President Trump

Discussion in 'The Signs of the Times' started by garabandal, Oct 17, 2017.

  1. Glenn,

    When I first heard the original Trump prophecy from Mark Taylor I found the part about the Triple Crown Winner/s very interesting and kind of funny too. I grew up in Louisville, KY....home of the KY Derby, the first (and best!) race of the Triple Crown! The Derby was/is always the crown of events locally, in that horse breeding and racing state, so I immediately knew about the examples of the horses/names Mark gave. But you have to admit, the connections God makes for us worldly creatures certainly are "imaginative" in order to get our attention! We don't often think about "what's in a name"....even for a horse!
    Mary's child, Jo M, AED and 1 other person like this.
  2. Mario

    Mario Powers

    The highlighted portion above was a shocker for me. To say that only one-quarter to one-third of Catholics in the USA irrevocably abide by Catholic teaching on the sanctity of traditional (true) marriage really means that like contraception, it is a done deal as of right now. From a purely rational consideration, the devil has won the day. If you think that most bishops who read these stats are suddenly going to rally the troops and call the flock to repent and change their views, the answer is no. At this point, the Fr. James Martins have won: contraceptive lifestyle, divorced/remarried, homosexual unions, pornography, masturbation, et al are normal. :eek::eek::cry::cry::cry::cry: What's left: polygamy, bestiality...? I will never despair, but it appears that only an act of God can now reverse our horrific circumstance.

    Kyrie eléison, Christe eléison, Kyrie eléison...
    Tanker, Sam, Mary's child and 2 others like this.
  3. AED

    AED Powers

    I agree Terry. It is so beyond discouraging. It is the sequel to the humanae Vitae rebellion. Three generations of liberal theologians some bad seminaries terrible catechesis weak bishops....this is the rotten fruit. The miracle, the wonder is how many Catholics have remained true in the face of this savage onslaught. In more than one approved apparition Our Lady has promised "when all seems lost all will be saved." God will intervene. I may not live to see it but I know that a great miracle is coming.
    Mario, Tanker, Mary's child and 4 others like this.
  4. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Last Thursday I wrote the above post, but today I listened to a youtube clip in which Patrick Coffin and Scott Hahn discuss the state of Marriage. I came back here because Scott mentions an experience he had back in the mid-1980s when he was taking a class taught by Richard John Neuhaus, a man whom had not yet converted and become a Catholic priest. In the middle of a lecture, Neuhaus paused, looked out the window, and out of context, quipped:

    "You know, if Catholics simply live the grace of the Sacrament of Matrimony for one generation the result would be a transformed culture, a Christian society, regardless of whom we elected, regardless of what laws we passed."

    Matrimony is simply not a civil contract, but a sacrament of grace which carries within it the power to love and to lovingly bring children into the world.

    Scott also stated that the premise and truth upon which our society is to stand not simply against degenerate lifestyles; rather Catholics must fully embrace what sacramental marriage is...

    It is itself the revelation of a love that is life-giving, where the two who become one flesh and are gifted with a child become an icon of the Holy Trinity.

    Of course he then talked of the struggles he and Kimberly have had over the years, but time and time again he stressed that the one, true Church is sacramental and then added that Luther stumbled horribly when he reduced marriage to merely a social contract.

    Yes, as I said on Thursday, "I will never despair." And thank you Scott and Pat for the hope which Truth brings.

    Genesis 2:24 Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves to his wife, and they become one flesh.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2019
    Byron, AED, Jo M and 3 others like this.
  5. Joan J

    Joan J HolySpiritCome!

    I'm hesitant to post this...

    I just watched The House of Representatives vote.

    Stating two facts here, without emotion or commentary.......on Article 1 (abuse of power), the House of Rep. just voted 230Y - 197N to impeach President Trump.

    Article 2 (obstruction of Congress) is being voted on. 229Y - 195N & counting.

    216 is required.
    These are the two articles up for vote.

    This is the first time a 1st term president has been voted to be impeached.

    They have adjourned until tomorrow AM.

    Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is soon to speak at a press conference.
  6. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    AED likes this.
  7. Possibility? A couple of the alleged Trump prophecies said Trump wouldn't be impeached....only way that asterisk can be erased from his history would be something yet to come that would force that as hinted at here:

    Expungement? GOP Leader McCarthy Just Tossed a Stink Bomb into the Dems' Impeachment Party

    McCarthy said,

    Well, I think [the people will] just brush this aside. Maybe a future Congress would even expunge this vote. This is the because it is the thinnest fastest weakest impeachment in American history. The speaker admits for the last 2-1/2 years she's been trying to impeach this president. [Emphasis added]
    Xavier, AED, Jo M and 2 others like this.
  8. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    :eek:And she wore a black outfit because of the somberness of the occasion
    Give me a break:rolleyes:
    Xavier, AED, Mary's child and 2 others like this.
  9. Tanker

    Tanker Powers

    The whole thing is embarrassing . I hope this all backfires on the Dems and he wins 2020 with the biggest landslide in American history. Embarrassing, just embarrassing. People in the future will read the transcripts about all of this an just shake their heads wondering just how stupid this whole thing is.
    Carol55, AED, Mary's child and 2 others like this.
  10. Q is hinting that Comey is getting ready to be arrested. Also hinting 9 indictments are coming soon....since grand juries have been activated already while all this phony impeachment show has been going on. Remember Comey out in the corn His name has been changed to "Corney" (r and n forming the m) alluding to Comey in the "corn" is ripe for harvesting!

    Begin around 19 min. point:

    And Sydney Powell, atty for Gen. Flynn, tonight on Lou Dobbs show, when talking about the latest ruling, dismissing the need to require Justice to release all exculpatory info for Gen. Flynn and instead, setting date for his sentencing, said "a lot can happen between now and then" (paraphrasing). She may be in the know of just why this info cannot go public at the moment since it's also being used for other indictments.
  11. Don_D

    Don_D ¡Viva Cristo Rey!

    TruNews was censored on Youtube for criticizing the executive order Trump signed a week ago that declares Jews a protected nationality, defines antisemitism and hate speech in our universities and threatens the loss of Federal funds for non compliance.

    It's worth a listen. The powers that be have come down pretty hard against TruNews for daring to speak out. Video and podcast is available at the link.
  12. AED

    AED Powers

    Yeah. So somber they were all cheering and laughing afterwards. And CNN reporters were toasting "merry impeachness" in instagram. Very somber. What a crock.
    Jo M, Mary's child and HeavenlyHosts like this.
  13. AED

    AED Powers

    I need a scorecard to keep track of all this.
    Jo M and HeavenlyHosts like this.
  14. Tanker

    Tanker Powers

    Am I wrong in this or is this process still ongoing? It's my understanding there is investigation in Congress, articles of impeachment then hearing in the Senate. So he isn't actually impeached yet. I could be wrong because it's been so long since I learned this.
    Mary's child and HeavenlyHosts like this.
  15. AED

    AED Powers

    The house cannot impeach. Only the Senate can. The house sends them the articles and then there is a trial or the Senate dismisses them. What a roller coaster ride.
    Jo M, Mary's child, Xavier and 2 others like this.
  16. Xavier

    Xavier "In the end, My Immaculate Heart will Triumph."

    I pray, and I would venture to predict, that this is all going to end in spectacular defeat for the Democrats in the election next year. Anyway the Dems know very well that they don't currently have the 2/3rd majority in favor of impeachment in the Senate that is required; so this is just play-acting. Just to go tell their base later on "I voted to impeach President Trump". But it's meaningless because it won't pass the senate, and hopefully they'll be the ones to be impeached in the actual election next year.

    This is just all out of hatred for President Trump and out of knowledge and fear that President Trump is making the courts more pro-life, pro-family etc very effectively. They fear nothing so much as him remaining in office for even one 1 year. But I hope God intervenes and he remains for 5 years and Pence or someone even after that.
    Jo M, Carol55, Mary's child and 3 others like this.
  17. Tanker

    Tanker Powers

    Exactly what I thought. If you listen to the dumb dems and the media you would think it's a done deal already. I had to calm my kids last night because they were reading their iPhone news feeds and saying Trump is impeached and I had to explain it to them. But with all the crazy partying going on (aka PRIDE) you would think these people don't know the process......oh wait....they probably don't because it's not being taught anymore :(
    Jo M, Carol55, Mary's child and 3 others like this.
  18. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    As AED so beautifully put it, what a crock.
  19. Jo M

    Jo M Powers

    After this whole impeachment scam plays out, I shudder to think what the election year will bring. President Trump will need God's intervention as he will have a ruthless mob after him; thank goodness he's tough and can take it. I fear it will be the worst political bloodbath that the U.S. has ever seen.
    Carol55, Tanker, Sam and 3 others like this.
  20. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Yes, Jo M. Good post.
    Xavier and Jo M like this.

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