Words of encouragement when we feel our efforts fall short

Discussion in 'Books, movies, links, websites.' started by miker, Jul 12, 2024.

  1. miker

    miker Powers

    I really needed and was encouraged by these words today…. My wife and I at times do feel alone when we speak and hopefully act out our faith with family and friends. They mostly ignore or say “that’s nice” :) And every so often we get sone angry push back. I often feel like throwing up my hands but I know this is not right response.

    We are on vacation in beautiful Adirondacks (NY) and today is my bride and my 38th wedding anniversary. We go every year to a little chapel called Sacred Hesrt- it always touches us because we were married in a different chapel but also called Sacred Heart. Rosary and Mass are early… our kids think we nuts for getting up early to drive a bit to get there. And then think we are nuttier when we say we could not think of a better anniversary gift for each other than to be with the 3rd person- actually the most important one - Jesus Christ on this day.
    Please be assured of our prayers for all on forum. Pray for us and our family- as parents all I want is for them to know and love Christ! Peace

    Tough Crowd
    By Fr. Steve Ryan, SDB

    Evangelizing in today’s world can make you feel a bit like Rodney Dangerfield – “Tough crowd, I tell you.” “No respect, I tell you.”

    Preaching and teaching the faith with joy and friendliness and sharing about Jesus with lots of enthusiasm is always the best approach in evangelizing others. But even with all that, and even with preparation and a good relational approach, it’s not easy. It’s challenging to evangelize in 2024. Not impossible, but I believe harder than in the past. There’s a tough crowd out there! Jesus and the Catholic faith are considered irrelevant by many. For lots of people, there are all kinds of distractions, pursuits, pleasures and interests that hold a greater priority in their lives.

    In the Scripture readings last Sunday, the Lord told the prophet Ezekiel (paraphrased): “I am sending you to the Israelites, who have been rebelling against me. You are going to find them hard-hearted and obstinate. Now listen Ezekiel – whether they heed you or resist you – don’t back down! They ought to know at least one thing after you’ve been with them – that somebody had the guts to speak up! Go: be a prophetic voice among them.”

    Jesus himself faced a tough crowd when he went back to Nazareth to evangelize. Going back to the village of his childhood, his own relatives showed apathy and even hostility toward him. Christ seemed startled at the lack of openness he received. The people said (again paraphrased): “Where did Jesus get all this? Is he not a carpenter? I remember him working with his father. He’s the son of Mary. I remember him when he was a child. And we all know his cousins and uncles – ‘this guy’ is not so special.” And they got offended that he was preaching and teaching. They didn’t want to hear it. Talk about a “tough crowd”!

    What does Jesus do? He stays firm. He stays joyful. He keeps preaching and teaching. He gives us an example of humility.

    In a world today where the Christian faith is dismissed as irrelevant, our job (as part of the fulfillment of our baptismal call to holiness) is to keep throwing out the seeds of the Gospel. Like the farmer in the parable of the seed and the soil, we are going to encounter, in many cases, people who are impenetrable, disinterested and even hostile. Keep evangelizing anyway. In other cases, people who are nominally Christian but not ready to commit to discipleship will also take our message lightly. Preach to them anyway. These non-commits are shallow or distracted by worldly pursuits. Don’t get discouraged; they may eventually come along.

    The example of Ezekiel and of Christ himself teaches us that we have a mandate: preach the Gospel. And preach it even when tough crowds await us. Preach everywhere and always and let joy be the first tool in your toolbox.
    sterph, Sam, Pax Prima and 6 others like this.
  2. Happy Anniversary!!!!
    Pax Prima, Jo M, miker and 1 other person like this.
  3. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Happy Anniversary and prayers.
    I priest I know says “if God isn’t in it, it isn’t a marriage.”
    Blessings for you, your wife, and wonderful family.
    Sam, Pax Prima, Jo M and 2 others like this.
  4. AED

    AED Powers

    Loved this post.
    Happy Anniversary!!!
  5. bflocatholic

    bflocatholic Powers

    Happy Anniversary!!
  6. LMF

    LMF Archangels

    Happy Anniversary to you ~ and may the good God always be with you both ~

  7. Jo M

    Jo M Powers

    A blessed anniversary ! Prayers. :)
  8. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Awesome prayer card
    miker, Jo M, Pax Prima and 1 other person like this.
  9. RoryRory

    RoryRory Perseverance

    A wonderful post! May you Miker and your bride have many more anniversaries and have much peace in God’s love. You are prayed for often.
    Sam, miker, HeavenlyHosts and 2 others like this.

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