The prophecies of Blessed Elizabeth Canori Mora

Discussion in 'The mystical and Paranormal' started by Blizzard, Apr 12, 2018.

  1. xsantiagox

    xsantiagox Archangels

    China is considered the East, right? is it plausible Xi Jinping could have a "damascus road moment", personally become a catholic believer, and thus use his huge power and influence, to bring China to the Church? :coffee:
    Pax Prima likes this.
  2. Joan J

    Joan J HolySpiritCome!

    Seems like a big stretch but Anything is possible!! And my sisters could come back to the Church too:coffee::love:.
    xsantiagox and Pax Prima like this.
  3. Joan J

    Joan J HolySpiritCome!

    This video is no longer available.
    Pax Prima likes this.
  4. “The small flock of faithful Catholics who had taken refuge under the trees will be brought before Saint Peter, who will choose a new pope. All the Church will be reordered according to the true dictates of the holy Gospel. The religious orders will be reestablished and the homes of Christians will become homes imbued with religion.

    “So great will be the fervor and zeal for the glory of God that everything will promote love of God and neighbor. The triumph, glory and honor of the Catholic Church will be established in an instant. She will be acclaimed, venerated and esteemed by all. All will resolve to follow Her, recognizing the Vicar of Christ as the Supreme Pontiff.”
    Keep the faith!
    As dire as her prophesies are, they end in a glorious triumph for the Church!


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