A Clear Reaffirmation of the Real Presence in Both Species

Discussion in 'The Sacraments' started by Mario, Mar 29, 2023.

  1. Mario

    Mario Powers


    Note that each species contains both the Body and Blood of the Lord.

    I mention this because some dioceses are returning to offering both the Body and the Precious Blood at the time of distributing Holy Communion. This would mean that in the absence of a gluten-free Host, a lactose-intolerant person receiving from the Cup would be receiving the whole of Christ.

    What an unfathomable and Precious gift God offers. Let us always receive attentively and with love-filled awe and devotion.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2023
    jackzokay, Xavier, AED and 9 others like this.
  2. xsantiagox

    xsantiagox Archangels

    I think I only received the Blood once or twice in my life!
    there's a joke among local catholics that the wine used for communion is a high quality brand of wine :p
    Xavier and AED like this.
  3. Xavier

    Xavier "In the end, My Immaculate Heart will Triumph."

    I am in favor of both the Holy Body and Precious Blood being distributed in every Mass/Liturgy, which is still the practice in the Christian East. This was the ancient practice in the Western Church also for the First Millennium. Of course, there should be proper reverence, firm faith in the Real Presence, Eucharistic Devotion etc. But imo, there is no reason, and it could also greatly spark and help the hoped-for Eucharistic Revival, not to universally restore Holy Communion "under both kinds", as it is called, i.e. to say, the distribution of the Holy Body, and the the Precious Blood, of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

    One of the sometimes neglected aspects of the effects of the Holy Communion/Eucharist is that it washes us from venial sin, as the Catechism of Trent teaches. When we receive the Precious Blood, we understand that the Blood of Jesus washes us from every sin, as the Bible says, not by "faith alone", but in Confession (mortal sin) and Holy Communion (venial sin). Since even the just man falls into sin 7 times every day, as the Bible says, it is fitting that we should have a daily remedy that daily cleanses us from venial sins, and this is Holy Communion; and the distribution of the Precious Blood better helps understand this reality. Edit: to clarify, I mean, for e.g. by Intinction, (the Body dipped in the Blood), as has been done in some of the Masses/DL's I've attended. God Bless.

    "In Fr. Michael Mueller’s must-read work, Blessed Eucharist: Our Greatest Treasure, Father explains the priceless value of the slightest degree of sanctifying Grace. If only we knew and appreciated the Treasure first sacrificed to God, and then offered to us as the living Victim on our Altars! All the wealth of all the world is as a little dust before the Lamb of God in One Holy Communion!

    "The Holy Eucharist, then, differs from the other Sacraments in this, that while the other Sacraments bestow upon us one or another of the fruits of Christ’s merits, this gives us the grace and merits of our Saviour in their source. The soul, therefore, receives an immense increase of Sanctifying Grace at each Communion. Dear Christian, let us reflect upon this for a moment… St. Thomas tells us that the lowest degree of Sanctifying Grace is worth more than all the riches of the world. Think, then, of all the riches of this world! The mines of gold, of precious stones, the forests of costly wood, and all the hidden stores of wealth, for the least of which treasures the children of this world are willing to toil and struggle and sin for a whole lifetime. Again, consider that the lowest grace which a humble Catholic Christian receives at the rails of the sanctuary at dawn of day, before the great world is astir, outweighs all those riches.

    But why do I draw my comparison from the things of this world?

    St. Teresa, after her death, appeared to one of her sisters in religion and told her that all the Saints in Heaven, without exception, would be willing to come back to this world and to remain here till the End of Time, suffering all the miseries to which our mortal state is subject, only to gain one more degree of Sanctifying Grace and the eternal glory corresponding to it.(!) ...

    The Second Effect of Holy Communion:
    The Remission of Venial Sins and Preservation

    As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father; so he that eateth Me, the same also shall live by Me. This is the bread that came down from heaven. Not as your fathers did eat manna, and are dead. He that eateth this bread, shall live for ever (Jn 6:58-59).

    Our Lord seems to connect regularly eating of His Flesh with overcoming sin, obtaining its remission and finally departing in the state of Grace. This is because, as the Council of Trent teaches us, as cited in a decree of Pope St. Pius X encouraging frequent Communion,

    The desire of Jesus Christ and of the Church that all the faithful should daily approach the sacred banquet is directed chiefly to this end, that the faithful, being united to God by means of the Sacrament, may thence derive strength to resist their sensual passions, to cleanse themselves from the stains of daily faults, and to avoid these graver sins to which human frailty is liable… Hence the Holy Council calls the Eucharist ‘the antidote whereby we may be freed from daily faults and be preserved from mortal sin.’

    Holy Communion is that Daily and Super-Substantial Bread [see Mt. 6:11, compared to Lk. 11:3 – panem nostrum supersubstantialem in the Vulgate] which Mother Church desires us to strive to live in such a way so as to receive daily. The Catechism of the Council of Trent cites St. Augustine in this regard, ‘St. Augustine, however, lays down a most certain norm: Live in such a manner as to be able to receive every day.’ …The words of St. Augustine, ‘Thou sinnest daily, receive daily,’ express not his opinion only, but that of all the Fathers who have written on the subject, as anyone may easily discover who will carefully read them. That there was a time when the faithful approached Holy Communion every day we learn from the Acts of the Apostles. All who then professed the faith of Christ burned with such true and sincere charity that, devoting themselves to prayer and other works of piety, they were found prepared to communicate daily. And in the same Catechism, the remission of venial sins is mentioned as one of the proper effects of the Eucharist,

    "It cannot be doubted that by the Eucharist are remitted and pardoned lighter sins, commonly called venial."

    From: https://onepeterfive.com/taste-and-...weet-the-marvelous-effects-of-holy-communion/
  4. TheDeuce

    TheDeuce Angels

    I've lived my whole life as a Ukrainian Catholic and it wasn't until a few years ago that I learned that the Latin Rite only had the Eucharist under one species. I never understood the reasoning for that outside of strict tradition. One benefit of the Eastern Rite tradition of two species is that, since the host is saturated with the wine, Communion in the hand is rendered impossible.

    Byron and AED like this.
  5. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    The consecrated Host is the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus, under one species.
  6. AED

    AED Powers

    Yes. The same at the Maronite Mass. It is so reverent and powerful.
    Shae, Prayslie, Byron and 1 other person like this.
  7. TheDeuce

    TheDeuce Angels

    Correct, and the efficacy of transubstantiation is in no way ameliorated whether the presentation is in one or two species. I do wonder why some traditionalists are so bothered by Roman Rite priests offering both species though.

  8. Sam

    Sam Powers

    The Veil Removed

    djmoforegon, Byron, Shae and 6 others like this.
  9. Carmel333

    Carmel333 Powers

    This was great except for the female angels. I guess they have to appeal to all the new ager Catholics out there.
    Sam likes this.
  10. josephite

    josephite Powers

    Maybe God restricted my vision but I didn't see any female angels.

    I saw many male and female saints praying with and encompassed by many angels.

    God could be inviting us to focus on the tremendous enormity of the Mass in this revelation.
  11. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Angels may appear to have gender in visions or in artwork, but that is just symbolism that makes it easier for us to think about them. If we were being strictly literal they couldn’t be seen in visions or depicted in artwork because, according to their immaterial nature, they have no visible or physical forms at all.

    From Catholic Answers
    Joan J, djmoforegon, Shae and 2 others like this.
  12. TheDeuce

    TheDeuce Angels

    Actually, if you look at medieval art, there are plenty of works depicting angels as being female. That's not a new ager Catholic phenomenon. That said, my understanding is that angels don't have a gender in the way mankind has. Since they don't reproduce they don't need the function that gender provides.

    As always, I'm happy to be corrected if my understanding is incorrect.

    Byron, HeavenlyHosts and Sam like this.
  13. Carmel333

    Carmel333 Powers

    The majority of Angels in the video were female. They had wings. I think it is best to reveal Angels in their male form so there is no confusion. Just as we reveal God in the male form. Especially in these times! Scripture has always maintained that females were not created until man and the creatures. All of the heavenly beings have always been male.
    Sam likes this.
  14. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    They actually have no sex. They are immaterial. But I don't have any dog in this fight. I loved the video. The first time I saw it, I wept. Thank you Sam.
    Sam likes this.
  15. Sam

    Sam Powers

    Although I loved the video, I was disturbed by the female angels too and wished the video had been done without them. And I know angels are pure spirit and take on forms for mortals, even human beings to see them.
    Carmel333, HeavenlyHosts and AED like this.
  16. Byron

    Byron Powers

    Watching this always gives me chills. Thank you.
    Joan J, Sam and HeavenlyHosts like this.
  17. Byron

    Byron Powers

    As for the female form of the angels, it doesn’t bother me. I’ve had angels come to me in female form.
    AED, Sam and HeavenlyHosts like this.
  18. Joan J

    Joan J HolySpiritCome!

    I didn't focus on gender, only the reminder of being in the company of saints & angels at Mass.
    Sam, Byron and HeavenlyHosts like this.
  19. Joan J

    Joan J HolySpiritCome!

    I still weep
    Sam, Byron and HeavenlyHosts like this.
  20. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    I believe you. Right before my mother died of cancer, I sprained my ankle really bad. She knew it when she saw me. After she passed away, I sprained the same ankle again. Really bad. I was in the supermarket and this tall man came up to me and told me to go to physical therapy.
    I did. It worked.
    I have felt to this day that God and my mom sent that angel to me.
    Sam likes this.

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