I'm very uncomfortable with linking planet alignments to the woman clothed with the sun in the book of Revelation. The woman in Revelation is the Blessed Mother of Jesus. Maybe I'm showing my own ignorance, but the hype over the planetary alignment has a New-Age air about it, linking Christianity with astrology and fortune telling. It seems to be mostly Protestants who are linking the planetary alignment with the Bible which, I suppose, is understandable from people who are suspicious of the esteem and high honour Catholics give to Mary. Why would Catholics see planets as the woman in Revelation rather than the Blessed Mother? I understand that some in the Church think that the woman in Revelation means the Church as bride of Christ but I don't ever remember any reputable Catholic source linking it with actual stars or planets.
I suppose they are reliable although, to be honest, I don't know much about either of them. I know that Fr. Z has a blog but anyone can write a blog. I don't know who is Fr. Richard Heilman or why he would be considered a reliable source. For example, Fr. James Martin has a popular twitter account, plenty of youtube videos and is a "consultor" to the Vatican's communication department but I wouldn't believe the Lord's Prayer out of his mouth.
Fr. Heilman is a friend of Fr. Z. I am friends with him on Facebook. He runs the romancatholicman.com website. He is very orthodox.
It won't even be visible to ordinary vision. We are just in a time of hyperbole and media hype designed I suspect to blunt or negate the real illumination when it occurs.
Yes. He is part of Cardinal Burke's Holy League and well worth following. Fr Z is a traditional LM priest and very balanced in his readings on things as far as I can tell although I don't follow him regularly.
https://www.romancatholicman.com/revelation-12-sign-september-23-2017/ Revelation 12 Sign on September 23, 2017 “Speak to the world about My mercy … It is a sign for the end times. After it will come the Day of Justice. While there is still time, let them have recourse to the fountain of My mercy.” (Diary of St. Faustina, 848) The following is from a brilliant article by Patrick Archbold. You can read the whole thing at the Remnant HERE. [Editorial Note: In the following article, I intend to present a series of facts and observations from which I draw no definitive conclusion. Yet, these facts and observations are of such a nature, for no other reason than their observation and reporting, that lend themselves to misinterpretation. So let me be clear, in the following article, I predict nothing. I am offering my observations on some upcoming phenomena, both heavenly and man-made, potentially of great import, that people might find interesting and of which people should be aware.] “And a great sign appeared in heaven: A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars: And being with child, she cried travailing in birth, and was in pain to be delivered.” Revelations 12 The author of Revelation clearly indicates that this vision is one of a sign in heaven or in the sky. What do we see in the sky of the near future? On November 20, 2016 (The day the Year of Mercy concluded, and the Feast of Christ the King), an astronomical event begins that will last nine and a half months, culminating in startling concurrence with the vision of Revelation 12. While I am not an astronomer, all my research indicates that this astronomical event, in all its particulars, is unique in the history of man. On November 20, 2016, Jupiter (the King planet) enters into the body (womb) of the constellation Virgo (the virgin). Jupiter, due its retrograde motion, will spend the next 9 ½ months within the womb of Virgo. This length of time corresponds with gestation period of a normal late-term baby. After 9 ½ months, Jupiter exits out of the womb of Virgo. Upon Jupiter’s exit (birth), on September 23, 2017, we see the constellation Virgo with the sun rise directly behind it (the woman clothed with the sun). At the feet of Virgo, we find the moon. And upon her head we find a crown of twelve stars, formed by the usual nine stars of the constellation Leo with the addition of the planets Mercury, Venus, and Mars. That is a truly remarkable and, as far as I can determine, unique series of event with a startling degree of concurrence with the vision of Revelation 12. So what does it mean, if anything? The obvious and truthful answer is that we simply do not know. That said, we are not entirely without possible context. It just so happens that these events transpire during the 100th anniversary of the apparitions of “the woman clothed in the sun,” Our Lady at Fatima in 1917. The culmination of these astronomical events occurs just 3 weeks before the 100th anniversary of the great miracle of Fatima, in which the sun “danced” (another heavenly sign), an event that was witnessed by many thousands. In the almost century that has followed that great event, we have seen Our Lady’s warnings come true with startling precision. People did not cease offending God and we have seen terrible wars, nations annihilated, and Russia spread her errors throughout the world and, if we are honest, even into the Church itself. And yet, we still await the fulfillment of her promises, the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart, and a period of peace to be granted to the world. But what you may not know is that within the Fatima story itself, there are indications that a 100-year period might be significant. In August 1931, Sister Lucy was staying with a friend at Rianjo, Spain. There, Our Lord appeared to Sr. Lucy and He complained the requests of His mother had not been heeded saying, “Make it known to My ministers, given that they follow the example of the King of France in delaying the execution of My command, they will follow him into misfortune. It is never too late to have recourse to Jesus and Mary.” And again in another text, Sr. Lucy quoted Our Lord as saying, “They did not wish to heed My request! … Like the King of France, they will repent of it, and they will do it, but it will be late. Russia will have already spread its errors in the world, provoking wars and persecutions against the Church. The Holy Father will have much to suffer.” Those references to the King of France are very interesting for our discussion as this is an explicit reference to the requests of the Sacred Heart given through Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque on June 17, 1689 to the King of France. King Louis XIV and his successors failed to heed Our Lord’s request to publicly consecrate France to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. As a result, on June 17, 1789, one hundred years to the day after the request, the National Assembly of the French Revolution rose up and declared itself the government of France and stripped the king of his power. Later, the king lost his head to the revolution. Now it is not possible to know the relevance of this 100-year allusion or to know if and when the clock may have started ticking, but it is certainly interesting and relevant in this context. And of course, many are familiar with the vision of Pope Leo XIII in which he allegedly heard Satan granted one hundred years to try and destroy the Church. Immediately after this vision, Pope Leo XIII composed the prayer to St. Michael pleading with the Archangel to defend us in battle and be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. Pope Leo XIII then added the Leonine prayers to the end of the mass, later suppressed during Vatican II. As we live through these tumultuous times in the Church, in which the very foundations of faith, even the very words and commands of Our Savior are diminished and ignored, it is impossible not to recall Pope Leo’s vision. … I must also note that the date the astronomical event begins, November 20, 2016, is the very day that Pope Francis’ declared “Year of Mercy” comes to an end. The very same day is the Feast of Christ the King. In conclusion, I must stress that I make no specific claim of the significance, if any, of the astronomical event I described. Further, I make no claim to know the future or of any forthcoming events relating to the fulfillment of the promises of Fatima. I only relate this to you now as I find myself in a similar situation as those Magi 2,000 years ago. I look to the sky and say, “Alright Lord, you have my attention.” Read the entire article at the Remnant HERE
They are Always moving the goal post. Jesus told us no one knows the day or the hour. Yet we get sucked in to speculating. I think Fatima is the central thing here. Do what Our Lady tells us and let God take care of the rest.
I read Him quite a bit, he has inspired me in many ways to try to more fully live my Faith and lead my family.
Thank you both. I read Fr. Z's blog from time to time and much of what he says resonates with me. I just wasn't sure whether he is just another priest trying to sow division in the Church. We have to be careful these days because Satan doesn't just try to influence people of a liberal mindset. Although I trust Cardinal Burke, I can't be absolutely sure that everyone claiming to support his defence of the faith doesn't have ulterior motives. Thanks, also, to Don for quoting Fr. Heilman's article. I can't quibble with anything in it. Maybe it is a sign for us and maybe it isn't. Maybe something will start happening after the Fatima centenary and maybe it won't. Whatever the trigger, something's got to give. Both the world and the Church are in flux but there's nothing new under the sun, so best to trust that God is in control. I think it was CrewDog, or perhaps Muzhik, who reminded us recently to make sure we have oil in our lamps. Wise words no matter what happens in the sky, the UN or the Vatican.
I found another article Fr Heilman wrote speaking about the mid point in the Novena for Our Nation which many have been participating in. It speaks of these days we are in and I think many here may enjoy it. https://www.romancatholicman.com/novena-nation-mid-point-assessment/ Novena for Our Nation – Mid-Point Assessment Fr Richard Heilman September 12, 2017 As we have just passed through the mid-point of our 54 day “Novena for Our Nation,” I wanted to look back at what I wrote, as we began this very important appeal to Our Lady and Our Lord. Why? Because much has happened in the past four weeks, including the threat of nuclear war, hurricanes, earthquakes and fires. These events are interesting, when we recall Elijah’s encounter with God in 1 Kings:11-13 … the Lord was not in the wind, earthquake or fire, but in the still small voice. Many look for God in these events, but will not find Him until they set aside their worldly distractions and come to him in those quiet moments of prayer. It is only in these still moments of “Divine Connection” that we receive the “Gift of Discernment” … that necessary gift that “informs our soul” of the will of God. God wants an army, but He wants an army willing to “take orders.” Unless and until we seek this “Divine Connection,” we will continue to be tossed about by the stormy waves of this chaotic world, whose prince wants our demise. Here’s what I wrote on August 14 – the eve of “Novena for Our Nation” … On the eve of the start of Novena for Our Nation, I’d like to speak to the significance of what we are about to do. Many of us have seen this time as, possibly, one of the most important times in salvation history to pray. Not only are we now in the “womb” of the centennial year of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima (May 13 to October 13), but many are also taking note of celestial signs in the sky – Solar Eclipse on August 21 & Rev. 12 Sign on September 23 … I wrote about these HERE. Add to this the division in our world and our Church, and the increased tension between countries. Pray, we must! But, there is more to it than that. At least, right now, I fall into this camp. If we believe what was reported to have happened to Pope Leo XIII in 1884 (I wrote about that HERE), many, including me, believe we are passing through a century of the “unbinding of Satan.” And, many believe this 100 year period began with Our Lady’s warnings in Fatima in 1917 (exactly 33 years, to the day, from Pope Leo XIII’s vision). So, there is good news and more challenging news. If this is true, the good news is that we are about to see Satan bound again, and an era of peace and renewed faith across the planet. The “more challenging news” is that Satan is only days away from the end of his liberated time, and he is striking as hard as he can, as his days are numbered. The Latin phrase, motus in fine velocior, is commonly used to indicate the faster passing of the time at the end of an historical period. I’ve heard it said that it means, “Things accelerate toward the end.” I concur with those who believe we are living through an historical hour which is not necessarily the end of times, but certainly could be marked as the end of an era. In the United States, according to those who work in exorcism ministry, there is an alarming increase in demonic activity (see HERE). In the culture, we are seeing an overreach of evil never witnessed before. It is important to understand Satan’s names: “diabolos”means “he who places division or separation,” and “daio,” the root of “demon,” means “to divide.” In these final days of Satan’s unbinding, we have all seen how these outrageous demonic activities have caused great division in our families, our communities, and even in our Church. Also, I’m watching some people worry about these next few days, leading to the 100th anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun in Fatima. I mentioned this to the world’s leading expert on this topic, Emmett O’Regan, who wrote the quintessential book on this entitled, Unveiling the Apocalypse (The book is really thick … filled with information). Emmett said this, They shouldn’t worry. I think the end of the period of Satan’s greater power should be a good thing. Speaking about the “Three Days of Darkness,” Emmett says, I think the 3 days of darkness are right here and now in a figurative sense, and we are about to come into the light. I don’t know for sure of course, but all the indications are that the end of the period of Satan’s unbinding is very positive, and it will allow for the preaching of the Gospel to all nations before the end of the world. Emmett went on to say, Tell them not to worry about the three days of darkness. I am near certain we have lived through it since the late sixties. I think this was part of the “mid-point revolution” that you have perceived yourself. I think the restoration of the Church is at hand. It is the only thing that makes sense of the end of Satan’s greater power. The Devil will be bound again to allow for the preaching of the Gospel to the ends of the earth before the end of the world. It’s all encapsulated in the original messages of La Salette. I think what you are doing (45,000+ praying the Novena for Our Nation) will bring about great graces. Just to recap Melanie’s original secret (the Church approved one): “After all these calamities have arrived, many will recognize the hand of God on them. They will convert, and do penance for their sins. A great king will go up on the throne, and will reign many years. Religion will re-flourish and spread all over the world, and there will be a great abundance. A chastisement is still possible. But Our Lady will come through for us in the end. As Sr. Lucia said during her interview with Fr Fuentes: “And the third, because in the plans of the Divine Providence, when God is going to chastise the world He always first exhausts all other remedies. When He sees that the world pays no attention whatsoever, then, as we say in our imperfect way of talking, with a certain fear He presents us the last means of salvation, His Blessed Mother. If we despise and reject this last means, Heaven will no longer pardon us, because we will have committed a sin that the Gospel calls a sin against the Holy Spirit. This sin consists in openly rejecting – with full knowledge and will – the salvation that is put in our hands.” I’m not worried at all. There are times I even say, much like Jonah, “Bring it on, God! Whatever it takes to turn our world toward You … Bring it on!” But, like Nineveh, I believe 45,000+ people in prayer and penance can go a long way in appealing to God to pardon us. You see? God is love. He is LOVE!!! And, he has given us His mother, Mary. You and I have been chosen to embrace this “last means for salvation,” and God and our Blessed Mother will cover us and bring blessing into our lives. I believe this! As I said, at last count, we have over 45,000 people choosing to spend 54 Days in prayer and penance, in full union with the one chosen to crush the head of the serpent … the “last means for salvation.” Like many, I believe our Lady is calling for an army of “Special Forces Believers” – true believers, who actually believe in the miracle power of prayer – to rise up and be her mighty prayer warriors. Belief is a critical component (Jesus always sought this before granting a miracle). Through the power of the rosary, we are being called out to the front lines of the battlefield to stay the destructive power of evil and seek the transformation of ourselves, the nation and our world. “Penance, penance, penance” was the call of St. Michael in the Third Secret of Fatima. Yes!! We must intensify the strength of our prayers by acts of penance! The time is now to enlist in a new “Special Forces Training,” and prepare ourselves to, once again, meet the enemy with an elite fighting force! The time is now to pick up the supernatural weapons given to us by God!!! This is a call to arms!! Please do your best to convince family, friends and neighbors to come under the mantle of Mary during these last days of Satan’s unbinding. Help them, too, to find refuge under the Mary’s mantle. There are three things I am convinced we MUST do … Pray this novena with 45,000+, and pray the Rosary every day of your life Be enrolled in “Mary’s Mantle” – The Brown Scapular Be consecrated – Marian Consecration, which we will all do on Day 54
Interesting that the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC is dedicating their new rosary walk and garden on Sep. 23. I do not believe this date was selected because of the WCWTS, but surely a providential "coincidence."
Don, Thank you for posting this. I think it is a "reprint" from June 10, 2016 and that Fr. Heilman is probably doing the same thing that a lot of us are doing, making certain that as many people as possible know that this event is about to take place but also stating that we are not certain about what exactly it means. We should also take note that the original article is from the Remnant which is dated October 29, 2015. In addition, Chris Ferrara from the Remnant provided us with some more information about this sign in the video that was posted on this thread recently. Mr. Ferrara, stated that an alleged seer Vladimir Solovyov prophesized that after this sign appears in the sky there will be a terrible confrontation, a war involving Russia and forces in the East which affects the entire world then there will be a reunification of the East with the West in the Catholic church. Here is the video in case you missed it, In addition to this possible biblical sign appearing on September 23rd, I woke up this morning thinking about a list of all of the signs that approved and alleged seers have given us which we might be witnessing: 1. Sister Lucia - "The final battle between the Lord and the kingdom of Satan will be about Marriage and the Family" 2. Sister Agnes Katsuko Sasagawa - "Cardinals opposing Cardinals, Bishop against Bishop" 3. Garabandal - "Less And Less Importance Is Being Given To The Eucharist" 4. Servant of God Maria Esperanza - "Great events and painful riots are growing around the world; countries and nations are being shaken by bad times", I have read that she stated that these events would occur in Venezuela first. 5. Bruno Cornnachiola - There are so many but the following two stand out at the moment: On March 13, 2000, Our Lady says, "Salvation is not to gather all religions to make a pile of heresies and errors, but convert yourselves for the unity of love and faith" and on March 12, 1983, Our Lady stated, "The danger is at the door, a nuclear war, if you act as I have said, it is inevitable". So, are we witnessing the end of an era and possibly the beginning of the age of the Great Monarch and the Holy Pope, an era of peace. I suppose that we may know soon. For reference: http://miraclehunter.com/marian_apparitions/messages/betania_messages.htm PS- Many here may enjoy the following article also, https://www.romancatholicman.com/st-maximilian-kolbe-patron-100th-anniversary-fatima/ Most importantly is that we are in a state of grace but all of you know this already.
Virtue, Thank you for posting this. I couldn't help but recall what member theflyingnun posted about what is occurring at this Basilica on October 22, 2017, http://motheofgod.com/threads/signs.7937/page-108#post-181604 , basically, a celebration of the Protestant Reformation. http://www.se.lcms.org/pages/page.asp?page_id=421097 Then, I also had a flash back to BrianK's post on about "Ecumenical Mass", http://motheofgod.com/threads/the-vatican-has-fallen.10058/page-126 .
DING DING DING... we have a winner, great for click bait though for those on youtube who make a really good living on clickbait
I think there is confusion between astrology/fortune telling, which is not of God and sacred astronomy [stars and consteltions that God places in the heavens, which like clock work is very predictable as it repeats the motion God put in place. The Magi in scriptures were an example of following sacred astronomy.
It's troubling, to be sure. The event on Oct. 22 fortunately is not an ecumenical Mass, but instead a concert performance of a new "Mass" composed in celebration of the Reformation. He named it the "Mass of the Holy Spirit," so it is confusing because it sounds like it should be a liturgy but it is just a composition in the same way that Bach composed "Masses." Essentially sacred music to be played during Mass, although this concert is outside of Mass. Still, it is deeply disturbing that it should be presented as celebrating the Reformation and still be hosted at the Basilica. It reminds me of the Smudging Ceremony after one of the Masses at the Basilica a year or two ago. A pagan practice under the guise of diversity that, in my estimation, opens the door for evil spirits. Now we have this Reformation music. Hopefully the dedication of the Rosary Garden this weekend and the dedication of the new Trinity Dome Mosaic on Dec. 8 can dispel some of the evil. On a related note, what's up with all of the Reformation and Martin Luther praising in the Catholic Church? Statues of Luther, stamps of Luther, concerts, symposiums on how Luther helped the Church....It's all diabolical disorientation. The man was an unrepentant heretic and no amount of sympathizing will ever change that.
Here's what New Advent Catholic Encyclopaedia says in respect of claims that the Maji's "star" was a comet, a conjunction of two planets, or a stella nova: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/09527a.htm "These theories all fail to explain how "the star which they had seen in the east, went before them, until it came and stood over where the child was" (Matthew 2:9). The position of a fixed star in the heavens varies at most one degree each day. No fixed star could have so moved before the Magi as to lead them to Bethlehem; neither fixed star nor comet could have disappeared, and reappeared, and stood still. Only a miraculous phenomenon could have been the Star of Bethlehem. It was like the miraculous pillar of fire which stood in the camp by night during Israel's Exodus (Exodus 13:21), or to the "brightness of God" which shone round about the shepherds (Luke 2:9), or to "the light from heaven" which shone around about the stricken Saul (Acts 9:3)." If the above quote from New Advent is correct, then there's nothing to suggest that a predictable planetary alignment, however rare, can be prophetic in the same way as the Maji's star because their star was a miraculous phenomenon - prophesied but not predicted in the same way as the movement and alignment of planets can be predicted. I hope you can make sense out of what I'm trying to say. What I know about stars and planets could be written on the back of a postage stamp.
I think there is so much going on worldwide that anything is possible. The Virgin of Guadalupe comes to mind when analyzing Revelations 12. She is the Lady of the America's. And we desperately need her right now. Another hurricane named Maria is coming our way.
Retrograde was not predictable then like it is now and Jupiter did some amazing things in the sign of Judah specifically around Regulus at that time. Circling it three times and eventually coming to stop in the sky. All visible from the far east and on the horizon where Israel resides.