Amazing news! The Great Sign!

Discussion in 'Spirit Daily and Spirit Digest' started by padraig, Nov 9, 2023.

  1. padraig

    padraig Powers

    We do prophecy here. And give air to a range of supposed seers, locutionists, and stigmatics. It is for discernment (Christianity is, after all, the “mystical Body of Christ”) only.

    One wonders.

    At Medjugorje, in Bosnia-Hercegovina, a “great sign” is promised in the seers’ first secrets.

    The same was true (allegedly) in north Spain.

    And more recently Ecuador.

    Now — Germany.

    [​IMG]It is there, in Siervenich, that a seer named Manuela Strack [see “Special Report“], reportedly looked favorably upon by her bishop — and one who was allowed to personally hand Saint Pope John Paul II a message from Jesus or the Virgin Mary (after meeting the day before with then-Cardinal Josef Ratzinger) — received a special “sign” from Heaven (she alleges) a year ago this month.

    “A large golden ball of light floats in the sky,” she said, describing what she was seeing on November 25, 2022. “This is accompanied by two smaller golden balls of light. The large golden ball of light opens and the merciful Child Jesus in Prague’s form emerges from this ball of light. The Divine child wears a golden robe and a golden mantle embroidered with white lilies and a large golden crown. The large golden crown of the Divine Child looks like the crown of the Child Jesus in Prague and is decorated with red and green gemstones.

    [​IMG]“The baby Jesus has short, dark brown curly hair and blue eyes. The Merciful Child wears a red heart open on His garment. In His right Hand He carries a large golden scepter. The head of the scepter is a golden cross decorated with rubies. In His left hand, the baby Jesus carries the Vulgate.

    “It floats closer to us. Now the other two light balls open. Two angels emerge from the two smaller balls of light, dressed in a simple, white, radiant robe. They wear straight, shoulder-length hair. Both angels bow before the King of Mercy and kneel before Him, taking the mantle of the Merciful Child and spreading it over us. We are all sheltered under the mantle of the King of Mercy.”

    “The King of Mercy comes near and says:

    “’Notice! Wherever My Most Holy Mother appeared, in every place of grace this sign will be.’”

    “Now the Divine Child shows me a pillar that is different during the day than it is at night. During the day it looks like it is made of clouds, and at night it looks like a pillar of fire. This will also be in Sievernich.”

    Manuela asserts that she then asked: “But Lord, this is a pillar! Will she appear then? When will this come, Lord?”

    “The Divine child says:

    “’Do not wait for the warning, do not wait for a miracle, for I can come to you any day, any minute, any second. Sanctify your soul! You are a temple of the Eternal Father. Take My words seriously. Live in the sacraments of the Church! So I can come to you as Savior.’”

    “Now the Vulgate opens. I see the Bible passage Revelation chapter 16, verse 10. The Vulgate shines down on us.”

    At LaSalette, France, the Blessed Mother appeared in a somewhat similar fashion, stepping from a ball or orb of luminosity.

    Do the words of Siervenich (if legitimate) comport with the “1990 prophecy,” an anonymous locution, also putatively from the Lord, that, while not indicating a Child, did indicate a phenomenon of light, saying: “I will come not as a man of flesh, but like My mother, who already nurses Me and holds Me in her arms, as a light and power. I will manifest Myself in a series of supernatural events similar to the apparitions but much more powerful. In other words, My second coming will be different than My first, and like My first, it will be spectacular to many but also unknown initially to many, or disbelieved. Yet truly I tell you, the arrogance of the world will have been broken, and so many more than normal will believe.

    “I will come in towering light.

    “My mother held me in her arms at Medjugorje, as an infant.

    “I will come as she has come, in light.” upload_2023-11-9_10-24-15.jpeg
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2023
    Jo M, Mary's child, Byron and 5 others like this.
  2. Blizzard

    Blizzard thy kingdom come

    This is 100% biblical.

    Exodus 13:21

    21 By day the LORD went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night.

  3. padraig

    padraig Powers

    So happy!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2023
  4. padraig

    padraig Powers

    I will have to take time to read the original message from Germany.

    If I had to guess it would be either early in 2024, around Easter, to conform with the Garbandal message or October 13th to sync with Fatima.

    But I would also guess if heaven is so specific it is very,very close now.
    Jo M, Mary's child, Byron and 6 others like this.
  5. Blizzard

    Blizzard thy kingdom come

    This man is connected to the German apparitions to Manuela Strack, which I find credible.

    He confirms what was discussed above and he also talks about the chastisement.

    Manuela mentions “storms of fire” coming from the sun.

    As we have discussed previously a SOLAR MICRONOVA is a very likely cause for the chastisement.

    It has happened before - about 12,000 years ago. It can happen again.

    Mary's child, Steve79, Julia and 2 others like this.
  6. Julia

    Julia Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

    I was puzzled about the German man saying the miracle after the warning would be the pillar of fire by night and a column of smoke by day.
    Wondering if the German seer whom he appears to know told him what the miracle would be. Conchita Gonzales only described it as a sign that would be visible, we could photo or film it but not touch it. Her description does indeed describe a pillar/column of smoke by day and fire by night.

    It is said that would be a sign Jews would recognise from the Old Testament and could be the means God uses to open their eyes to the Truth about Who Jesus Christ really is. Praised be Jesus and Mary. Glory be to God.

    Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of the faithful, enkindle in them the fire of Your Love.
    Send forth Your Sprit Lord, and renew the face of the earth.

    Father, You taught the hearts of the faithful by sending them the light of Your Holy Spirit.
    Send now Your Spirit oh Lord, and grant that we may be always truly wise,
    And ever rejoice in Your Holy Spirit. Amen
    Blizzard, Mary's child, Byron and 2 others like this.
  7. Steve79

    Steve79 Archangels

    I haven't looked into these apparitions at all so far. But I will probably do a bit more soon.
    My sister has been telling me about this seer from time to time.
    What is true is that the seer is regularly asked to hold nights of atonement/prayer to avert or mitigate things.
    This was also the case shortly before the severe flooding in the German Ahrtal, 2 years ago.
    Siervenich lies in this area and was spared.
  8. Michael_Pio

    Michael_Pio Archangels

    I am interested whether church authorities have taken any position on this? The picture shows Manuela with Cardinal Ratzinger, head of the Congregation of Faith.
    Mary's child likes this.
  9. padraig

    padraig Powers


    I never thought it was nukes as would end lifebon Earth.

    Also a Sokar Storm ties in with Fatima and the miracle of the sun.

    It would be a very quick, clean death. Kind really
    Blizzard and Mary's child like this.
  10. padraig

    padraig Powers

    I am camping so forgive the crazy spelling
    Mary's child, Byron and Ed Kleese like this.
  11. Mario

    Mario Powers

    I will try to find the source (Glenn Hudson will know), but there is a testimony of a shepherd boy returning to Garabandal in the evening. While walking over the hill of the pines, he reported standing in awe at a pillar of light that seemed to have no earthly source!

    See Thread by Glenn:
    Are the prophecies of “The Warning”, “The Miracle”, and the “Chastisement”, mentioned in the Bible?
    Blizzard, Mary's child and Byron like this.
  12. padraig

    padraig Powers

    I wonder if Glen. Might also have an idea of a Garabandal date if it happens in 2024,?
    Mary's child, Mario and Byron like this.
  13. padraig

    padraig Powers

    It might be the sign is earlier in the year as with Garabandak and the fire comes October 13 rh as with Fatima .

    But it is all related , I think to the false synod timing

    To stop it. To stop 'Pope' Frankie in what he intends To safeguard the deposit of the Faith from his wicked insane it.
    Lumena, Mary's child and Byron like this.
  14. padraig

    padraig Powers

    It is so interesting and exciting. I feel a little back the Magi when they saw the star of Betehem for the first time.

    I have been studying these things nearly all my life

    But now finally to see them.


    So excit5and happy.

    Tha k you Lord. A great, great gift
  15. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Plus if an exact date can be discovered I can be at a Marian Shrine, Knock to see it appearing for the first time with my own eyes

    Or maybe even to be at Garabandal itself!!

    So happy
    Mary's child and Byron like this.
  16. Michael_Pio

    Michael_Pio Archangels

    I have meanwhile looked into some of the witness testimonies. They all seem to be subjective, one person saw this, another person saw that. The way they are written suggests a bit of religious frenzy. The photos are mostly blurry, one of them seems to show a sunset.
    Sievernich is not comparable to, for example, Knock, Zeitoun, Akita or Fatima, where there is clear objective evidence of miracles, witnessed by many people simultaneously.

    A photo of M. Strack alongside Cardinal Ratzinger does not mean much. I have a photo of me alongside Cardinal Burke.

    Has this been reported to the local Bishop? What is his judgement, if any?

    The wording of the testimonies remind of some form of subjective hope to see something supernatural. I now remember, I looked into Sievernich years ago, and I remain skeptical.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2023
  17. padraig

    padraig Powers

    I must study up
    Michael_Pio likes this.
  18. padraig

    padraig Powers

    I might go to Germany to see.:)

    But I have a strong feeling they are true.

    We will see
  19. Michael_Pio

    Michael_Pio Archangels

    That would be awesome! I might do this myself.
    Never been to Sievernich. Every time I looked into these alleged apparitions, I have written them off. So when I went to Germany last time three months ago, I didn't even remember Sievernich.

    God bless!
    Byron likes this.

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