Pope tells gay man: 'God made you like this'

Discussion in 'Church Critique' started by BrianK, May 21, 2018.

  1. Timothius722

    Timothius722 Archangels

    This whole thing stinks of some type of witch hunt to damn the Pope for speaking in private with someone. So he used gay as opposed to homosexuality...maybe in Italian or maybe not. To be honest...what business is it of ours. It has been brought forth by masonic forces to discredit him in the innuendos of verbiage in language and translation, though the heart of the message was not lost. He was being compassionate to someone who was obviously in pain. So why not leave it at that...why would one attack him so with legalistic jargon. Can the Pope not console whom he chooses. Jesus faced those who would stone the woman.
  2. BrianK

    BrianK Guest

  3. Dolours

    Dolours Guest

    The whole thing stinks all right but not of any witch hunt against the Pope. The witch hunt is against the Church and her teaching on chastity and sexual morality. Pope Francis needs to start defending the Faith - the hard teachings as well as the easy ones. And he needs to stop flying kites via his atheist and other friends who oppose Church teaching. That Jesus loves everyone is a given. That Jesus calls everyone to chastity and repentance is not legalistic jargon. It's the truth and the Pope needs to start defending that truth.

    Enough already of the half-denials or no corrections by the Vatican of what the Pope is reported to have said to his friends knowing full well that what he says today (in private or not) they will tell the world tomorrow. He and his entourage campaigned long enough and hard enough to get him into the papacy. Time for him to start doing the job he wanted so desperately. The Vicar of Christ is not an agent of the UN, the WHO or UNESCO.
  4. BrianK

    BrianK Guest

  5. BrianK

    BrianK Guest

  6. Timothius722

    Timothius722 Archangels

    I'm quite aware of the Drudge Report. Exactly why would this warrant 3 articles on the Catholic Church. As a matter of fact... Pope Francis has been on there probably every week at least once since becoming Pope. Matt Drudge is Jewish. Why so interested? It all designed to inflame passions against the Pope. These guys are playing Catholics against each other. Its right out of the playbook "The Protocols of Zion".
  7. BrianK

    BrianK Guest


    Can a pope change moral truth?
    Pat Buchanan: Pontiff's recent apparent statement 'appears, on its face, to be heresy'
    Patrick J. Buchanan

    That joking retort we heard as children, “Is the pope Catholic?” is starting to look like a serious question.

    Asked five years ago about a “gay lobby” in the Vatican, Pope Francis responded, “If a person is gay and seeks God and has good will, who am I to judge?”

    As judgment was thought to be part of the papal job description, traditional Catholics were startled at what the new pope had volunteered.

    Now the Holy Father has apparently fleshed out what he meant.

    According to a childhood victim of a pedophile priest in Chile, Juan Carlos Cruz, a homosexual to whom the pope apologized, Francis said: “God made you like this and loves you like this and I don’t care. The pope does love you like this. You have to be happy with who you are.”

    The Vatican has not denied what Cruz relates.

    What makes this remarkable is that the catechism of the Catholic Church, based on the Old and New Testament and tradition, has always taught that homosexuality is a moral disorder, a proclivity toward sexual relations that are unnatural and immoral.

    The idea that God is responsible for homosexual orientations, that the pope and the Catholic Church are fine with men being attracted to one another, and that those so oriented should be happy with it, appears, on its face, to be heresy.

    It implies that what Catholics regarded for centuries as moral truth was wrong, or that moral truth has evolved and must be made to conform to modernity. This is moral relativism: Truth changes with the times.

    And if what Cruz reports is accurate, the pope’s position is close to Hillary Clinton’s.

    In 2016, at a New York fundraiser, Clinton recited her infamous litany of sins common to the “basket of deplorables” backing Donald Trump.

    Said Hillary, they are “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic.”

    A phobia is “an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.” Clinton was thus saying that those who have an aversion to homosexuality are morally or mentally sick.

    Yet, up until December 1973, homosexuality itself was listed as a mental disorder by the American Psychiatric Association.

    The new morality we hear from the pope and Hillary reflects a historic change in the moral thinking of the West. For the belief that homosexuality is normal and natural, and not only acceptable but even praiseworthy, has carried the day.

    Legislatures and courts have written this “truth” into law. It has been discovered by the Supreme Court to be lurking in that Constitution whose authors regarded and treated homosexuality as a grave crime.

    And, yet, from this historic change, questions naturally arise:

    On the issue of homosexuality, have we ascended to a higher moral plateau? Or has America jettisoned the truths we believed and replaced them with the tenets of an ideology that may be politically and culturally ascendant but is rooted in nothing but baseless assertions and lies?

    Consider the views of Cardinal Gerhard Muller, lately removed as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, as to what is behind the drive to have “homophobia” regarded as a mental disorder.

    “Homophobia (is) an invention and an instrument of the totalitarian dominance over the thoughts of others. The homo-movement is lacking scientific arguments, which is why it created an ideology which wants to dominate by creating its own reality.”

    In short, cultural Marxists and their progressive allies have taken an ideological assertion – homosexuality is normal, natural and moral – without any historical, biological or scientific basis, and asserted it as truth, established it as law, and demanded that we accept and act upon this truth, or face the wrath of the regime.

    Said Muller: “It is the Marxist pattern according to which reality does not create thinking, but thinking creates its own reality. He who does not accept this created reality is to be considered as being sick.

    “It is as if one could influence an illness with the help of the police or with the help of courts. In the Soviet Union, Christians were put into psychiatric clinics. These are the methods of totalitarian regimes, of National Socialism and of Communism.”

    As Russell Kirk wrote, ideology is political religion. And the dogmas of the political religion by which we are increasingly ruled have displaced the teachings of Christianity and tradition.

    Since the Stonewall Riot of 1969, homosexual relationships have gone from being seen as indecent and immoral, to being tolerated, to being accepted, to being on the same plane as traditional marriage, to being a constitutional right.

    And if you do not accept the new morality, you are a deplorable bigot. And if you act on your disbelief in the equality of homosexuality, you will be ostracized and punished.

    The truths being jettisoned built the greatest civilization known to man. Will the invented truths of our new egalitarianism survive the arrival of the new barbarians? It’s not looking all that good right now.
    josephite likes this.
  8. BrianK

    BrianK Guest

  9. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    The contraceptive mentality is the root cause of many of the greatest evils of our age: the abortion holocaust, the explosion of divorce, the epidemic of fatherless children, the legalization of same-sex "marriage," the advent of brutally enforced population control programs --

    Add into the mix the power of media and propaganda and rampant secularism.

    And you have for the first time a Pope describing a human person as 'gay'. This is language of ideology. The language of the deceiver.

    It is NOT the language of the Gospel.
    Last edited: May 22, 2018
    Tanker, sterph, Dolours and 7 others like this.
  10. garabandal

    garabandal Powers


    Welcome to the new modern, up to date, saccharine church --

    The church of nice - preferring the wide and easy road ---

    sunburst and Mary's child like this.
  11. garabandal

    garabandal Powers


    How far we have fallen.
  12. DeGaulle

    DeGaulle Powers

    Satan has always been at war with the Church, beginning with Our Lord Himself in the desert. Satan has previously maligned the papacy through exploiting sinful holders of the office. Therefore, one cannot exclude the possibility that this is happening again.

    Your view that God physically creates homosexuals is not impossible, but it has not been the view of the Catholic Church until now, and no evidence has been scientifically demonstrated for it, although some have tried very, very hard to find it. This notion of a homosexual identity is, like the rest of this identity confusion, a modernist one. Until relatively recently, homosexuality described acts one did rather than some self-attributed vision of oneself. The ascribing of identities is no more than inflation of one's ego. Until about 150 years ago, homosexuality was simply giving into temptations that all could have faced. Then people began to rationalise their surrender to these temptations and their pride induced them to grant themselves an 'identity'. This fallacy is now growing to proportions of absurdity as there appear to be insufficient letters in the alphabet to describe the number of fantasised identities being promulgated behind the LGBTetc. agenda. Don't let the progressives deceive you into playing by their rules. There is no sin of 'homosexuality', there never has been. There is a sin of the act of sodomy (and the thought of lustful desire for it-Our Lord has constrained us all against such thoughts, even for our own spouse). That's all that is necessary for one to know, the rest is deliberately-induced confusion.

    If God creates homosexuals, it is only a short step to paedophiles claiming that God made them this way. Then that crowd will be loudly claiming for their rights. The whole viewpoint is wrongheaded.
    Last edited: May 22, 2018
  13. DeGaulle

    DeGaulle Powers

    Cardinal Muller is a great man. He is bravely and consistently proclaiming the truth. We need more like him, God bless him.
    josephite, Praetorian, Heidi and 2 others like this.
  14. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Well at least it made someone happy.


    • [​IMG]
    James Martin: Pope Francis told sex abuse victim, “God made you gay.”
    According to an article appearing in El Pais, the largest newspaper in Spain, Pope Francis said to a male sex abuse victim that: “God made you gay.” The comments were allegedly made during a meeting between Pope Francis and the victims of Chilean Catholic sex-offender priest Fernando Karadima. One of the men abused by the priest, former seminarian Juan Carlos Cruz, described his meeting with Pope Francis. Jesuit priest James Martin posted a link to the interview on his social media accounts which included a translation of one comment made by the Pope to Cruz:

    In his recently published book, “Building a Bridge: How the Catholic Church and the LGBT Community Can Enter into a Relationship of Respect, Compassion, and Sensitivity,” influential Jesuit James Martin repeatedly applauds “The Catechism” for boldly stating that homosexuals must be treated with “respect, compassion and sensitivity” and that “‘every sign of unjust discrimination’ must be avoided.” The message of James Martin outwardly appears compassionate and sensitive, but it’s essentially highly conflicted and confusing. Because James Martin also claims that homosexuals are “born gay.” During a June 16, 2017 Jesuitical podcast, Martin said:

    God made you this way. You are wonderfully made, just like Psalm 139 says. You were knit together in your mother’s womb this way, you know, it’s a mystery why you were made this way, but this is part of your identity.

    Consequently, Martin denounces the same Catechism for being “needlessly hurtful” towards homosexuals because, in his words, unless Church teachings are modified, those “born gay” are forbidden from ever expressing the “the deepest parts of a person—the part that gives and receives love…

    Therefore, according to Martin, homosexuals were created in a certain way by God and their ability to express love is inherently attached to their sexual orientation. According to the 1986 Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons:

    Although the particular inclination of the homosexual person is not a sin, it is a more or less strong tendency ordered toward an intrinsic moral evil; and thus the inclination itself must be seen as an objective disorder.

    But, if one accepts the Catechism and the teachings of the Church, why would God make someone with a “disorder” that effects such an integral part of their identity? Either God made a mistake or the teachings are wrong. And as Martin proclaimed during his 2016 commencement address at Gonzaga University:

    We look to other people for a roadmap of who we’re supposed to be, when all the direction we need is inside of us, planted by God. Whether you are man or woman, young or old, black, brown or white. Short or tall. Gay, straight, lesbian or transgender, you are beautiful. God does not make crap . . .

    The Catechism also states that:

    “By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom…they [those with same-sex attraction] can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection.”

    A belief in the inborn permanency of the homosexual inclination creates a difficult anomaly for those who believe it and identify as “gay.” Jesuit priest and homosexual-advocate John J. McNeill once wrote:

    Since most gay people experience their homosexual orientation as a part of creation, if they accept this Church teaching, they must see God as sadistically creating them with an intrinsic orientation to evil. Most gays would prefer to see the Church teaching as wrong, rather than believe God is sadistic.

    For this reason, Martin and others have repeatedly made statements such as this:

    I’m no theologian, but I would say that some of the language used in the catechism on that topic needs to be updated, given what we know now about homosexuality. Earlier, for example, the catechism says that the homosexual orientation is itself “objectively disordered.” But, as I say in the book, saying that one of the deepest parts of a person — the part that gives and receives love — is disordered is needlessly hurtful. A few weeks ago, I met an Italian theologian who suggested the phrase “differently ordered” might convey that idea more pastorally.

    In a completely misguided attempt to appear pastoral, caring, and loving, Martin and those who share his beliefs and methodology abandon the truth and therefore abandon those who they claim to be concerned about. On the very topic of facilitating priests and gay affirmation within the Church, the late Fr. Benedict Groeschel, CFR, wrote:

    There are many serious objections to this kind of compassion based on pragmatism and relativism…The most obvious…objection is that such thinking precludes the possibility of moral conversion and true Christian discipleship. Apart from the radical denial of truth, such thinking leaves the person lost in a swamp without a map. It is a most dangerous compassion.

    Unfortunately many Catholics with same-sex attraction believe the “born gay” theory and openly promote it in Church. For instance, on July 16, 2017, James Martin, addressed the LGBT ministry “Out at St. Paul” located in New York City at Saint Paul the Apostle Church; he had previously spoken to the group on March 2, 2017. On several occasions, including during his featured presentation at the 2018 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, Martin has recommended both the Parish and Out at St. Paul (see video interview, and a Facebook live discussion.) In a video series entitled “Owning Our Faith,” featuring various LGBT members from the Out at St. Paul ministry, a “gay” Catholic man said the following:

    I think what’s interesting is that the Catholic Church probably thinks that it is accepting of gay people, because its message is ‘gay people exist and we should love them and not discriminate against them. But because the Church also tells gay people essentially that they need to be celibate, what the Church is saying is ‘you cannot live fully. You can be gay but you can’t live that life.’ And so that inherently is discriminatory.

    There is no evidence for a biological or genetic determinant for homosexuality; even the very gay-affirmative American Psychological Association can not claim that anyone was “born gay,” according to the APA:

    There is no consensus among scientists about the exact reasons that an individual develops a heterosexual, bisexual, gay or lesbian orientation. Although much research has examined the possible genetic, hormonal, developmental, social and cultural influences on sexual orientation, no findings have emerged that permit scientists to conclude that sexual orientation is determined by any particular factor or factors.

    In a highly significant study: 46% of the homosexual men in contrast to 7% of the heterosexual men reported homosexual molestation.

    Recent misstatements and even “fake news” regarding the teachings of the Catholic Church on homosexuality have caused untold confusion in the secular media as well as within gay-affirmative Catholic “ministries.” Whatever the truth of this particular situation or the statements made, it’s already too late. There is a famous Jewish folktale about words, and how they can wound and cause great damage. These words are released into the atmosphere like feathers shaken from a torn pillow. After they have been cast into the wind – afterwards, try to go and gather them up again.
    BrianK likes this.
  15. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    I sense that as the world turns darker and darker, it will make globally a law and persecute and jail, anyone who speaks out against Sodomy. We only need to fall a little further to get there. And I would say, that most baptized Christians will go along with the flow.
  16. padraig

    padraig Powers


    Rev. 12:6 – The woman fled into the wilderness, where she had a place prepared by God, to be fed there for 1,260 days.

  17. padraig

    padraig Powers

  18. Praetorian

    Praetorian Powers

    It is very clear, there are two distinct factions forming inside the same Church.
    One holds the faith and the other does not.

    One honors and listens to Our Lady from her apparitions.
    One promotes and prays the Rosary.
    One promotes and wears the Scapular.
    One realizes we are on the verge of a long predicted Chastisement.
    One believes in the True Presence.
    One believes in the unalterable Truths the Church has always taught.

    The other seeks to legitimize adultery.
    The other seeks to legitimize same sex "couples".
    The other seeks to lessen the gravity of mortal sin.
    The other seeks to allow forgiveness of sin without a firm purpose of amendment not to commit that sin again.
    The other seeks to allow non-Catholics to receive Holy Communion.
    The other is oblivious to any idea of a Chastisement.
    The other has no idea what Our Lady has been warning us about for hundreds of years.
    The other seeks to do away with the Church teachings on a great many things. Contraception, the celibate priesthood, the male priesthood, same sex attraction, essentially all Catholic moral teaching.

    Both of these churches can't be right.

    One of these is the Church of God and one isn't.

    Which one of these churches sounds like the one Our Lady belongs to?
    josephite, Heidi, SgCatholic and 7 others like this.
  19. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Fire is about to descend from heaven. The Covenant God made with Noah is broken. Thanks to Papa Francesco.

    Mary's child and HeavenlyHosts like this.
  20. padraig

    padraig Powers

    You know, Tim. We live on this Earth only a very, very short time. As Saint Teresa of Avila said life is but a night spent in a bad hotel.

    After that?

    We go either to heaven or hell. Not for a stay ; but forever and ever and ever.

    Everywhere sexual perversion is mentioned in Scripture it is condemned. Not once, ever is it approved; it is constantly bitterly condemned.

    In the entire history of the Church the constant never erring Teachings of the Church has been to condemn such perversion. None of the Fathers of the Church or our saints or our Popes in the entire 2000 history have done anything but oppose it, many have furiously and bitterly opposed.

    Now we have a Pope who is said to have given this the nod. As to whether or not he actually did....

    But neither he nor the Vatican have denied that he did, despite the fact that this has been front page headlines around the world.... and for quite a while now.

    What does this tell you? What does this tell us?

    Why is he/ they not denying this, after quite a significant time?

    Why the , 'No comment?'

    Why are the Age old teachings of the Church on Perversion not being strongly affirmed?

    Why this deafening silence?

    Does silence in the face of such huge scandal not signal clearly he did in fact say this? What other way can we take this?

    Your honest prayerful answer please.
    Last edited: May 22, 2018
    SgCatholic, BrianK, DeGaulle and 3 others like this.

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