Storm Eowyn

Discussion in 'The Signs of the Times' started by padraig, Jan 23, 2025.

  1. Mario

    Mario Powers

  2. Tibbi

    Tibbi Principalities

    Some inspiration from California:
    Sam likes this.
  3. Mario

    Mario Powers

    As though we haven't had enough snow of late, tonight the temperature is heading to -2 F/-18 C. A bit chilly though I bet Maine is colder, yet!

    Right, AED?
  4. padraig

    padraig Powers

    I have been noticing lately that the Amish are very good teachers on this:
    (I see he has a fan on his woodstove to spread the heat, I forgot about this, a good tip).

  5. Katfalls

    Katfalls Powers

    Sam and Mary's child like this.
  6. Mary's child

    Mary's child Powers

    -6F in NH overnight.
    Jo M, HeavenlyHosts and Sam like this.
  7. Indy

    Indy Praying

    My power is still out 9 days after the storm, just got internet back today, Thank God I still have a stove and an off grid shed where I can charge things and a small petrol generator. Thank God for prompting me many times to prepare. There are a number of those net zero regulation homes near me where people have had to abandon because they turned into ice boxes.

    I have to say the internet detox has been good, my family spent more time together than ever and played board games, that has been good. Overall its been very stressful. I have trees down and due to tiredness I messed up my chainsaw with wrong fuel trying to clear them out of the way.

    God was angry but sent us a real warning. I have not seen as many at mass today for a long time.

    God Bless.
  8. padraig

    padraig Powers

    I wonder if it might be an idea to get an electrician in to wire things up so you power your home with a generator you just plug in? It would not cost very much and is very easy to do.

    I also wonder if this might not all have been a gentle warning. I am hoping to get this done in Spain. Also the Amish use oil lamps, so that as well.

    I have an excellent little generator which (I think) is called a Little Nuke. I use it camping, it would easily power a house.

    The oil lamps also give heat. I am not a prepper but I can see what is coming.

  9. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    It is most definitely a warning from God. No previous storm kept me awake the whole night but it allowed me to pray lots of rosaries. Time to get ready spiritually.

    I've spread blessed salt all around the perimeter of our property. I am also going to bury 4 blessed miraculous medals in the four corners.

    I am going to do a little bit of prepping but primarily I'm getting myself spiritually ready.
  10. Indy

    Indy Praying

    This has been a great warning from God and it has been a great chance to test my preparation so far. I actually only figured out yesterday how to hook my generator up to the house. Its not ideal, but I am getting lighting and a few things powered off it now.

    Its not powerful to operate the central heating but the stove is keeping some of the house warm.

    I am so glad I had a few rechargeable lights and lamps set aside because my parents and brother nearby had little or no prepping done.

    I feel so many people are being warned right now and some are actually listening.
  11. Indy

    Indy Praying

    Spiritual readiness is really the way ahead. I hope many will realise that now and not just go all out on physical prepping.

    I do feel it has been a blessing to be physically prepped for this time though. Even the hail showers and freezing temperatures we had since were difficult.

    I hear of so many in houses with no form of heat and spending most of their day in bed to stay warm. So sad on them. I hope they are praying.
  12. Katfalls

    Katfalls Powers

    Yes this was a serious warning. We have been through many ice storms here in the north with days without power. And in the south a couple weeks without power after the hurricanes. So many people are unprepared. I think they just struggle with money to buy the necessities. Or it goes on the list but never accomplished. Things are picking up speed since Jan 1. I’m glad you’re all ok.
    karnala, Sam, Indy and 6 others like this.
  13. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Thank God you and your families are all okay. Thank you all for checking in and sharing your experiences.
    karnala, Sam, AED and 2 others like this.
  14. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Where about in NH? Geralyn and I honeymooned in NH back in'83. We loved the lakes' region.:D
  15. Mary's child

    Mary's child Powers

    Yes, the lakes region are beautiful. It's our favorite place to go ice fishing. We live more westerly. In Deering, a small town with no stores or businesses.
    karnala, Sam, Jo M and 1 other person like this.
  16. padraig

    padraig Powers

    The Economic boom in Ireland is just about to burst big time and we are heading for a really huge Depression. Real poverty and want.

    Why is this? Well for two reasons. First the coming sanctions form the USA.

    'Among EU countries, the Republic of Ireland could face the biggest impact if Trump extends his tariffs.

    In 2023, the US was the number-one country for Irish goods exports, buying products worth €54bn (£45bn).

    That meant 28% of Irish goods exports were sold into this one market.

    Of that €54bn, about €36bn related to pharmaceuticals and chemicals, illustrating how Ireland has become a major offshore manufacturing centre for US pharma companies.

    What is likely to attract the attention of Trump's economic advisors is not so much the volume of goods that Ireland sells to the US, but the large trade surplus that creates in Ireland's favour.

    In other words, Ireland sells a lot more to the US than it buys in return.

    In fact, official US data suggests that only China, Mexico and Vietnam have a bigger trade surplus with the US.'

    The second thing is that Trump and his advisors have notcied that Ireland in milking the USA for Billions:

    The Irish government collected €12bn (£10.16bn) in corporation tax in the first half of 2024 - 15% more than the same period in 2023.

    Corporation tax is the tax companies pay on their profits.

    Ireland has benefited from reforms to global tax rules, which means major companies pay much of their corporation tax in the country.

    The Irish government is setting up a sovereign wealth fund with the windfall.

    Last year, Ireland raised €24bn (£20.32bn) in corporation tax, three times as much as the €8bn (£6.77bn) it took in just six years ago.

    Meanwhile the country’s Finance Minister, Jack Chambers, says he is bringing forward the budget by a week to 1 October.

    That will fuel speculation that the governing coalition is planning to call a general election before the end of the year.

    So the bubble is about to burst big time for Ireland. Hard, hard, hard time loom ahead. The question is , is this a good thing or a bad thing for Ireland? Humanly speaking it is a total disaster. But spiritually speaking I believe it may be the best thing that ever happened. Ireland deserted God because she got rich.

    When she is no longer rich but very poor again to whom shall we turn again but to God?

    ...and it looks like she is just about to become very,very, very poor indeed. Broke in fact. God writes straight in crooked lines.

    Psalm 33 – ‘Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord’

    karnala, Sam, Jo M and 5 others like this.
  17. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Basically I would say and I know this will not be popular, Ireland's Corporation Tax was deeply immoral and a blatant form of massive theft from the USA and it's citizens.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2025
    Jo M, Mary's child, AED and 1 other person like this.
  18. Malachi

    Malachi Archangels

    Padraig I hope you are right. This smirking degenerate government need to be brought to their knees and so too the so called liberal trendy set who despise our country and it's traditions. 100 years of "self governement" has generated nothing of substance. No native industry beyond farming. It really is a joke.
    Mary's child and AED like this.
  19. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Yes the wick
    Yes, the wicked big balloon is about to burst.

    I think Our Lady of All Nations prophesied big trade wars.

    I must check .
    Jo M, Mary's child, LMF and 2 others like this.
  20. padraig

    padraig Powers

    karnala, Sam, Jo M and 3 others like this.

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