Signs in the sun, moon, and stars

Discussion in 'The mystical and Paranormal' started by Leo, Feb 18, 2015.

  1. Dean

    Dean Archangels

    Again, it was supposed to be last december, that is what all the codes said last fall.
  2. Byron

    Byron Powers

    I'm not sure that these codes are accurate. But I think during this age, we are going to see a unity of sorts between Christianity and Judaism.
  3. I've only followed Rabbi Glaserman since he is the considered expert in interpreting the Torah Codes. There are many amateurs who play with the codes mainly in a mechanical sort of manner and thus, like prophecies in general they can all get mixed into a mash of confusion. Even those who only quote prophecies of old by accepted mystics and never move forward or beyond, those too have to now be taken with the consideration of both mitigation that has occurred over the decades as well as human interference and Church delays. Those considerations are why there now have to be so many more interventions by heaven and God's permission for the Blessed Mother to continue her reminders to her children that things haven't gone as God had wished and now we must double our efforts for times are indeed getting shorter.

    I would think that the Father had desired that for instance what was given as our solutions through Fatima would have taken place by now as He wished....where now we would not have to a be living with all the horror surrounding us....but not only did His children not comply to the extent necessary, neither did the Church that He also has expectations of in His timeline. Instead it has delayed and interfered even with the persons of the vessels chosen to reveal His will to all of His children, now for decades. Thus we have even newer kinds of mystical interventions taking place just about everywhere in the world, with even new timelines, or delayed timelines (as Mary has said the many times she has interceded and begged for more Mercy and delays of God's justice for our sakes) than expected originally. People do not realize the great importance of, meaning of, and the respect that the Creator has for our human free wills. Heaven outlines its Will for us to follow for the sake of our souls (and bodies as well) and we then decide what manner we will choose or totally ignore. And God always acts through His its own faults, disbeliefs to the extent of determined interference by shepherds, greatly effect the faithful and cause grievous sin against them.
  4. Carol55

    Carol55 Ave Maria

  5. Forgive if this is a duplicate of something already posted.....from Skywatch Media:

    Celestial Comet Like Planet Headed This Way

    Interesting around the 20 min point, showing the image taken by the South Pole telescope and which got blacked out on Google Sky once it was noticed. That same image, better, is also at the beginning of the video around 1 min point and 2 min 16 sec the form of a cross with the possibility of looking like a heart (Nibiru with tail of red dust space junk) in the center and light coming from places of wounds!!

  6. Make that "Creator", singular, at the end of the above video!!!
  7. Andy3

    Andy3 Powers

    I have this theory that what the Protestants think is the rapture event is actually the Warning. Just a theory of course. I still feel the actual event they describe as the rapture is at the end of times.
    Carol55 likes this.
  8. Carol55

    Carol55 Ave Maria

    My theory is similar, I think it is the combined Warning and Miracle.
  9. padraig

    padraig Powers

  10. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    I guess
    I guess it depends on what protestant denomination you are referring to. Those that came up with the 'rapture theory' about 150 years ago, believe in the end-times they who believe the 'true way' will be lifted up from this earth while the rest of us sinful slugs kill each other off. Then Jesus will descend with them on the earth to live happily ever after together until the last day. So they have no concept of the Warning or Illumination of Conscience that is prophetically given from a few saints and Catholic messengers like Saint Faustina.
    earthtoangels likes this.
  11. padraig

    padraig Powers

    I don't think there is much doubt now that 2017 must be the year and that there is strong connection to astrological events. The evidence seems pretty amazing.

    I wonder if the people at the Vatican observatory have picked up on all this? They must have! It all sounds like the introduction to a great Hollywood film, but for real this time.

    How wonderful if we could pin it all down this way.


    Vatican Telescope Mount Graham Arizona
  12. padraig

    padraig Powers

    I never thought it an accident that the Vatican had there own big telescope anyway.;)
  13. The Vatican had their original telescope in Rome until the city lights finally were too bright. Then built one in Castel Gandolfo until it too was effected by the surrounding brightness. The one in Arizona I believe is leased along with the school and manned by Jesuits who openly admit that they are seeking out alien life. Its name, Lucifer, is made a big thing out of by the secular press when I think it just refers the light it offers for deep space probing or it simply has the title which initials refer to the German man who built it. These newer ones can search deep into outer space with their infrared lens and see things that don't give off their own light. Our Lady of Emmitsburg back in 2008 made a point to tell us that both our govts. and Church authorities know about the planetary alignments that will effect us!
  14. The secular news likes to think that since the astronomers who happen to be Jesuits are open about searching into deep space with a mind that possibly there could be other life out there/alien, that they are REALLY looking for an alien Savior!!! All that based on the name given to it, Lucifer, which actually stands for “Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared.... It sits next to the VATT telescope on Mt. Graham, AZ. I believe that it is used by Italian, German and American institutes.

  15. Have "they" finally reached the point that this incoming "second sun" system can no longer be kept hidden from the public which is becoming more aware of its effects and presence each day? Now it must perhaps be given other names and reasons for being noticed all of a sudden. Like this explanation given in an article linked to on Drudge today:
  16. djmoforegon

    djmoforegon Powers

    I thought the same thing. It will be interesting to see the creative stories that pop up to explain the second sun.

    Hillary Clinton has mentioned, at least twice now, that Americans should be told all of the facts about Area 51, etc. I wouldn't be surprised if she proposes a "War of the Worlds" scenario and that she is just the woman to conquer those aliens because she's done such a good job with our earthly enemies. ;)
  17. And another one of those "l'il ol" videos with images:

  18. And it shall be at the end of the days,.... the Lord of Hosts has a day over everyone proud and high, and over everyone exalted, and he shall become humble. ...And the loftiness of man shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of man shall be humbled, and the Lord alone shall be exalted on that day. And the idols shall completely pass away. And they shall come into the caves in the rocks and into tunnels in the ground [their bunkers] , because of the fear of the Lord and because of the glory of His greatness, when He arises to break the land. ...To come into the clefts of the rocks and the hollows of the cliffs, because of the fear of the Lord and because of the glory of His greatness, when He arises to break the earth. (Isaiah 2.2, 12, 17-19, 21)
    MMarie likes this.
  19. I can't understand the Rabbi here but it states that Nibiru shows up in the Torah code, which he is looked to as being an expert on, as coming in 5776. It also lists this Nibiru as a "threat" coming from or to the universe! The "threat" is therefore interpreted as coming from God in order for us to keep the Torah (Commandments). 5776 on Hebrew calendar ends on Oct. 2, 2016 on Gergorian calendar. It ends with their month of Elul:
    Jewish month of Elul, a time of repentance, and the recitation of Selichot, prayers for forgiveness and mercy, during that period.

    But I think I hear him also throw in their months of Adar which also apparently appears in that code whereas that occurs in our months of Feb., Mar., and April of 2016.


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