What are some major, recommended ways to spread my prayer group & website?

Discussion in 'PC Help' started by RosaryWielder, Nov 9, 2022.

  1. RosaryWielder

    RosaryWielder Founder of Claritas

    I've been spreading my prayer group, mostly by printing out flyers and mailing them to various parishes, cathedrals and shrines. What are some good ways to spread the word about my prayer group and website, specifically ways, that don't cost too much money?
    Prayslie likes this.
  2. Ananchal

    Ananchal Vigilans

    You could contact EWTN or other local Catholic radio stations to advertise it on their website or even on air.
    RosaryWielder likes this.
  3. Adoremus

    Adoremus Powers

    Social media is very powerful, if you could persuade a Catholic group or individual with a lot followers to give you a mention (Instagram and twitter especially). Maybe a page like Catholic Connect on Instagram, they have 300k followers.
    RosaryWielder and padraig like this.
  4. padraig

    padraig Powers

    It's true its online nowadays is the way.

    But I recall the words of St Louis Grignion De Montford that Our Lady promised him his Religious Orders would always be small but good.

    Being small is not always bad. I like it that this Forum is small. If God wants it to be big I am happy to let Him make it so. But I am happy with small.
    Prayslie and RosaryWielder like this.
  5. RosaryWielder

    RosaryWielder Founder of Claritas

    Someone told me that a donation button on my site would make it look more legit. While I'm hoping to gain a fair amount of income working on my family's farm, I do see the need for extra finances down the line to expand this prayer group and the like. What would you recommend for receiving online donations? I do have PayPal, but I'm dubious of it; do you know any other company like it that's international and/or available in both Canada & Chile?

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