Ireland has fallen

Discussion in 'Ireland' started by AidanK, Feb 24, 2018.

  1. lynnfiat

    lynnfiat Fiat Voluntas Tua

    Jesus told Conchita de Armida,"One of the main fruits of the mystical incarnation is the reign of the Holy Spirit, which must bring about the disappearance of materialism." (Diary, Feb. 19, 1911 - pg. 132) He was not speaking only of Ireland. Perhaps Our Lord is allowing you to know what will come very soon to the world. God bless you.
    Sanctus and DeGaulle like this.
  2. BrigidK

    BrigidK Guest

    Interesting, thank you. I imagine Facebook is at the same. I'm glad to have received the grace to give them all up and, praise God, I don't miss them a bit!!
    DeGaulle likes this.
  3. Sanctus

    Sanctus "Jesus I trust in you!"

    Thanks Lynn. God bless you too.
    DeGaulle likes this.
  4. DeGaulle

    DeGaulle Powers

    Materialism is inevitably disillusioning. What can a top-of-the-range BMW do, that is really essential and important, that a second-hand Toyota can't (I am speaking from a rural perspective whereby it is really difficult to live without private transport)? The country is full of big, empty houses which cost a fortune and a lot of dreary housework to maintain. Loneliness, even in the midst of madding crowds, is becoming a growing topic.

    Television, cinema and almost all popular music are such shallow media. No wonder people are going off their heads. Please God, they will start looking in the right places for meaning. Every day of one's life should be lived in the awareness of one's death.
  5. An Guilbneach

    An Guilbneach Mane Nobiscum Domine

    The way I see it, Ireland; its political class, many are heavily infected with socialism, radical feminism, gender ideology, its a socialist state. Our culture is neo-pagan ( cultural marxism if you like ) As for the Catholic Church, it is rare that you would hear a bishop or priest speak out against the evils of contraception, mindful of the fact that most are are abortifiant. Contraception is the root of so many problems both temporal & spiritual, destroying our families our Country and will bring many to eternal death. Humane Vitae must be defended at all cost.
    Cardinal Connell RIP, speaking in the 1990s said that the acceptance of contraceptive use, would lead in the end to the acceptance of homosexual practices. Those who voted for "same sex marriage" so called, have put their eternal salvation at risk, for it is apostasy from the Faith. Bishops need to come out and reaffirm the Churches Teaching on these matters, and call people to repentance.
    Holy Communion must not be given to those who are unrepentant, pro-abortion politicians, those living in adulterous unions, there are no exceptions. Faithful Catholics need to stay in the Church and defend it from within. As King Theoden said to his army before battle, ride forth and fear no darkness.
    HeavenlyHosts, AidanK and DeGaulle like this.
  6. lynnfiat

    lynnfiat Fiat Voluntas Tua

    From "In Sinu Jesu": Our Lady speaks, "I desire, my dear son, that Knock should become a place of pilgrimage for priests." "Knock is for all my people, but it was, from the beginning, destined to be a place of healing and of abundant graces for priests. Let this be made known to the bishops and priests of my Church." "I long to be the Virgin bride and Mother of all priests. In sacred intimacy with me they will find the holiness that my Son desires to give each of them: a radiant holiness, a holiness that will illumine the Church in these last days with the brightness of the Lamb."

    This is from "To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons" (Marian Movement of Priests) as told through Fr. Gobbi:
    "...dear sons of my Movement from England and Ireland, this land which is so threatened today by my Adversary, but so loved and protected by me." "In these countries of yours, the Church is seen as still divided although the problem of its unity is keenly felt by many. I bless the efforts which are being made on the part of so many to bring about the restoration of the unity of the Church. But I confide to you, my children, that this can only take place through a special miracle on the part of the Holy Spirit and through a special intervention of my Immaculate Heart. For this I need much prayer." "I promise you that, after the triumph of my Immaculate Heart, these countries of yours will have the joy of seeing once again a renewed and united Church, which will reflect everywhere the splendor of Christ." #296

    You must pray much for your country and tell your Bishops and Priests about Knock!
    HeavenlyHosts and An Guilbneach like this.
  7. AED

    AED Powers

    Thank you Mario. The trough lifted on Sunday. Amazing! What relief. Your prayers pack power my friend. Thanks again. God bless!
    HeavenlyHosts likes this.
  8. AED

    AED Powers

    I said the very same thing to a friend about being a child and wondering about those words from Hail Holy Queen but as an adult and an aging one at that the words have deep meaning.
    HeavenlyHosts and DeGaulle like this.
  9. AED

    AED Powers

    I pray for this Sanctus. I believe that too much comfort for a country is spiritually devastating. Witness the US. Too much of everything makes us think we don't need God--or worse we are our own little gods.
  10. MMM

    MMM Archangels

    Who needs the holy spirit when you've got Amoris Cube!!

    After Ireland gets saved by the Amoris Cube please send them to Canada so we can get saved too.

    Amoris Cube, I trust in you! :D
    Mario, Dolours and DeGaulle like this.
  11. jackzokay

    jackzokay Powers

    I was at a confirmatiom preparation mass recently. And the priest was fantastic. He talked about the holy spirit; and he outlined (to the swelled congregation on that particular sunday) the important role parents are required to play in the passing-on of the faith.
    It was a great mass.

    Weather pope Francis does this or that or the other has no bearing on my soul.

    The priests have it hard enough. ...often working alone in parishes. Saying many masses; facilitating confession; visiting the sick and then taking flak from the local press should they offend 'the secular' in their particular parishes.

    If you can't help them; leave them be!
    If you won't pray for them; then just button it!!
    AED, Light and DeGaulle like this.
  12. jackzokay

    jackzokay Powers

    yes, but we're not at this point yet.

    While on the ground there are numerous priests battling away; swamped and overrun.
    ...doing weddings, funerals, daily and sunday masses, taking confession, and running parishes practically single-handedly....

    What of them???

    I hate the way ppl on this site use prophecy so sweepingly!!!

    ask yourself this: what do I do for my local parish! how do I help Father WhatsHisName run things up at the chapel?

    by cooking him dinner? maybe by buying him some petrol? hoovering the chapel?

    I bet there aren't too many of the 'phrophecy pistols' here on this site that do much to help out the local priest about the parish, wha??!?
    AED and DeGaulle like this.
  13. paddymclovin40

    paddymclovin40 New Member

    Is it me or is Ireland been controlled by big brother telling us to stay indoors from 4pm today because there was a big storm coming. Here on the South coast did a cliff walk back to the cottage at 4pm and a bit of a breeze. It's still breezy at 10 pm. It's like the government knows best where is the common sense. Wait for the abortion debate and they will tell us the same thing that they know best. What did people do in 1947, 1963 and 1982 when they had a bad snow storm.
  14. jackzokay

    jackzokay Powers

    Paddy lad, my sentiments entirely. I live in the North, and while it was cold and a bit windy, I've been saying all day to anyone that'll listen that all this is sensational nonsense pushed upon us by the media.
    I'm about an hour back from playing 5-a-side football. Ran me heart out wuth 9 other lads. Loved every second of it!
    Mario, DeGaulle and AED like this.
  15. AED

    AED Powers

    First rule —-always take media with a grain of salt. Even weather media. We get the same thing here. Hype hype and more hype.
    maryrose and DeGaulle like this.
  16. AED

    AED Powers

    You are so right! Pray for them above all and if we see a need we should respond. I always make it a point to thank them after Mass and when the sermon is good tell them so. Maybe even if it isn’t. They are on the front lines with a target on their cassocks. They need spiritual and material support.
    DeGaulle likes this.
  17. jackzokay

    jackzokay Powers

    I made a new years resolution to always shake the priests hand after mass, instead of diving out....
    DeGaulle and AED like this.
  18. AidanK

    AidanK A great sinner

    The number of truly faithful Catholics, faithful to the chatechism, to our baptismal vows , to tradition, to the magisterium is decreasing. Those who remain are steadfast in our love of the Mass and our Marian devotion.
    Sanctus and josephite like this.
  19. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Last edited: Mar 2, 2018
  20. AidanK

    AidanK A great sinner

    Knock , "....a place of pilgrimage for priests". How terribly sad that priests of SSPX were turned away and prevented from offering Mass by shrine authorities.
    Roger Buck likes this.

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