"When the communism comes back..."

Discussion in 'Marian Apparitions' started by Basto, Dec 31, 2023.

  1. Byron

    Byron Powers

    Just the beginning.
    AED, Basto and Pax Prima like this.
  2. Byron

    Byron Powers

    France is falling.
    Agnes McAllister and Pax Prima like this.
  3. PurpleFlower

    PurpleFlower Powers

    What's happening?
    Mary's child, Pax Prima and Carmelite like this.
  4. Byron

    Byron Powers

    The Leftists won.
    Pax Prima and Agnes McAllister like this.
  5. Basto

    Basto Archangels

    The Chinese Communist Party is rewriting the bible. According to the new communist gospel, Jesus kills the woman caught in adultery.

    Jason Fernando and Pax Prima like this.
  6. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    I suspect China will be hit with the worst imaginable chastisements as a result.
  7. PurpleFlower

    PurpleFlower Powers

    This is horrific.
  8. AED

    AED Powers

    God will not be mocked. There will be a price to pay one way or the other. We are living in days worse than Noah. Those Olympic horrors prove it!
    Jo M, Basto, LMF and 6 others like this.
  9. AED

    AED Powers

    Did they really? Or was there some skullduggary?
    Jason Fernando and Pax Prima like this.
  10. AED

    AED Powers

    Yes. All the saints and all the shrines and magnificent cathedrals--all seemingly for nothing. Like the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus said to Satan/Judas. "This is your hour. The hour of darkness."
    Jo M, Jason Fernando, Byron and 4 others like this.

  11. God Himself said it...



    Mario, Jo M, AED and 6 others like this.
  12. Basto

    Basto Archangels

    Political Prisoner Priest Andrzej Juchniewicz In Exhausted State


    The priest is deprived of many basic human needs.

    The rector of the Roman Catholic parish in Shumilino, Father Andrzej Jukhniewicz, has been in prison for more than two months. It is still unknown what he is accused of.

    The website Catholic.life reports that the believers of the parish of the Mother of God of Fatima in Shumilino still do not know what exactly and under what article their rector Andrzej Yukhniewicz is accused — this is explained by the secret investigation. The priest has a lawyer, but he also does not say anything, since he was forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement.

    The only thing that was conveyed to the believers was that the priest was in an exhausted state; he was deprived of many basic human needs. For example, only recently was he given the opportunity to take a shower — after almost two months of imprisonment.

    Believers write letters to the rector in the pre-trial detention center, deliver parcels so that he does not feel alone, and try to petition the investigative and prosecutorial authorities to have him released from custody on his own recognizance. The parish wrote a collective appeal to the office of the Commissioner for Religious and National Affairs, but they replied that they could not help in this matter.

    Nothing is known about the actions of the church structures — there have been no public prayers, statements, reminders about the priest’s situation or any minimal information yet, notes Catholic.life.

    Andrzej Juchniewicz was detained on May 8. First, the priest was accused of posting an image of a white-red-white flag and the flag of Ukraine on his Facebook profile photo in February 2022.

    Yukhnevich was sentenced to 15 days of administrative arrest four times in a row, and then a criminal case was opened and he was transferred to a pre-trial detention center. Human rights activists recognized him as a political prisoner.


  13. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    praying for him
  14. Basto

    Basto Archangels

    Last edited: Aug 2, 2024
    Pax Prima and Luan Ribeiro like this.
  15. Byron

    Byron Powers

    Pax Prima, Luan Ribeiro and Basto like this.
  16. Basto

    Basto Archangels

    Thirteen priests and religious Catholics detained in Nicaragua
    Nicaragua’s President Daniel Ortega poses for a photo during the ALBA Summit at the Palace of the Revolution in Havana, Cuba, Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2021. (Credit: Adalberto Roque/Pool Photo via AP.)

    SÃO PAULO, Brazil – At least 13 priests, deacons, and members of religious congregations have been illegally detained by the Nicaraguan government since Aug. 1, in what has been the worst wave of persecution to the Church since January.

    In the first month of the year, 15 priests, two seminarians, and two bishops – including Rolando Alvarez, bishop of Matagalpa – were sent to the Vatican in exile.

    The arrests of 12 clergy members were reported by Nicaragua Nunca Más (Nicaragua Never More), a group founded by seven Nicaraguan human rights activists exiled in Costa Rica in 2019. The organization informed that most of the detainees worked in the Diocese of Matagalpa, which is administered by Alvarez from exile.

    The detention of Father Harvin Torrez, who heads the Seminary of Matagalpa, occurred on Aug. 5, according to the local press.

    In a statement released on Aug. 3, Nicaragua Nunca Más emphasizes that “many parishes have been harassed” and that there’s no information concerning the current location of some of the detained priests.

    The arrested group includes Father Ulises Vega and Father Edgard Sacasa, the two current administrators of the Diocese of Matagalpa; Father Marlon Velasquez, vicar of the Santa Lucia parish in Ciudad Dario; Father Francisco Tercero of the Solingalpa community; Father Jairo Pravia and Father Victor Godoy, in charge of the Immaculate Conception of Mary parish, in Sebaco; Mexican-born Father Raúl Villegas, who was working in a parish in Matiguas; Father Antonio Lopez; Father Salvador Lopez; Deacon Ervin Aguirre; Friar Silvio José Romero; and Friar Ramon Morras.

    The statement recalls that the Catholic Church in Nicaragua has been facing several losses, like the cancellation of the legal status of Radio Maria, a station that operated in the Central American country for 24 years.

    “Since 2018, the regime of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo has canceled the legal status of at least 419 civic organizations, both Catholic and Protestants, and Catholic religious people, Catholic nuns, workers of Catholic organizations and means of communication, and lay people have been the State violence’s major targets,” the letter read.

    Nicaragua Nunca Más concludes the document by demanding the immediate release of all detained priests and of another 140 political prisoners currently held in Nicaraguan penal institutions, among them 25 women.

    Between February of 2023 and January of 2024, at least 34 priests were sent to exile by Ortega’s regime, according to Nicaraguan media outlet Confidencial. Such losses corresponded to one fifth of the number of priests it had in 2020, Confidencial said. Matagalpa, Siuna, Bluefields, Estelí, and Managua had been the most impacted dioceses.

    Matagalpa alone had lost 40 percent of its clergy by January. According to lawyer Martha Patricia Molina, a Catholic activist who has been monitoring the persecution of the Church from exile in the United States, Matagalpa had 70 active priests before the regime’s move. Now, there are only 22 remaining.

    “The sociopolitical and religious situation in Nicaragua now is one of permanent and escalating crisis,” Alvaro Leiva Sanchez, leader of the Nicaraguan Association for the Defense of Human Rights (ANPDH) from exile in Costa Rica.

    Leiva said that human rights activists fear for the current conditions of the detained priests. Fr. Marlon Velasquez, for example, “was violently kidnapped by agents of the regime in Ciudad Dario and taken to an unknown location in Managua.”

    “We can imagine that he and others may be undergoing torture and illegal imprisonment right now,” he added.

    Father Erick Díaz, currently exiled in the United States, posted on X that all such occurrences took place “as the world looked at the events in Venezuela.”

    “Almost all our clergy have been exiled, imprisoned, the parishes are left alone. The priests are innocent. Enough with religious persecution,” he declared.

    Leiva Sanchez thinks that “Ortega’s regime has no limits and will keep sending the same message to society and to a few segments that still dare to have a critical voice.”

    “The Church is no exception in this situation. Today we have a decimated Church after the detentions and deportation of so many clergy members who did nothing but mention the human rights violations in Nicaragua,” he said.

    In his opinion, the Vatican is not giving to the Nicaraguan Church the necessary support.

    “The high levels of the hierarchy in Rome have been maintaining the same attitude when it comes to the persecution in our nation. I don’t see it backing the Nicaraguan clergy,” Leiva said.


    Sam, Byron, Pax Prima and 1 other person like this.
  17. Mario

    Mario Powers

    I must pray for this outrageous situation.:cry::cry::cry::mad::love:

    O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!
    HeavenlyHosts, Sam, Pax Prima and 3 others like this.
  18. Pax Prima

    Pax Prima Powers

    Maduro has accused international zionists of staging the current resistance in Venezuela, which for me further confirms that the war in the world is between communism and masonic-zionism.
    garabandal and Basto like this.
  19. Byron

    Byron Powers

    Very little difference. Don’t get fooled into believing that Maduro’s speeches are against Zionism, communism, or even the U.S. liberal State Department. These puppets like Cuba’s Castro always in their speeches go against “the establishment,” but it’s the establishment that keeps them in power. It’s like when the Democrats accuse Republicans of things that they are guilty of.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2024
    Basto likes this.
  20. Pax Prima

    Pax Prima Powers

    I believe that the two primary political forces in the world are those of communism and masonic-zionism, and that they have been at war for some time. Being that Maduro is clearly on the side of the globalist communist forces, it becomes clear why he states that international zionists are behind the current resistance in Venezeula. He also is likely right. As well, I have also not seen Maduro speak out openly against communism. I believe that the masonic-zionists are essentially babylon and that the communist side is the beast. The two sides are currently at war in many nations, though not necessarily with overt violence, not yet anyway.

    The narratives of these two sides are apparent in the media, and the voices/actions of politicians. Directing people to choose a side, of which both are toxic. We even see these two sides most openly in the war in the Holy Land.

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