Discussion in 'Books, movies, links, websites.' started by mothersuperior7, Feb 26, 2013.

  1. I have just read these messages and I am totally and absolutely blown away by God's providence and love to unfold the pages of history just for us. My face is so swollen from crying that my kids are walking around wondering what the heck is going on...Since I was 19 (now 51) I have been waiting for these words that our Lord and Lady are saying right NOW! Read these and go to the website for more messages. They are to numerous to print here, but I will print one or two. --m---

    Let me introduce myself; I am Monsignor John Esseff, a diocesan priest of Scranton, Pa., ordained in 1953. In 1959, Padre Pio became my spiritual director. For many years, I was the spiritual director for Mother Teresa of Calcutta. As a favor to her, I traveled all over the world, giving retreats, to her sisters. Above all, I am privileged to be spiritual director for hundreds of souls, at every stage of the spiritual life. Some are beginners, others are advanced and some are mystics.
    For many years, I have been director for a special soul. Five years ago, Jesus and Mary began to speak to this soul through the gift of locutions (as described by John of the Cross). These locutions now total over 800. I have discerned the validity of these locutions. Until now, these locutions were personal teachings given for the small community that gathered in prayer. Beginning on December 10, 2010, a new phase began, namely, some locutions were to be told to the whole world.

    1. The Announcement

    Feb 11th, 2013
    The world has been stunned by the great announcement of the papal resignation. Would I cease to speak to my children at the very time that they need to hear my voice? Not at all. The words will flow each day as before. The focus will be on the papacy and on all that will happen. I will not hold back my words. I will reveal the deepest secrets of my heart, so all my children can rejoice in this work of the Spirit. All must pray, as fervently as possible. All are part of this great work of the Spirit.
    I rejoice that this has been accomplished and the heart of Pope Benedict has accepted the gentle urgings of my heart. He has done what I have asked and now he steps aside at just the right time. There are no questions swirling around him. No one can really accuse him of abandoning the Church in a great time of crisis. All is calm for now. The great crises lie ahead. No one can accuse him of abandoning the ship of Peter because a gigantic storm has come up. He has acted promptly, at the right time, and in the right way. I have already chosen his successor, the one who is deepest in my heart.

    2. The Cardinal Messenger

    Feb 12th, 2013
    Men will not oppose my will nor will I allow the Evil One to enter, although his deepest desires are to seat the Pope of his choice. I will quickly narrow the field and allow the cardinals to focus on the smallest possible number, even though many could be considered fit applicants. They will debate these names in a spirit of openness (even though behind the scenes different movements arise). Then suddenly, my messenger (a cardinal) will come to the temple, he whom I have sent. He will bring new light that is from me. He will raise new questions. He will ask, “What about Fatima? What about Our Lady’s request for the consecration of Russia? Should not this also be a question? Why do we speak of human issues only, when this question is so urgent?” All will pause. Until then, no one had raised a voice. The important question was off the table but this messenger will raise it clearly.
    The Pope of the Promise
    I hold him in my heart. I have always held him in my heart. Now, I am about to show him to the whole world. I will place him on the chair of Peter. He has always been the child of the promise. When he was set aside, he held onto the promise. When he was overlooked, he held on to the promise. When he entered into the greatest darkness, he held on to the promise. He knows only one thing – the promise that I placed in his heart decades ago, a promise he has never rejected, even when all seemed lost. Now, he waits in the wings, knowing that his name will be chosen. When he comes forth, all will say “Mary, the mother of God, has chosen him”.
    THERE ARE MORE! go to : #mce_temp_url#
  2. mothersuperior7 likes this.

  3. Where did you post them? WE ALL RECOGNIZED POPE BENEDICT FOR WHAT HE IS----A Just Man---just like our Lord called him.....a bridge builder....and ST. MALACHY? HE called him 'the Glory of the Olive'---an olive branch!
  4. I posted them in the thread
    in messages nubmer #3 through #8.

    The last Angelus of Pope Benedict is extremely important and telling, I think, and a road marker towards PRAYER as the direction for the Church at this critical time.

    The locutions come to confirm this direction and lesson -in words, and in his actions like the resignation to the Chair of Peter as an act of obedience to God's Will.

    I think it is important to stress what Heaven wants of us instead of just the curiosity and sensational journalistic aspect of this tremendous prophecies.

    Heaven is sharing with us the details of God's Plan for the Papacy and the world, not to have us sit in front of the "TV set of prophecy" -metaphorically speaking- but to have us kneel down to heed Heaven's invitations to conversion, to prayer, to fasting.

    God in His humility "needs" our prayer in order to be able to act in His creation respecting the free will He has endowed us with.
    Thus, in order to bring God's Plan to fulfillment -the locutions are telling us what God's Plan is- God "NEEDS" (incredible powerlessness of the Omnipotent) our prayer so that He HAS to respond to our prayer with His magnificent Plan of Restoration of Humanity through our Blessed Mother.

    We have to heed the voice of Heaven and PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!
  5. Jon

    Jon Archangels

    Can't assume these are from heaven. Much worldy language throughout. It definitely plays to the emotions and fears during this time of the coming resignation. Could be true, or could be wishful thinking of an emotional, hypersensitive soul, mixed with his/her private revelation.
  6. Adoremus

    Adoremus Powers

    I tend to agree. I find the tone and language of these locutions somewhat odd and unsettling, particularly the explicit naming of individuals, e.g. Obama. That strikes me as very strange. I would love to believe that all this is true, but I am cautious.
  7. Jon

    Jon Archangels

    Could be deception. This diocesan priest makes some strong claims and puts the weight of them behind these private revelations:
    - "I have discerned the validity of these locutions."
    - "Padre Pio was my spiritual director."
    - "I was spiritual director for Mother Theresa."

    However, when he says there was a change to these locutions in 2010, a new phase, where "some locutions were to be told to the enitre world", doesn't that require some authority above a diocesan priest to "discern the validity"? Going to a global propagation of private revelation almost makes it public, yet still private?

    Or maybe the disclaimer they have online is enough:
    "Concerning Private Revelations: These are private revelations and there is no need to believe them. If these revelations help your faith, then receive them. If not, you can set them aside. We are called to believe only public revelations."

    I wouldn't cry tears of joy yet.
    Jane likes this.
  8. I've had a spiritual Father who was a Bishop and one who is a priest. They have complete authority to discern locutions-inner and outer , and visions etc. Sorry, you can't take away my excitement! I've been waiting for these words since I was 19 years old. They speak to me like honey and roses!:love:
  9. PotatoSack

    PotatoSack Powers

    I'm keeping my eye on this MS7!! I've just posted more of my thoughts in the thread on this topic started by woman clothed with the sun. what exciting times we live with and I truly hope these messages are true :)
  10. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    It is important to read these messages 'Locutions to the World' as a whole. Below is a link to a thread which has the messages in chronological order and there is a thematic approach that is most interesting. I have quickly read these messages from start to finish but I am going to print them out and have a good read.

    My initial reservations about these messages dissolved when I read them as a whole.

    What resonates with me is that these messages speak consistently and often of the great & unprecedented spiritual darkness of unbelief and sin that has come to reign in the world [which I personally 'see' through the eyes of faith and have witnessed this spiritual darkness grow immensely in my lifetime]. They speak of an 'intermittent' coming of Jesus in power and glory through wonders and miracles [not the final coming] something I have posted about several times on this forum that is a manifestation of Jesus in the power of the Eucharist and Healing/Miracles. They speak clearly of a coming alliance of evil destruction [mention of N Korea before the latest nuclear test]; of the alliance of Muslim Brotherhoods in N Africa & the Middle East & the hidden threat of Russia [prophecised at Garabandal] From this axis of evil we will see weapons of mass destruction being used as man chastises man. This destructive power flows from the darkness of mans heart coarsened by sin and blinded by satan. We live in the darkest age of human history. I have sensed the darkness deepening all around especially in the last few weeks a darkness like no other. But soon out of Rome will come a spark of Light, a Pope on fire with the Love of Mary in his breast and the world will know Mary's favour rests with him.

    There is also a prophecy in these locutions about the new coming Pope having Fatima and Jerusalem in his heart. This is an amazing prophecy because it indicates that the new Pope will be a Marian Pope, a gift to us from our Lady who will be consecrated to her heart & consecrate Russia anew [I suspect he will also bring into place the 5th Marian Dogma] he will die a martyrs death in Jerusalem [fulfilling the 3rd secret of Fatima] & this event helps in the conversion of Israel. He is therefore the Pope of the 3rd Secret. Also I have written on this before & speculated that after the destruction of Rome [under the next Pope] then the HQ of the Church will relocate to Jerusalem

    Hence the next Pope has Jerusalem in his heart hence he dies there like our Blessed Lord. Thus 'Peter the Roman' is the last Pope on Malachy's list because he is the last Pontiff elected in Rome.

    Peace and Joy to all in the name of the Lord:)
  11. You so eloquently summarized it Garabandal!! Great job! (y) About a year ago I spent until 4am reading every single message he posted from his spiritual daughter. (I'm assuming it is a she). I picked out those that I felt were speaking to my heart and sent them to everyone I knew. I set them aside and let time be the 'master of prophetic utterance' and lo and behold all is unfolding. I'm impressed. I also feel such a sense of joy since reading the messages about the Pope. I think I have been lighter in my mind and heart today than I have been in ages. I just am on fire! I went to adoration and after, I baked pound cake, filled up our cistern with water and watched a movie with the kids and watered the greenhouse and talked to friends and read out loud the entire message about the new Pope and almost broke into tears AGAIN... I've spent the day laughing, praising God and enjoying my kids. I have spent the day talking to our Lord and our Lady and just bathing in the love and light they give me. I await in joyful hope THIS POPE!!

    WOMAN CLOTHED WITH THE SUN---You said it perfectly also!:LOL:

    These messages are from someone who chooses to be a hidden soul, WHICH IS JUST FINE. MANY of the great saints (Faustina etc.) were hidden souls. Instead of the damned if they do--damned if they don't approach of being hidden or being public....she has an excellent spiritual director who is in great demand as a speaker and lecturer. He is an exorcist, a parish priest, and regularly goes back and forth to the Vatican. I know he was a guest of Bishop Bruskewitz, AN EXCELLENT orthodox and respected man. Fr. Esseff was invited to speak to Bishop's seminarians. THAT IS NO SMALL GIFT!! To be spiritual director to over 200 visionaries is a BIG deal! As for his introduction, I think its safe to say that if they are to be made public, I certainly WANT to know WHO her spiritual director is and what his qualifications are !!

    If there is anymore doubt--LOOK AT HIS WEBSITE!! AND then look at his schedule!


    or Enthronement of the Sacred Heart, what does it mean? Building a Kingdom of Love--on youtube...
  12. PotatoSack

    PotatoSack Powers

    what an awesome synopsis Garabandal!! I must find the time to read these messages as a whole soon! You had a lot of reservations about these messages when we first discovered them. Thank you for your insights :)

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