I asked the Infant of Prague to hear yours and our prayers for little Callie Miraculous Infant, I believe in Your promise of peace, blessings, and freedom from want. I place every need and care in Your hands. Lord Jesus, may I always trust in Your generous mercy and love. I want to honor and praise You, now and forever. Amen
I will offer my reception of Holy Communion for Callie. Join us, Therese; unite your prayers with ours!
Just to let you know I am praying for your intensions John. Our lord has His little Callie in His hands, She is dear to Gods most Sacred heart! I don't know what that means but I know it is special! Callie is special ! God Bless Callie and her family right now My continued prayers
Baby Callie isn't doing well just now begging urgent urgent prayer Ive asked God to send an army of angels as I type St Charbel relics, St Pio's mit and a priest who will give Callie her confirmation are all on their way to the hospital
Thank you..baby callie was confirmed today and blessed with the relics..I have great hope My little sister therese sent me message earlier an advertisement popped up on my phone not only a rose but look at the name of the company..