trump is doing everyone a favor, not necessarily because he wants to, but in a way, the revolt he will create is not bad for us either.

    Trump now wants the industry to return to the US. In this way, he weakens competitors, restores productivity and weakens the elite that profited most from exporting production to Asia where they earned money from imports and stock markets.
    Realistically, the US was an extended arm of the globalists who used the strongest country to collapse the West. Trump's turning the US into his own backyard and only reducing funding for NGOs, government agencies like the CIA that were overthrowing politicians with a different vision in Europe could be a winning combination for everyone. At first it will be difficult because prices will rise, and Europe will have to face the stupid decisions of its politicians who were left without cheap Russian energy, financed the Ukrainian war and received a slap from the US by introducing tariffs (which will come). But it could be an opportunity for a new beginning.
    Marygar, Mary's child, AED and 2 others like this.
  16. DeGaulle

    DeGaulle Powers

    Your description of events has the ring of truth, but I think Trump intends to get where you say he does, but will ultimately do so in a less chaotic fashion...but that might be wishful thinking, on my part.
  17. DeGaulle

    DeGaulle Powers
    Jo M and Mary's child like this.
  18. DeGaulle

    DeGaulle Powers

  19. Katfalls

    Katfalls Powers

    Pres Trump has only been in office two weeks and he keeps me sitting on the edge of my seat!
    JMJforever, Clare A, padraig and 6 others like this.
  20. DeGaulle

    DeGaulle Powers

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