This winter

Discussion in 'The mystical and Paranormal' started by garabandal, Jul 22, 2021.

  1. Michael Pio

    Michael Pio Archangels

    Here is the final part of the prophecy as published by Arnold de Wion in Lignum Vitae in 1595. This list ends with "In extreme persecution of the Holy Roman Church will sit.", attributable to Pope Francis. Anything added in the 19th century would be a hoax.

    Yes, it is arguable that these are merely symbols that could mean anything. I find it remarkable for example that Pope JP I is identified as De Medietate Lunae, when he reigned for one month and had the name Luciani, or Pope Benedict XV (who reigned at the beginning of the World Wars) is given the symbol Religio Depopulata (depopulated religion), or Paul VI is titled Flos Florum (flower of flowers) when he had three lilies in his coat of arms.

    Whether the so called St. Malachi line of Popes is true or fake prophecy we will soon know, because the lives of Gloria Olivae (Pope em. Benedict) and the one who sits in the persecution of Holy Church are both coming to an end.

    According to the prophecy, there is a breach after this, which could imply either an end of the institution of the papacy altogether, or a new era akin to something like the triumph of the Immaculate Heart, with the holy prelate as promised by Our Lady of Good Success, for which some holy people on this forum are offering a 54 day novena which I hope to join after 15 August 2021.

    We will soon see the outcome, one way or the other. On my bookshelf is a book by Fr. Gruner (may God rest his soul), with the title "world enslavement or peace". One way or the other, it will soon be decided, very soon.

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    Last edited: Jul 24, 2021
  2. padraig

    padraig Powers

    I strongly suspect that the two Jesuit priests who more not less reinvented St Malachy's prophesies were heavily influences by their fellow French compatriot Nostradamus.

    I am afraid it is all Hokus Pokus.

    I suppose harmless Hokus Pokus in a way. But still, Hokus Pokus.

    Make things up, make them sound mysterious, see how it all flies.

    Hokus Pokus. I see no evidence to support any of this in Scripture or the Traditions of the Church.

    It's a bit like a blow up Castle for mystics. It lets folks jump up and down a little and have fun. But there's no real substance to it. No harm in it all, but no real good either. But if it keeps folks happy...

    Hokus Pokus.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2021
    Sam and Shae like this.
  3. BrianK

    BrianK Powers Staff Member

    Which of course brings us full circle:

    The Oxford English Dictionarytells of a conjurer called Hocus-Pocus who used the phrase as part of a faux-Latin incantation during his act: “Hocus pocus, tontus talontus, vade celeriter jubeo.” It’s been plausibly suggested that hocus-pocus is a corruption of the genuine Latin words hoc est enim corpus meum, “for this is my body,” spoken during the consecration of the Roman Catholic Mass when the wine and wafer are said to be transformed into the body and blood of Christ. Some experts, presumably non-Catholic, think hocus-pocus itself was then corrupted into the word hoax.​
  4. padraig

    padraig Powers

    The origins of the original Black Masses are thought to derive from a similiar misinterpretation of the Roman Liturgy.

    The Ancient Romans though the Christian were actually indulging in canabalistic Rites, eating human flesh and drinking blood and at their parties sought to imitate this by doing similar things as a way of drawing down magical power.These were the first Black Masses in Situ. They found they worked and then they became more sophisticated. Such as as seeking actual consecrated hosts.

    The Black Mass is just that old.
    BrianK likes this.
  5. Michael Pio

    Michael Pio Archangels

    Arnold de Wion, who published this in Lignum Vitae in 1595 was a Benedictine. St Philip Neri, who is likely the author of the line of Popes on page 311, was the founder of the Congegration of the Oratory. Neither was a Jesuit.

    Yes, perhaps you are right, it is all Hokus Pokus. We will soon know because we are in the last line of the prophecy, "in persecutione extrema", physical life of the person referred to coming to an end.

    So we can either expect a new beginning, a severe breach in the line of Popes, a significant new start. Or it is all Hokus Pokus and things will just continue normally. We will soon know.
  6. Katfalls

    Katfalls Powers

    Just wondering on your thoughts . . .it does mention Pope Benedict, then shifts to the last Pope, Peter the Roman. Perhaps Pope Francis is not mentioned because Pope Benedict is still the legitimate Pope, and Francis is skipped over because Peter will be the next Pope. Just a thought, open to other's thoughts. But time will tell.

    Lumena likes this.
  7. BrianK

    BrianK Powers Staff Member

    Yes, you’ve stated exactly what is on many of our minds, but didn’t have the guts to say out loud.
  8. thomas21

    thomas21 Archangels

    I'd be wary of being too confident that what we are going to experience is a minor chastisement.

    First, we must be aware that some prophecies are conditional. Jonah, a true prophet, prophesied about the immanent destruction of Nineveh. But they repented and it didn't materialize. It could be that, if Russia were consecrated as per Our Lady's requested, we would have a period of peace before the antichrist came. But given how her requests weren't heeded Russia spread her errors, the pope is a prisoner in the Vatican and soon nations will be annihilated. In either case Russia will be consecrated and the Immaculate Heart will triumph.

    Second, the Jews had their own timelines and expectations and so crucified their much awaited messiah. It didn't matter that prophecies were fulfilled right in front of their noses; the didn't notice because they expected something else.

    With the upcoming passports we see a chance for the mark of the beast materializing in front of our eyes. We need to have the passports to do many things in society, and the governments are using rhetoric to make the unvaccinated a hated out group. When the economic house of cards collapses, non-digital currency will be worthless, and it is likely the financial ID will be joined to the "health passports". Thus we cannot buy or sell without the ID, and anyone without the mark will be hated/killed.

    In the Church we see ecumenism going mad. We also see Francis promoting the jab, UBI and a new world order. It is likely that after a war we'll be expected to put our religious differences aside and work to have a peaceful fraternity with all people, races and religions--as the god of surprises beckons. This is when I expect the antichrist to show himself in the temple of God (the Catholic Church) as though he were God, promising a utopia and doing false miracles. Considering how naively most people fell for the COVID scam, this deception would work. In the prophecy of Daniel the daily sacrifice (mass?) is taken away and replaced with the abomination of desolation.

    Will we be the generation to live through the great tribulation? I don't know. but we see clear foreshadowing of the great tribulation, so we shouldn't be too confident that it is far away.
    Sam, AED, Mary's child and 1 other person like this.
  9. health passports = still the same Mark of the Beast, just with a different name, you still cannot buy nor sell without its mark. A lot of faithful Christians would be persecuted because of this...
    AED and Mary's child like this.
  10. padraig

    padraig Powers

    I think sometimes when writers when writers use the term, 'Minor Chastisement ', they are using it relative to the final agonies before the End of Time.

    As spoken of in Scripture that a time of suffering will come upon the World such as it has not seen up to that time, nor will it see (again) till the End of the World.
  11. padraig

    padraig Powers

    However it will seem like the End of the World.

    So in a relative sense it is, 'Minor'.
  12. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    I am considering that the starting point for the great punishment might be 2022; with the synod in Germany, we know that we owe obedience to the Roman Pontiff, however synods and ecumenical councils only have doctrinal validity if they are ratified by the pontiff, in this case Francis could abdicate this power in the name of the Synod Church project; then there is a chance for the Synod in Germany and other national synods to introduce heresies into Church doctrine and liturgy.
    Te Deum likes this.
  13. Te Deum

    Te Deum Archangels

    Michael, Came across this site following your post earlier on the 15 visions of Handwercher and it's already translated by pressing the English option.
    Michael Pio and AED like this.
  14. Michael Pio

    Michael Pio Archangels

    Awesome, thank you Te Deum for suggesting to click on 'English' on the right. The translation is far from perfect, seems like an automated translation, but it is a start.

    Having read it, one must say the translation is quite poor and some things are wrongly translated, though the bulk of the translation is at least correct, if awkwardly worded. In any case, no translation could ever do justice to the beautiful poetry Pr. Franz Sales Handwercher has composed in the German language.

    Te Deum, I am grateful you have pointed this out!

    Notably, Pr. Franz Handwercher was sort of the German equivalent of St. Jean Vianney. He had a reputation of sainthood even whilst alive and gave prophecies. I am not sure how credible this particular prophecy is, but I find it interesting that he foresaw a temporary stop of all Sunday worship (refer lockdowns), a chastisement by God with fire falling from the sky (refer Fatima & Akita), and massive number of deaths on a global scale due to the chastisement, followed by a an amazing resurrection of the Holy Catholic Church.

    Pr. Handwercher was in regular contact with his local Bishop Johann Michael Sailer. Whilst there is no official approval of Pr. Handwercher's prophecy, one could say that Bishop Sailer was the spiritual director of Pr. Handwercher. Of cousre, doubt remains about this prophecy, as is the case with so many.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2021
  15. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Thank you, Michael and Te Deum.

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