There is no blow to the hope of the faithful w/Joseph Lomangino's death.

Discussion in 'GARABANDAL LIBRARY' started by Victory123, Jan 26, 2018.


What do you think?

  1. I never looked at it like that.

    2 vote(s)
  2. I believe God is preparing us for what is coming and I agree!

    4 vote(s)
  1. Please explain what you mean by the following statement you posted...

    'The Incarnation" which is Jesus Christ come in the flesh, not God come in the flesh of Jesus Christ , for John knows Christ is God and says: one must be able to confess Jesus Christ has come in the flesh. This means in the flesh of Mary.
    It is from her flesh that Christ is woven, by the Holy Spirit. Spirit inception of her egg.

    Do you believe that Jesus had his own physical body or not?
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2018
  2. I will not argue with you about the Catholic Church being The Church Christ established.
    I accept Her authority as established by Christ.
    You have made it clear you reject Her authority.

    I am just curious about your statement in the post I quoted above. Could you clarify what you believe about Christ's physical body/ the Incarnation?
    josephite likes this.
  3. Don_D

    Don_D ¡Viva Cristo Rey!

    Victory thank you for your post, I think it is certainly insightful. I too think it prudent to have a spiritual director especially when you are hearing the Holy Spirit speak about such things or guiding you into them. You know that there are many ways in which we can be deceived, and we must always be on our guard against it. Please don't consider I am implying that anything you have posted is such or that you are, only that because you are praying and listening so aptly that having a spiritual director will be a friend and helper, not a task master. Someone to share your messages with that is also watching and praying for your good.

    Can I ask what you mean by having traversed?
    josephite likes this.
  4. josephite

    josephite Powers

    True Jesus did say....... For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” but He did not add that this is the authority of my church!

    I know that two protestants can gather together in Christs name and yes He is there in the midst of them! but did He say that this is His Church?,,,, No!

    I know that two Catholics can gather in Christs name and yes He is there in the midst of them! but did He say that this is His Church?.....No!

    In fact He only refers to His Church when he addresses Peter!

    Jesus made it very clear that Peter was the head of His Church and that he had the keys to the Kingdom!

    I have witnessed this even in my own life, with quite simple means! such as praying with my grandchildren in Christs name and Yes I feel Our Lords presence there, because Jesus is truly there!

    Yet if my grandson or I deliberate about the meaness of Johnny Nogood [at my grandsons school], we cannot take this into our own hands and make a ruling on Johnny Nogood's behaviour as a blanket judgement for the whole of the Church!

    The final ruling on any dilemma or any teaching must be with the authority of the Church.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2018
    Byron, Carol55 and (deleted member) like this.
  5. Victory123

    Victory123 Guest

    Christ is the authority of the Church. If he is present, authority is present. You can not ever separate the two. MATTHEW 12:50 "For whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother.”

    You are basing faith from a Protestant position? This is for those who do the will of His Father who is in heaven. That means all things including exalting Mary. As The Arch Angel Michael did And Elisabeth . Luke1:28 and Luke1:42. This is the confessing that is required in 1John 4:1-6. The Lord has revealed to me who the Protestants are in scripture. They are NOT doing the will of His Father in heaven.
  6. Victory123

    Victory123 Guest

    That is not the question? Of course I do .Do we all have our own Body? I do not mean Christ is walking around inside Mary's body doing things. REALLY? You have not understood. Christ's human side comes from Mary, He has taken on her flesh to be a man. You know like all humans do. We have our DNA passed onto us by our parents. Since He only has ONE flesh parent it is her DNA. John knows this and says "All who confess Jesus Christ , has come in the flesh is of God." Jesus Christ is God, begotten and not made. The Holy Spirit , the Power of the Most High overshadows her and the Word is made flesh by her flesh. He becomes flesh through her. To me, not complicated to understand.
  7. Carol55

    Carol55 Ave Maria

    Victory123, Our Lady of Garabandal spoke of a tribulation which will occur before the Warning and the seers were very frightened about this. I agree with your statement, "I believe anything said by Mary has already been revealed in scripture." Based on this statement which scripture do you believe speaks of the tribulation that Mary prophesized to occur before the Warning? I am interested in your opinion on this, I believe that there are many general scriptures which speak of a tribulation so many answers are applicable but do you have a specific scripture in mind? As I stated, I think that this prophesized tribulation could relate to Ezekiel 38/39 and the global effects that this war will have. Thank you in advance.
    Victory123 likes this.
  8. Victory123

    Victory123 Guest

    Yes I agree a terrible Woe is coming. The first Woe, Rev.12:12Therefore, rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short!” Since the Revelation 12 sign has happened , Sept 23 2017 which concluded over Israel , it is the hour of this Prophecy and therefore, is in this prophecy. All events coincide with Mary fulfilling her work in the Elect,( We fully being Christ like). This is the bringing forth of the "MALE CHILD" who "WAS" =already happened, caught up to God's throne. So this bringing forth is in our souls. It is through applying the umbilical cord of our faith ,"THE ROSARY" that this happens. Though the dragon stands before her, to devour her Child she prevails and accomplishes what is purposed by God. What you are presenting is for now, yes ,this is a war=first woe. Ezekiel 38-39, Rosh,='HEAD" who will head this war, or who is the HEAD of the enemies of God's people, 'GOG, meaning: enemies of God's people, and rules, Magog =lands ruled by satan. We are given a description of who these people will be. Meshech= (long or tall and are drawn out by force) They are who are 'TUBAL"= (forger's of all implements of bronze and iron) I have research this and bronze and iron where developed in earlier times and the metals were harvested from the Korean Peninsula So this is the nation of people known for this. They will carry out=be drawn out by force =( the force which governs them) and bring about this war. The "force" behind all evil people and their kingdoms is Satan. Togarmah= they are that which is all bone= have no substance = no faith in The God of Israel. Our God! Now we have to look at 'ROSH" cause this is who actually is the Head of these nations who will take part in this war which will be instigated by this nation of bronze and iron implements. Meshech meaning : long- concerning their history and establishment as a people. Not like America. Rosh the Head is Russia, the clue is in Ezeikel 38-39: 38;5-6
    5 Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet: These all have an alliance with Russia. Therefore , military and weapon funding comes by Russia , so does North Korea get its weapons from Russia. All these nations are Islamic or atheist. Hence, of Bones= NO FAITH IN OUR GOD. Gomer meaning : (COMPLETION) These nations complete the BONE NATIONS. We know ancient Persia then and today consisted of : These nations that have coasts along the Persian Gulf: Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. The gulf's strategic location has made it an ideal place for human development over time. Today, many major cities of the Middle East are located in this region. Turkey and Egypt will play a role in this too.

    6 Gomer, and all his bands; the house of Togarmah of the north quarters, and all his bands: and many people with thee.


    The earliest excavated metal specimen was a flat iron axe made of high-grade forged steel from the Magarita
    site in Fukuoka prefecture (dated to the Initial Yayoi period) and the Saitoyama site (Early Yayoi period) also in
    Fukuoka prefecture.

    Iron tools excavated from the Yayoi period include:






    point planes;



    reaping knives;


    needles; and



    Among the first imports from mainland Asia were the large bi-facially beveled stone axes used for harvesting
    lumber. Other new items introduced from the peninsula: stone reaping knives, wooden rakes for preparing
    fields, farming spade and hoe, polished stone daggers and arrowheads (along with cylindrical beads and the
    raised granary warehouse) were previously unknown in the Japanese islands.

    Although the immigrants came with the knowledge of metallurgy techniques, metals were too scarce to be used
    as farming tools, so stone was still used with occasional iron tips for the tools. Quadrangular stone axes and flat
    plano-convex stone adze heads were used to make wooden farming implements, pestles and mortars, following
    the earlier Jomon tradition of stone tool-kits.

    By the end of the Yayoi period, nearly all stone tools had become extinct, a sign that they had been replaced by
    iron. Iron was a valuable material however, and was constantly recycled and remelted down for making new
    tools over the years. Hence, very few iron artefacts have been recovered from archaeological digs.

    Metal was a durable material especially useful for making tools for agriculture and warfare. Iron tools with
    sharp cutting edges could be produced making the work of reaping harvests, clearing forest undergrowth and
    cutting lumber more efficient.

    The introduction of metalworking produced one important improvement in Japanese daily life that we take for
    granted today. Iron needles were less clumsy than the Jomon bone and stone needles of yesteryear. Now, the
    privileged social classes could enjoy woven garments of silk and hemp that could be sewn together in more
    complicated fashions. Most common people, however, continued to wear the rougher textured and simpler
    clothes made of ramie … often merely woven cloth with a hole for the neck and tied with a sash at the waist.

    The above important metal technological innovations impacted society and changed the way of life rapidly on
    the Japanese islands. The control of the supply of iron or bronze resources created a special and elite status for
    those who controlled the resources.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2018
  9. Victory123

    Victory123 Guest

    The need for Korean iron also set in motion a process of inter-regional conflict and local consolidation of cen-
    tral power that was to characterize the following Kofun Period as ruling “kings” of the Kinai region expanded
    their bases of power westward along the Inland Sea and northern Kyushu as well as made shifting political alli-
    ances with different kingdoms in the Korean peninsula.

    Where did the iron come from?

    The earliest iron foundry to be discovered is in the Yangtze area of China. In May of 2003 archeologists found
    the first relics of an iron casting workshop along the Yangtze River, dating back to the Eastern Zhou Dynasty
    (770 BC-256 BC) and the Qin Dynasty (221 -207 BC).

    Because the 3rd century Chinese document “Wei-shu” reports that iron resources were found in southern Korea,
    iron technology and the supply of iron were once thought to have to have come to Japan from the Korean penin-
    sula alone which had begun iron production under the influence of the Yen culture of the Chinese Warring
    States and possibly also under Siberian influences from the Tuman River Basin.

    The role of the Korean peninsula at the time as a source of iron is recorded in the Chinese histories such as San-
    guo ji:

    “Pyonhan produces iron. Han, Ye and Ancient Japan [Wa] all come to buy it. Iron is used for buying and selling
    and Pyonhan also supplies iron to the two Chinese commanderies of Lelang and Daifang.”

    According to Korean scholars, “At the time, the Japanese did not possess the skills to produce iron and thus im-
    ported iron from Korea’s southern regions to make iron implements. Among the Samhan states, Guya (present-
    day Gimhae) was the center of iron production. According to the articles on Byeonhan in the Book of Wei of
    the Records of the Three Kingdoms, Guya sold iron to the rest of Samhan, as well as to Dongye, Nangnang and
    the Japanese states, and that iron was also used as currency.”

    Many iron objects, both weapons and tools, from the tombs of this period have been discovered but experts find
    it difficult to tell whether they are Chinese or Korean products. The Chinese records suggest that iron technol-
    ogy was introduced from China into Korea through the establishment of Chinese commanderies in the north of
    the Korean peninsula. And until recently, most experts believed that ironworking in East Asia was introduced
    via that route at least before the 4th century BC since full-scale usage of ironware was seen in China. Chinese
    iron technology was already advanced by this time — China’s oldest excavated iron foundries on the Yangtze
    River date to the 7th century B.C.

    Some scholars, on the other hand, believe that development of iron technology was indigenous — since it hap-
    pened at the same time both in the north and south of Korea before the establishment of the commanderies, be-
    ginning around the time of the founding of the Chosun state. The Han Chinese had attacked Chosun as part of
    its expansionist policy and in its search for more sources of salt and iron.

    Archaeologists have recently discovered another source of Korean ironworking technology apart from the Chi-
    nese one. Russian archaeologists as well, have maintained that iron technology came into central Asia at a rela-
    tively early time, when the inhabitants began to use ironware without first passing through the Bronze Age.
    Recent events have clarified the history of iron technology:

    In 2007, 2000 artifacts were excavated from the Barabash-3 settlement site, including earthen vessels and nine
    iron artifacts, such as an ax and an arrowhead. (Barabash village is 70km away from the border between Korea
    and Russia in a direction of Vladivostok.)

    Among those artifacts, the excavated ironware is made of gray cast iron, which predates the Chinese ironwork
    by 2 to 3 centuries. Scholars of the history of iron technology had previously believed that cast iron first appeared.
  10. Victory123

    Victory123 Guest

    Some scholars, on the other hand, believe that development of iron technology was indigenous — since it hap-
    pened at the same time both in the north and south of Korea before the establishment of the commanderies, be-
    ginning around the time of the founding of the Chosun state. The Han Chinese had attacked Chosun as part of
    its expansionist policy and in its search for more sources of salt and iron.

    Archaeologists have recently discovered another source of Korean ironworking technology apart from the Chi-
    nese one. Russian archaeologists as well, have maintained that iron technology came into central Asia at a rela-
    tively early time, when the inhabitants began to use ironware without first passing through the Bronze Age.
    Recent events have clarified the history of iron technology:

    In 2007, 2000 artifacts were excavated from the Barabash-3 settlement site, including earthen vessels and nine
    iron artifacts, such as an ax and an arrowhead. (Barabash village is 70km away from the border between Korea
    and Russia in a direction of Vladivostok.)

    Among those artifacts, the excavated ironware is made of gray cast iron, which predates the Chinese ironwork
    by 2 to 3 centuries. Scholars of the history of iron technology had previously believed that cast iron first ap-
    peared in China as gray iron. (Gray iron, which is made by adding graphite, requires more sophisticated tech-
    nology than white iron.) This technology first appeared during the 2nd century BC in China and had spread all
    over the country by the 1st century BC.

    Archaeologists have recently finished excavating at Barabash an iron manufacturing workshop from sometime
    between the 7th and 5th centuries BC. Nearby the prehistoric iron manufacturing site, artifacts from the
    Bohai(or Parhae) culture related to those in the Korean peninsula were discovered in two places. The experts
    found when examining the iron relics, that stone axes had already been replaced by iron axes at this period. Ar-
    chaeologists also uncovered a crescent-shaped stone knife (?????; ?????), a relic that marks the rice-growing
    culture on Korean peninsula. There were signs at recently excavated site that the workers destroyed on purpose
    their iron manufacturing workshop when they migrated elsewhere.

    Graph of Yayoi Period excavated iron implements in Japan (Based on data by Kawagoe, Hiroshima University
    Humanities Research Center)

    While Chinese records stated that Japan bought iron from Pyonhan in southern Korea, it is now believed that
    iron and iron technology of early Japan may also have been of Chinese provenance and some, possibly Siberian
    (Central Asian) provenance.

    Most early Yayoi* iron artefacts, were Chinese-style foundry-made iron were probably items of Chinese trade.
    A large number of wrought-iron plates, were very similar to those mass-produced by the Han iron industry (see
    above), have been found in Japan and are said to be imports from China. Several early iron axeheads from Ky-
    ushu closely resembling early Chinese cast-iron implement-caps are also said to have Chinese provenance. Two
    iron-production sites excavated in Kyushu, including the find of one of the earliest bloomeries found in East
    Asia, suggest a Siberian provenance for the technology.

    Excavations have shown extensive trade of iron in various forms between Japan and the mainland. The great
    demand for iron and the need for access to iron sources from Yayoi times has been a determining factor in
    many of the key political and military events in Japan during the Kofun and Yamato years.

    * Note: Most sources cite Initial Yayoi or Early Yayoi dates for the influx of the earliest iron into Japan, howev-
    er, the National Institute for Cultural Properties in Nara’s Shoda Shinya states that both the early 1st millenium
    BC dates of the northern part of the Korean Peninsula as well as the Japanese Early Yayoi Period chronologies
    are unreliable and need to be set back to younger dates, the latter to the Middle Yayoi period. Shoda is of the
    view that only the AMS C14-based dates in South Korean sites are sound.

    Archaeologist Charles T. Keally explains the radiocarbon dating controversy differently and backs the radiocar-
    bon ages of the Yayoi artefacts:

    “In Japan, the oldest generally accepted evidence of iron use comes from the Magarita site in Fukuoka Prefec-
    ture (Hayamaru Yayoi 2003). This iron was found with Yuusu I pottery of the Earliest Yayoi period, giving it a
    simple radiocarbon age of about 700 BC or older (see Harunari et al. 2003). This date is 200-300 years older
    than the 4th-5th century BC that archaeologists give for the beginning of Yayoi. Even the dates available before
    2003 (Watanabe 1966; Keally & Muto 1982; Imamura 2001) suggest that this site is older than 500 BC and
    most likely 600 BC. These simple radiocarbon dates become about 750-800 cal BC in calibrated years (see
    Stuiver et al. 1998).

    There are several other sites yielding iron artifacts that date from the beginning of Early Yayoi, for example, the
    Saitoyama Shellmound in Kumamoto Prefecture (Wajima 1967, pp. 435-436), the Imagawa site in Fukuoka
    Prefecture (Saiko no tetsu 1980), and the Okamoto Yonchome site in Fukuoka Prefecture (Nihon saiko no tek-
    ken 1980).
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2018
  11. Victory123

    Victory123 Guest

    Sorry for the run on or overlapping of the article. But I think you get my point . God Bless!
  12. Victory123

    Victory123 Guest

    You have a great sense of direction, your compass, the Holy Spirit, lead you to the first WOE of Rev.12. Again thank you , for yet another find pointing us to the direction we must go and follow. God Bless, your sister in Christ , VICTORY!
    Carol55 likes this.
  13. josephite

    josephite Powers

    Who are these protestants in scripture?

    A protestant is one who protests/rejects the authority of the Pope! Peter being the Rock was given this authority, by Jesus and Peter exercised this authority after the Ascension of Jesus!

    In Matthew 16:15-19 Peter gives a confession about the identity of Jesus, the Lord does the same in return for Peter.

    Jesus says, "Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jona! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. And I tell you, you are Rock and on this rock I will build my Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven."

    Jesus is giving Peter a three-fold blessing, including the gift of the keys to the kingdom and you must also notice that he did not give this to any of His other followers!

    After Our Lords Ascension Jesus insures His Authority by granting His Authority to Peter and only Peter.

    To say that Jesus's presence in His members [who gather in His name] also means that His Authority dwells in these individuals is to say that the many interprtations of the >20000 protestants churches are all correct but we know this is incorrect; The truth is the truth it can not be different according to ones take on scripture!

    eg: Methodists sanction abortion, Baptists don't.

    Jesus installed Peter as a form of chief steward or prime minister under the King of Kings by giving him the keys to the kingdom. As can be seen in Isaiah 22:22, kings in the Old Testament appointed a chief steward to serve under them in a position of great authority to rule over the inhabitants of the kingdom. Jesus quotes almost verbatum from this passage in Isaiah, and so it is clear what he has in mind. He is raising Peter up as a father figure to the household of faith (Is. 22:21), to lead them and guide the flock (John 21:15-17). This authority of the prime minister under the king was passed on from one man to another down through the ages by the giving of the keys, which were worn on the shoulder as a sign of authority. Likewise, the authority of Peter has been passed down for 2000 years by means of the papacy.

    Are You Catholic?
  14. Shulammite

    Shulammite New Member

    I know right?
  15. Shulammite

    Shulammite New Member

    I get Prima Scriptura. It is that alone that takes precedence . All other doctrines simply follow after the first and are affirmed by the first. If you want to say "sola scriptura" in the context of- the scriptures alone can stand alone as Prima scriptura and all must be built upon them (concerning)- in alignment and never contradicting , then I guess you could say scripture alone concerning that . However, with that said , scripture is more than the 66 book canon of the protestants though.
  16. Shulammite

    Shulammite New Member

    Hmm? I guess that is relative. I mean after all, no where in scripture are Christians told they must accept the authority of an apostate pope , right? I mean being subject to, concerning subjugation, simply means not retaliating with the strength of arms. After all our weapons are not carnal, right? As for obedience , Christians are permitted by Christ to speak out against any man who will not walk in Apostolic Succession, securing the Holy see of the first pope of Rome -Peter. A man is only as Infallible as the Word he stands on and keeps. That word is the Word of God. I noticed in reading this thread, that first certain people were happy to receive a revelation from Victory 123. Then immediately began attacking and even slandering . It doesn't make any sense. And not one person defended this Victory. Huh?
  17. Shulammite

    Shulammite New Member

    is that what you got from the post?
  18. Shulammite

    Shulammite New Member

    Which bishops exactly? Could a person end up under the guidance of a bad bishop as apposed to a good one? What is more numerous weeds or wheat? Are you saying that God does not pour out His spirit upon both great and small? Are his sons and daughters not to prophesy?

    Jeremiah 31:
    Mourning Turned to Joy
    …33“But this is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the LORD. I will put My law in their minds and inscribe it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they will be My people. 34No longer will each man teach his neighbor or his brother, saying, ‘Know the LORD,’ because they will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the LORD. For I will forgive their iniquity and will remember their sins no more.” 35Thus says the LORD, who gives the sun for light by day, who sets in order the moon and stars for light by night, who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar—the LORD of Hosts is His name:…

    Did you know God's plan is to make it that we all know Him ? This will be completely fulfilled after the sixth seal. In the mean time , there is a checks and balances. It tends to be the little ones- THE LEAST, who set the ship aright. I think there is a blatant disrespect for this Victory's human dignity . If you can not distinguish between truth yourself , then where do you stand in the mix of things? Where does it say in the Prima scriptura that a little person has no say in anything? I am assuming you thought that of this Victory (being small) that is. Otherwise, you would not have thought victory need only speak once guided by a bishop. Aren't most seers , of the little ones? They are given truth that is first for them, then only after the hierarchy right? They first get a glimpse from heaven only to AFTER have the bishops get it. That tends to be the order right? Also, that is in alignment with Jeremiah , and Hebrews for that matter . This was not a considerate response IMHO.

    34No longer will each man teach his neighbor or his brother, saying, ‘Know the LORD,’ because they will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the LORD.
    Seems the order is NOT from the greatest to the least. Checks and balances.

    I think we should be considerate of others and pray for one another and humbly help people find their way . Sometimes people are actually condemning a seer of God.
    Shalom, Shulam.
  19. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    We respect the Office of the Pope as Roman Catholics. We stay in the Barque of Peter by accepting the sitting pope but we retain the Traditional Magisterium always.
    It’s not complicated. It’s not gobbledegook. It has nothing to do with seers.
  20. Shulammite

    Shulammite New Member

    That is not the issue. The issue is whether or not the man sitting in that office respects it. And based on that comes the response necessary by those who actually respect such a position. As for gobbledgook, that is not what seers make of the position. If anything, through their enlightenment they get all men ,especially those in such a position get right about it, if and when it need be. I am for Traditional Magisterium not heretical or twisted Magisterium. It is the prophets throughout time ,who are put in charge of keeping all in check. And all seers/ prophets come from a place of humble estate. Concerning the true Elect body , they come primarily from a humble estate as did the first of the NC ( New Covenant)- The Mother of Christ. It is the mighty who are cast down from their thrones and the humble who are exalted. The point is, today men have no respect for the Apostolic order. And you are right, it is not complicated. Men simply complicate things. And if not for seers/ prophets, all would be lost. The Watchmen if they do not warn that the bridge up ahead is out , then all fall off the cliff. Seers stand at the post. If you consider them to be only little toes , that is up to you. I consider them to be the balance for the Body.

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