Discussion in 'Spirit Daily and Spirit Digest' started by 333, Mar 17, 2022.

  1. 333

    333 Our Lady of Fatima

    I came across an archived article in Spirit Daily written by Michael Brown regarding dreams of Padraig one of which is relevant for these days:

    "When we asked a fellow named Padraig Caughey from Belfast, Ireland, what "prompts in the spirit" he may have received of late"

    "Dream of Kiev.

    I found my self above Victory Square in the Ukraine. Looking on top of the building I saw heavily armed troops with a very distinctive red berets. (I did not know it was called, 'Victory Square' I have never been to the Ukraine; nor did I know that its forces had elite troops with red berets; I Googled this when I woke up. I saw Victory Square and buildings exactly as I saw them in my dream. I found the people I thought were soldiers were Interior Ministry riot police).

    I was also shown that in a basement flat near the square were two women, a mother and daughter who had a huge devotion to Our Blessed Lady and who the Mother of God had been visiting. I was told they would have a very big role in her plans for the world. I was not shown their faces or told their names but I expect to discover them in the future if I live long enough.

    I was the taken to the country, I think north of Kiev, where long lines of refugees were heading in the direction of Kiev. The soldiers on the red berets were there again shepherding the people. There were plumes of smoke in the distance were I recognized heavy fighting was taking place. Suddenly, I think for the far northwest, towards Moscow, I think I saw a very bright light and a mushroom cloud and I realized Moscow had been utterly destroyed. My dream ended."
  2. sparrow

    sparrow Exitus ~ Reditus

    Francine likes this.
  3. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    This was also mentioned in a recent Michael Brown Special Report.
    Julia, Jo M and 333 like this.
  4. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Julia, Carol55, ellen and 3 others like this.
  5. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Some of the Ukrainian National Guard are Neo Nazi extremists, known as the Azov Battalion.

    Nazi Nuts. I'd put nothing past them.


    These are the nuts Putin was ranting on about.

    Julia, Byron, Carol55 and 4 others like this.
  6. luz

    luz Principalities

    If this is indeed a premonitory dream, I'm worried.
    Because if Moscow gets nuked it would surely be in retaliation, meaning they would be the one to have striked first. If you hear anything about Moscow evacuating its people, or rich people suddenly fleeing the city, this could mean they are considering launching a strike.

    I hope the consecration of Russia will be made in time and bear fruits.
    Julia, Byron, Jo M and 4 others like this.
  7. Muzhik

    Muzhik Powers

    Something to consider: under international law, Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) weapons are considered co-equal weapons of mass destruction; i.e., if country A attacks country B with chemical weapons; country B would be justified in retaliating with nuclear weapons.
    Carol55 likes this.
  8. AED

    AED Powers

  9. Carol55

    Carol55 Ave Maria

    Padriag, It is nuts but none of this is straight forward and imho doesn't justify what Putin is doing.

    While researching this yesterday to find the truth, if possible, I read the following in an article (

    The Azov Movement
    The Azov emblem featuring a Wolfsangel and Black Sun, two symbols associated with Nazism.

    “Ukraine really does have a far-right problem, and it’s not a fiction of Kremlin propaganda. And it’s well past time to talk about it,” explained journalist and expert on the Ukrainian far right, Michael Colborne.

    The most known neo-Nazi group on Ukraine’s far right is the Azov movement. The movement grew out of the Azov Regiment (originally a Battalion), formed in the chaos of war in early 2014.

    It was formed by a “ragtag group of far-right thugs, football hooligans and international hangers-on, including dozens of Russian citizens,” said Colborne, who wrote a book on the movement.

    A soldier of the Azov Battalion with a heavy machine gun. (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

    At that point, Azov became an official unit of Ukraine’s National Guard. Now, the movement’s most public face is the National Corps political party, which won barely 2% of the vote in a coalition with other far-right parties in parliamentary elections in 2019.

    Estimates of membership are around 10,000 members, according to Corborne.

    “It’s more a brand than a party, a polished PR-focused outfit that isn’t above coyly referencing the so-called “14 words”, a white supremacist slogan,” he wrote. “The Azov movement tries to be a one-stop shop for all things far right. There’s also a bevy of loosely affiliated but more extreme subgroups under its umbrella as well, including open neo-Nazis who praise and promote violence.”

    The Azov Movement is frequently cited by people who want to “give Putin a free pass to do what he wants in Ukraine,” Corborne added. “It doesn’t in any way justify the actions of the Russian president.”

    Bottom Line

    Let’s look beyond the flashy headlines.

    Ukraine’s Jewish population ranges from 49,000 to 400,000 people. Some of Judaism’s most distinctive ideologies and traditions have their roots in the area. Their current president is Jewish, and they have had a Jewish prime minister too.

    In the same breath, the community is no stranger to both historical and current persecution. Antisemitism continues to spike across the spectrum, all over the world, including in both Russia and Ukraine.

    There is a world of difference between real concerns about the growing far-right and hyperbolic claims that Ukraine is aligned with Nazism.

    The far-right is a problem in Ukraine, but Ukraine is far from a Nazi state.​
    Clare A, Dusica, Sam and 1 other person like this.
  10. Whatever

    Whatever Powers

    For goodness sake, fascism should never be tolerated whether or not the fascists are anti-Semitic. It is possible to condemn both Putin and fascists. In fact, Zelensky's promoters in the West might be more believable if they stopped glossing over the part those Ukrainian fascists have played in bringing us to the brink of a world war. Hitler managed to take over Germany despite his National Socialists being a minority party. It's the influence a minority wields that matters rather than their share of popular support.
  11. padraig

    padraig Powers

    I don't know the truth of much out there , for I have never studied up on it. But there are some troubling facts. This very large Fascist group has been taken in as part of the Ukrainian Military and so are financed and weaponised by the Government itself.

    A Western Equivalent might by if Washington were to incorporate the Klu Klux Klan into the USA Military and then to use them in 'Peace Keeping', operations in US cities. That would be a source of concern surely?

    These Fascists were used at Frontline forces against breakaway pro Russians areas. The very areas were Moscow claimed there had been attempts at Genocide. Given what these people believe, is it outside the realms of possibility that they were in fact indulging in mass murder?

    I am not saying Russia is right and the Ukraine is wrong. But perhaps there are shades of grey.

    Anyway they look like a grim, scary bunch of people to me.

    These remind me so much of the Hitler Youth.

    Last edited: Mar 18, 2022
    Julia, Byron, Michael Pio and 2 others like this.
  12. Byron

    Byron Powers

    It’s wrong to call these Nazis a “far right” movement. Nazis were always socialists.
    Suzanne, Clare A, Ang and 4 others like this.
  13. padraig

    padraig Powers

    I believe one of the very first actions of the Nazis was to destroy the Trade Unions and throw Socialists and Communists in Concentration camps:

    'On May 2, 1933, Adolf Hitler’s storm troopers occupied all trade union headquarters across Germany, and union leaders were arrested and put in prison or concentration camps. Many were beaten and tortured. All of the unions’ funds – in other words, the workers’ money – were confiscated. Former union officials were put on blacklists, preventing them from finding work.

    This was one of the first acts of Hitler and the Nazis, who had just come to power in Germany a few months earlier, in January 1933. The German labor movement was one of the largest and strongest in the world, with some 7 million members at the time. The Nazis, much like some far-rightists in our own country then and now, saw that unions exercised significant power by representing workers’ interests and promoting a democratic humanitarian outlook among workers. The unions presented a barrier to the Nazi effort to control all areas of life and create a corporate-fascist state. Therefore, the Nazis made a priority of eliminating trade unions in Germany.'

    Last edited: Mar 19, 2022
    Carol55 likes this.
  14. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    They had socialist in their name but Hitler purged the party of the remaining socialist elements during the Night of the Long Knives.

    Fascism is far right.
    Sam, Carol55 and AED like this.
  15. Byron

    Byron Powers

    It’s the twist used by the left. There never was anything conservative about Hitler or the label of fascism given to his movement. He murdered those that could pose a threat to his diabolical plan. It didn’t matter whether they had leftist backgrounds or were conservatives. It was all about power. And that’s the typical Marxist. The left denies this about Hitler to distract from the horrors they did in Russia.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2022
    Michael Pio, Suzanne, Clare A and 3 others like this.
  16. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    We will have to agree to disagree but both fascism and Marxism are totalitarian in their nature and Godless, demonic ideologies.
    Michael Pio, Clare A, Sam and 3 others like this.
  17. Byron

    Byron Powers

    Then why call one far right? Doesn’t the right believe in God?
    Sam likes this.
  18. Byron

    Byron Powers

    Plenty of far right dictatorships that were not demonic or atheistic. Franco and Pinochet come to mind.
    Michael Pio, Sam and AED like this.
  19. garabandal

    garabandal Powers


    The definition of far right I suppose is key.
    Ultra-nationalism I suppose is a common core belief. Allowing private ownership whereas communism abolishes private ownership.
    Michael Pio likes this.
  20. BrianK

    BrianK Powers Staff Member

    Correct. The national socialists (Germany) hated the international (or “Global”) socialists (Russia) and vice versa.



    The word "socialism" seems to have become the sexiest word for millennials and democrats of any age. It invokes images of fairness, equality, justice, and a good living standard, however, there have not existed any countries that turned to socialism that did not lose the liberties that we Americans have enshrined in our Bill of Rights.

    On the other hand, "nationalism" has become an evil cuss word among millennials and democrats of all stripes. Very interesting. Have you ever pondered the difference between nationalism and internationalism, or between national socialism and international socialism?

    National Socialism is Nazism. It arose in the era of the Weimar Republic in Germany and it is well-known that it resulted in scapegoating of undesirable minorities, racial hygiene laws, seizure of their property, murder, and a totalitarian government that controlled virtually every part of people's lives. Censorship, bible-banning, book-burning, domestic spying, gun confiscation also attended the rise of national socialism.

    Communism, on the other hand, is global socialism. It always was, even in its Marxist theoretical form, a global movement, well before the Bolshevik Revolution. In other words, it is socialism with an international tenet rather than a national one. Communists today still blame its failure on the fact that they were never able to implement their political system on a global basis. That was, however their goal, and still is today. In the history of communism, wars were spread all over the world to expand its power, and at one time it controlled about two thirds of the world's resources. The international aspect of communism can be seen in the anthem used by many former communist countries. The name of the song is "The Internationale", revealing its globalist character. Its words are steeped in class warfare, violence, and globalism, and a borderless world, or global socialism. If you are interested, you can go to Wikipedia and look at the text. Here is part of it:

    "There has never been any saviour of the world, Nor deities, nor emperors.Not even those heroes, Entirely depend on ourselves to save ourselves!

    Decree the common salvation. To fully kill those bandits' crestless livesRequires sacrificing spirit. Quickly, while this furnace burns red-hot, For only when the iron is fired will we succeed in forging it! Refrain Who is the creator of the world? Only us, hard working labours and farmers.Everything is for producers only,Where can parasites be accommodated! How much hot blood of ours have bled, Only to handle that cruel and evil monster. If it is someday fully killed, A red sun will shine all over the five continents!"

    The elimination of borders and the sovereign nation-state is required for the implementation of global socialism. Let's just call it globalism. It is really the re-emergence of a deadly political virus that kills, impoverishes, and enslaves. If you thought Nazism was bad, then you haven't seen anything yet.
    Suzanne and Byron like this.

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