US Presidential election 2016

Discussion in 'The Signs of the Times' started by Infant Jesus of Prague, Dec 4, 2015.

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  1. Praetorian

    Praetorian Powers

    Oh, sorry. I misread you. I thought you said you would grab your vomit bag and vote for him if it came to him and Hillary. Then I still hold to my original point. Not casting a vote for whomever is the Republican candidate is helping Hillary get elected. More of all of the liberal agenda for everybody.
  2. MarysChild

    MarysChild Principalities

    If I really thought Trump was more conservative than Hillary on social issues, I'd vote for him. I think he's mainly all about self-promotion. I would vote for him even just to HOPE that he's actually somewhat conservative, except that I think he'd be the biggest foreign policy disaster in U.S. history.
  3. Praetorian

    Praetorian Powers

    It's a free country. I just look at the picture in totality and he will not advance the liberal satanic agenda like Hillary will.
  4. MarysChild

    MarysChild Principalities

    Perhaps not, but I believe that Trump would inflict fatal damage on conservatism, if he was seen as the face of the conservative movement.
    Beth B likes this.
  5. Praetorian

    Praetorian Powers

    Elected or not, I don't think anyone sees Trump as the face of the conservative movement.
  6. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    See this is the awful delima that good folks are put into. Personally I have voted for the lesser of two evils so to speak in the this case....I sincerely believe that trump is so vile, that voting for him would be crossing a line that I don't think I can... I'm praying to God for wisdom, but right now, my heart is Some folks are not seeing the gross reality of The man I see in trump...even if they see it, they don't care.
    If elected and this character emerges in ways that they object to, it will be too late...and this guy could care less.

    Someone asked me why I spend so much time on this. Well, this is what I do for every presidential election. For me, it not political as it is a moral obligation. I have really nothing to gain on a personal level....actually, a lot to lose on a financial level if we go with Cruz to a flat tax.

    Our country's very soul is at risk here. It's already on a steady decline and I firmly believe that both trump and Hillary will push us overboard.

    It's almost more about the depth of character, or lack of it that motivates my passion. After eight years of the fundamental transformation of America, I in good conscience must speak out. To remain silent is nothing less than the sin of omission. My opinion is not a bit important...I'm nobody. But, what I'm trying to reveal for you to see and help you make an informed decision , does matter.

    I am truly sorry to any of you if I offended you, in any way. It is not my intention...please accept my humble apology if I ever did. I know we all believe that we are doing and saying what we feel needs to be said. I'm so sad for this deeply divided nation.
    MarysChild likes this.
  7. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    Catholic Vote is asking you to Vote!

    Read the whole story:

    Should we endorse Marco Rubio?

    Should we endorse Ted Cruz?

    Or should we wait?

    Every day we wait is a step closer to a Trump victory. Donald Trump counts on a splintered field. It’s likely the only way he can win. The longer it takes to consolidate the field, the more likely it will be that Trump will win states with a plurality -- like he did in South Carolina.

    And the only viable options that remain are Senator Marco Rubio or Senator Ted Cruz. Here’s a summary of political cases for/against both Rubio and Cruz: click on link.
  8. AllyinNY

    AllyinNY Angels

    Keep saying it Beth! I'm with you. It's so incredibly sad the division that plagues our nation. We gave Obama another term in 2012 and looks like the socialists/ Marxists will take it again this year. Unless something major happens between now and November, we are stuck and this time with NO lesser of two evils. Charlie Johnston's claim to no election looks better by the day.

    Jesus have mercy on us for we know not what we do.
    Beth B likes this.
  9. And yet that last fact is what Trump is using as a back door excuse for any continuing to enable the business of PP....they do "some" good work. His big appeal has been that the gov. is wasting your money and he will stop that.....that others would pay for everything and yet with this no brainer situation for the biggest Industrial Complex for intentional baby killing with more profit through their little parts, he doesn't give any type of example for easy elimination of waste. Instead he shows everyone but the kool-aid drinkers what his real approach will be and does so simply by NOT immediately striking this particular and obvious waste of your hard earned money off that list of wasters with no excuses like "until they stop performing abortions". Instead you should use this particular favorability for such a profound example of waste (more important a waste of human talent and ruination of the country's own foundations) for demonstrating just what his norm for acting will be in the future... survival of the fittest mentality... at any cost.

    Trump's modus operandi so far has been to fiercely denounce this or that activity or person, using the same Alinksky type of approach that has been so successful with the Obama regime, to look like that junk yard dog type of aggressiveness that people are apparently longing for to combat the other dogs that have ruled for the last years, only to more quietly take back those black/white challenges later to gain enough wiggle room in order to cover himself for the future when he can't quite deliver on the big promised sale. It would seem a logical conclusion when dealing with a $20,000,000 deficit while promising the necessity for more spending to do what he has promised in his solutions for "making America great again". In case one hasn't's not just the U.S. that's broke, it's the whole I doubt, esp. after dissing just about everyone but Putin, that anyone will be left to cooperate in his forced "building" of anything for Mr. Trump.
    Beth B likes this.
  10. Not enough zeros in my comment above....that should have been $20,000,000,000!!
  11. Little Me's Big Brother

    Little Me's Big Brother 1.21 jigawatts

    I'll vote for Trump.
    Obama has taken this country so far left, we need a more centered guy to bring the country back to the middle and start changing the minds of the independents for the following election cycle. Oh, and I can't stand career politicians.
    If Trump gets the nomination, almost all republicans will vote for him and he'll be more appealing to the independents that decide the presidency.

    I'm just amazed that democrats... AMERICANS are willing to vote a traitor into the white house. She's a traitor and is going to be elected president of the same nation she betrayed?! That should summarize how messed up this country has become!

    Come on CJ... be right on this one!
    DonnaS likes this.
  12. Well, with that reasoning then why not vote for Rubio (not that that's my choice) far as bringing the country back to the middle....and one could do so knowing that the man has obviously not as tainted a background which should jerk the conscience into at least wondering if such lifelong habits could so easily be controlled in the future...esp. in one who has never felt the need to ask God for forgiveness! Also with concerns of allowing a "traitor into the white house", well, nationally Mr. Trump's negatives vs Hillary are far more serious than Rubio's.

    But I do agree with the evidence of just how messed up this country has become....beginning with re-electing someone who has since the beginning been handing the country to its enemies on a silver platter.
  13. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    Thank you Ally...and yes...about no elections!
  14. MarysChild

    MarysChild Principalities

    I've just read an article that calls into question my theory that almost all non-Trump voters will consolidate around the non-Trump candidate when the field winnows. Yes, it will narrow the gap, but maybe not overcome it. If this is the case, I'll just have to hope Charlie is right. My days of supporting the GOP are over if their voters are too stupid to avoid an obvious charlatan with no political experience like Trump. I do have to say that the GOP partially brought this upon themselves by never responding to the wishes of their voters for decades - it is possible that we are witnessing the end of the GOP.

    It's too bad that the voters, in their anti-establishment anger, chucked their frontal lobes and picked an angry narcissist like Trump to represent them instead of someone like Cruz, Dr. Carson, or even Ron Paul in years past.
  15. Fr. Longneker makes a different connection....that makes more sense:

    America Wants a Trumperor

    The Roman Republic had grown vastly wealthy through military conquests, but the wealth was held by a few fabulously wealthy families. The poor were kept poor. Veterans of the wars returned not to glory and wealth, but to poverty and misery. For years the wealthy families killed off any politicians who tried to bring about reform which would help the poor and share the wealth from their military conquests.

    As the wealth grew the decadence grew. In Rome, at the end of the republic, sexual immorality was rife. Political corruption was widespread. Violence and revolution, slavery and cruelty were commonplace.

    Then along came Julius Caesar. Consider the remarkable similarities with Donald Trump:

    Caesar was well connected from the start. He was from a moderately wealthy, establishment family. Julius Caesar was balding, but very vain. He was famous for guess what? Combing what hair he had over his bald head. He was married three times and was a prolific and boasting philanderer. Julius Caesar was an egotist. He was notorious for raging and taking revenge if anyone mocked his dignity. Most of all he was a winner. He was ruthless and would do anything to win. He was a bully and a sore loser.

    He rose to become the commander in chief of the army, and he threatened the ruling establishment, riding a tide of populist support.

    The revolution he led was a revolution supported by the soldiers, and the vast hordes of people who were poor or felt they were poor. He was a dictator, but a popular dictator. The people didn’t want a republic anymore because the republic had become corrupt. The republic was broken and the people didn’t care if Caesar was a conservative or a democrat. They didn’t care if he was pro life or pro death. They didn’t care if he was going to be a ruthless dictator. They were willing to risk that as long as he overthrew the super rich families who controlled the senate, the wealth and held all the power.

    Was he powerful himself? They liked that because he was the kind of man who “got things done.” He “made the trains run on time.” In allowing the republic to fail were the people giving up their freedom? In their poverty they didn’t feel like they had much freedom anyway so it didn’t matter. From their point of view “freedom” was something the rich people had. Their lives were lives of drudgery, fear and hopelessness.

    Sound familiar?

  16. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    Fr. Nailed it...EXACTLY! God bless father for the courage for saying it...when so many others lips are silent!
  17. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    View attachment 4404 View attachment 4403

    "I will be changing very rapidly. I'm capable of changing to anything I want to change to" Donald Trump


    Although Trump was commenting about his bad behavior and potty mouth on the campaign trail, his self analysis and proclamation that he is capable of changing to anything he wants, is exactly what those who are opposed to him have been saying all along.

    (2) Trump's self-assessment that he's "capable of changing to anything I want to change to" also applies to his political "principles." This is a man who's reportedly switched party affiliations five times since the late 1980's. Who's donated to Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Who was pro-choice, was anti-gun, and was (is?) pro-Socialized healthcare. Who identified as a Democrat in the mid-2000's. Who praised Barack Obama and supported his "stimulus" boondoggle. And who criticized Mitt Romney for being too harsh on the issue of immigration in 2012, right around the time that he became a DREAM Act supporter. Now he's ostensibly all about big walls and mass deportations. This bogus transformation is painfully obvious. As I've written before, Trump will be "a conservative" for precisely as long as he perceives that label to be beneficial to Trump, after which he'll morph into The Donald 6.0, or whatever self-serving upgrade we're up to. Even on the central issues that have vaulted him to the top of the GOP polls, he's quite "capable of changing to anything" he wants to change to. He says so himself. His hardcore sycophants will blindly and brutishly go along with literally anything he does -- including murder, he's joked, mocking his own people. But how might the many pro-Trump voters who are more reluctantly in his corner because "at least he'll do X" react if X suddenly changes to Y, at the drop of a hat? Or is thoughtlessly discarded altogether? That's how he operates.

    In fact, in order to disqualify principled policy critiques from Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and others, Trump is expanding his diagnoses of what ails the GOP to include conservatives. Everyone's part of the problem, you see. Except for him. He's here to fix everything. So strong, so fast, so amazing -- believe him! That phrase, "believe me!" is a Trump staple. But why should anyone believe a political chameleon who brags about how effortlessly he shifts and flips? Most political flip-flops are executed for a specific purpose, and the flip-flopper asks the audience to believe that he now earnestly and fervently holds his new position. In Trump's case, he's reversed himself on a wide array of issues, and is effectively promising that he'll pull off additional reversals if and when the time comes. After all, he's a dealmaker, first and foremost. I'll leave you with two ads the Cruz campaign is running against Trump in South Carolina. The first is a non-traditional spot needling Trump's many betrayals of conservative ideals and marriages of political convenience. The second is a hard-hitting broadside against Trump's history of eminent domain abuse, smartly seeking to puncture the celebrity billionaire's populist cred. Message: Donald Trump has always been out for himself and will do anything, and collude with anyone, to serve his own myopic goals -- including collaborating with government cronies to try to bully a widow out of her home so he could build a parking lot for limousines at his casino (which struggled mightily with debt and eventually shut down):

    Is this the change you were hoping for? Not me.
  18. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

  19. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    I agree completely. Mary.

    This could be the end for the gop...even if trump is he is neither a conservative or a republican. And you're right, they(gop) did it to themselves.

    Pray that we would have the illumination of conscience....if not, I don't know what will become of this just keeps sinking deeper each day.
  20. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

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