When the day comes that the Russians take the step and attack Nato land, it is indeed the case that the elite must also tremble. They will hide, of course. This new Russian missile does not need nuclear warheads. It will mainly affect military facilities, for example Rammstein, the hub responsible for much suffering. It would certainly be fair if the one or other warmonger behind his desk were also hit. May they also receive much grace from God at the moment of death. edit: What you can read now fits in with this: Russian President Vladimir Putin has spoken at length about the possible further deployment of the Russian Oreshnik medium-range missile system. The Russian military leadership could target decision-making centres in Kiev for the next strikes with the ‘Oreshik’ hypersonic missile, he said at the summit meeting of the Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO) in the Kazakh capital Astana. The General Staff and the Ministry of Defence were currently selecting targets in Ukraine that could be hit with the new missile. edit nr. 2 (after your like AED): That doesn't give much hope for de-escalation: https://x.com/mtracey/status/1861854050368495638
This represents either insane fantasy (how are they going to evict Russia from areas where the vast majority of the populace craves to be Russian and how are they going to reverse their complete failure to do this, via all available conventional measures, in two-and-a-half years)? Or: they are talking tough, in the hope of being able to squeeze more out of the negotiations. Or: they are unwilling to demonstrate the Trump administration as being over-amenable to peace, in order to protect Trump's flank from the inevitable 'surrender-monkey' accusations of the neo-cons. I think it's the third possibility. I think we will have a nuclear exchange before the first option, because there seems not a hope in the wide earthly world that the objectives of defeating Russia can be achieved. It is almost a case of the mouse that roared, so humiliated is the West.
Is the tide turning? Could a pro-family cultural revolution be here? Shockingly, Apple just released this touching, non-woke commercial about family values...
Maybe they are afraid of the anger of the people? https://apnews.com/article/facebook-trump-zuckerberg-meta-03b409b31deb17ecf3c6d8913e999550
Here it is if you want to know what making peace with Israel looks like... As soon as they announced it, I knew they had something nefarious planned. Together with the USA, Turkey and Qatar, they sent mercenaries, branches of Al Qaeda, ISIS and Muslim extremists from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, all the way to those Uyghurs from China to Aleppo in the province of Idbil in Syria, because this is the route through which Iran opposes Hezbollah in Lebanon... And now those biggest butchers with whom McCain took a picture about 10 years ago from Al Qaeda, who carried out terrorist attacks in Europe and Western countries, are entering one of the few cities in the Middle East that is multicultural and has a large number of Christians... The goal of the USA, apart from helping Israel, which is primary, is to stretch Russia as far as possible from Ukraine, and part of the Russian forces are in Syria. By the way, in 2015, Allepo was about to fall, a great slaughter was predicted, but then the Russians stepped in, and the Iranians were quiet for years and fought the biggest battles. Christians celebrate Christmas there as well, and the city can be quite decorated. Turkey, or Erdogan, publicly deplores the Palestinians, but secretly cooperates with Israel and the USA. He is interested in the expansion of the former Ottoman Empire, and stolen oil from Syria goes through Turkey. The Russians discovered this in 2015 when the Turks shot down their plane... On the other hand, SAA (Syrian Army) just like 90% of Arabs are completely incompetent in war. Such retreats, disorganization have rarely been seen...Until you follow, it's hard to even understand what I'm talking about, but people there literally have two flags in the basement and wave the one to whoever comes. An example is enough for you that after 20 years of American soldiers in Afghanistan, their army did not move from its place and 100 thousand Taliban reached the capital within a few days in a country of 40 million people. Some kind of system fell so quickly that hundreds of people remained outside the fleeing airplanes, which were still protected by the American army, and numerous weapons worth billions remained... The only two factions that know how to fight are the Iranians and Hezbollah. You know everyone said ISIL was unstoppable, and their decline started as soon as Trump came and turned off the flow of money. Another thing, if ISIL was selling oil, and they are at war with the Russians and Iranians who don't need it, who them bought it? Who financed their weapons ? If you're wondering which picture I was referring to, it's this one...
You totally lost me on all this. QUOTE="orangina, post: 462491, member: 6158"]Here it is if you want to know what making peace with Israel looks like... As soon as they announced it, I knew they had something nefarious planned. Together with the USA, Turkey and Qatar, they sent mercenaries, branches of Al Qaeda, ISIS and Muslim extremists from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, all the way to those Uyghurs from China to Aleppo in the province of Idbil in Syria, because this is the route through which Iran opposes Hezbollah in Lebanon... And now those biggest butchers with whom McCain took a picture about 10 years ago from Al Qaeda, who carried out terrorist attacks in Europe and Western countries, are entering one of the few cities in the Middle East that is multicultural and has a large number of Christians... The goal of the USA, apart from helping Israel, which is primary, is to stretch Russia as far as possible from Ukraine, and part of the Russian forces are in Syria. By the way, in 2015, Allepo was about to fall, a great slaughter was predicted, but then the Russians stepped in, and the Iranians were quiet for years and fought the biggest battles. Christians celebrate Christmas there as well, and the city can be quite decorated. Turkey, or Erdogan, publicly deplores the Palestinians, but secretly cooperates with Israel and the USA. He is interested in the expansion of the former Ottoman Empire, and stolen oil from Syria goes through Turkey. The Russians discovered this in 2015 when the Turks shot down their plane... On the other hand, SAA (Syrian Army) just like 90% of Arabs are completely incompetent in war. Such retreats, disorganization have rarely been seen...Until you follow, it's hard to even understand what I'm talking about, but people there literally have two flags in the basement and wave the one to whoever comes. An example is enough for you that after 20 years of American soldiers in Afghanistan, their army did not move from its place and 100 thousand Taliban reached the capital within a few days in a country of 40 million people. Some kind of system fell so quickly that hundreds of people remained outside the fleeing airplanes, which were still protected by the American army, and numerous weapons worth billions remained... The only two factions that know how to fight are the Iranians and Hezbollah. You know everyone said ISIL was unstoppable, and their decline started as soon as Trump came and turned off the flow of money. Another thing, if ISIL was selling oil, and they are at war with the Russians and Iranians who don't need it, who them bought it? Who financed their weapons ? If you're wondering which picture I was referring to, it's this one... [/QUOTE]
A bunch of Muslim groups are being gathered together to fight a war against Syria and support Israel's agenda. NATO nations get them to do their dirty work. They are allowed to do so, meanwhile the US and other NATO nations create a false narrative for the public that these groups are unstoppable.
The false narratives have been going on for numerous years.. People just haven't realized it. Alot of the things we have believed in are just made up scenarios. (Not Jesus) The truth is tricklng down.
If you think that's terrible, what if I told you that the Iraq-Iran War lasted from 1980-1988, after the revolution in Iran in 1979, and that the largest financier of Iran's military was Israel... Iraq (Saddam Hussein) was supported by the USA militarily, strategically, logistically, financially (the Iraqgate scandal revealed that from 1985-1988, American taxpayers gave over 5 billion in weapons alone through a bank in Italy), France, the Soviet Union, etc. That was Israel, later the amounts were over 2 billion dollars a year in the early 80s (you older people know what money that was then) which the Iranians paid in oil. Israel was selling US military technology while the Iranians were holding hostages in the US embassy in Tehran... And not only did he sell, but the US government allowed Israel to sell, they just told them not to sell sophisticated. What Israel did, of course it sold sophisticated, from airplanes, spare parts, ammunition, to other weapons. At the same time, the American government in the world, among other allies, was implementing Operation Staunch, the goal of which was to prevent the sale of arms to Iran... Why did Israel support Iran in the war against Hussein...Because the person in question had the idea of Pan-Arabism, i.e. putting all Arabs under one state, which would make them dominant in that area and threaten Israel, and Iran, as a dominant Shiite nation, opposed it just like Syria under Assad and Lebanon under Hezbollah...In other words, they were allies of the Jews back then. The second thing was the sale of weapons because Israel was the largest seller of weapons to Iran before the revolution and there was also the Jewish community in Iran... The reason for the war was an oil-rich region that belonged to Iran and Hussein wanted it... For those who want to know more From wikipedia : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_support_for_Iran_during_the_Iran–Iraq_war "Israel started selling unsophisticated American military equipment to Iran at this time; however, at the same time Israel breached the agreement and also sold sophisticated American military equipment to Iran. In order to implement these non-allowed sales, Israeli intelligence set up a covert operation in New York City. Israeli intelligence ran a front company of 50 employees on John Street in the Wall Street area.[29] The office was used to direct the covert purchases of American military equipment to resell to Iran.[28] In March 1982, there was a leak to The New York Times about Israel's covert weapon sales to Iran.[30][31] Fearing the company's operations might have been compromised, the covert Israeli weapons purchasing operation was moved to London in 1983. The London operation managed a worldwide network of private arm dealers, shell companies, and shippers who over the course of the war sold covertly for Israel several billion dollars worth of American-made arms to Iran.[28] By 1982 it became evident to the U.S. State Department that the Israeli government was routinely selling American-made military material without Washington's case-by-case consent, which was part of the original agreement between Prime Minister Menachem Begin and Secretary of State Alexander Haig. In the spring of 1982, after it was determined that Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon was violating the agreement, the Reagan administration rescinded its consent for the sale of any American related military equipment by Israel to Iran. The U.S. government, however, continued to watch after this time Israel make military equipment sales to Iran. The Reagan administration, despite Israel's sales to Iran, continued to replenish Israel's weapons stockpile of American-made weapons, although it was evident that the weapons were eventually ending up in Iran. The willful ignoring of Israel's arms sales to Iran occurred despite the fact that the Reagan administration began in 1983 an aggressive public campaign, known as Operation Staunch, to stop world-wide weapon's related sales to Iran.[28]
The Great Game. How much is real, and how much Infernal Theatre? Hail Christ the King, Lord and God of all. I've said it here before, The Day of Judgement is going to be some reveal...it'll be a long day. May the Lord God have mercy on us all. Lord Jesus, forgive us our sins and lead all souls to Heaven, especially those most in need of Thy Mercy.
So the British Parliament have voted for assisted suicide. Another sad day. It is very likely that Ireland will at some stage follow suit. It is depressing. The image in my mind is that of the young person who has had their finger in the hole in the dam for a long time, and he can't stand there for much longer. Then he sees another spray emerging more than an arms length away. He can't stretch himself to reach it with his other arm. But it's too late anyway. A third spout emerges further along, and before long a whole chunk of the dam collapses. Now the water is around his ankles. It's no good going to look for sandbags - before long the water will be up to his waist. Where does one retreat to? Must we drown to avoid becoming a sea creature? Over a year ago, I had a crisis brought on by lack of sleep and grief due to a sudden death. I had some kind of mental disturbance accompanied by heart palpitations, breathlessness, a spike in blood pressure. I suppose it was a panic attack. I ended up in hospital but at the time there were two very distressing aspects to it. The first was a feeling of total loss of control, almost of becoming insane all of a sudden. The second most distressing aspect was a total loss of the presence of God or indeed of belief in God. A complete inability to pray. All of my intense spiritual life evaporated it seemed, there and then. While sitting there in the early ours in the hospital, I made an act of Faith in the total darkness of unbelief and abandonment. I offered this suffering and abandonment to Jesus on the Cross. I united my abyss of dark suffering to Jesus in His abandonment on the Cross. I gradually returned to some level of normality. It was not as if some great light switch turned on suddenly. I just limped back to a footing on dry land where I will forever remember how difficult it might be in those dying moments when even prayer might be taken from us. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I give you my heart and my soul. Jesus, Mary and Joseph assist me now and in my last agony. Jesus, Mary and Joseph may I breath forth my soul in peace with you. Amen.
Life in general is wild. The way life is framed in creation is incredible in that we have potential to do great good but also great evil. The depths of suffering we can go through is never understood until we actually go through it. History in general is full of horrors but it is also full of people who made it through the horrors and persevered. The people who made it through the horrors are our ancestors, we have perseverance in our blood. I can't imagine how our Lady had to flee to Egypt with Jesus and Joseph considering her Son was God. So every day I pray for holy perseverance for myself and others of good will. We are battling demons but we also have angels at our side. The greater the suffering the greater the surrender. We are all wounded by this evil especially given how it goes against every fiber of our being. Thankfully by His Stripes we are healed. You had a choice, to cower in your pain or to surrender and keep going. You chose to surrender and keep going. This is an act that is incredibly heroic and deeply Catholic. Battle on.
Iraqi Christian Foundation: Syrian Christians in #Aleppo, #Syria, are in grave danger from the invading demonic #AlQaeda/#ISIS terrorists who have already begun removing all Christmas decorations and beheading captured soldiers. Western Media are cheering on the terrorists and calling them by the propaganda term “rebels.” Please pray for our fellow Christians & other minorities in harm’s way in Syria. https://x.com/iraqschristians/status/1862937487858929902