The Original Novus Ordo

Discussion in 'The Sacraments' started by Mario, Dec 16, 2024.

  1. Mario

    Mario Powers

    In this clip, Bishop Athanasius Schneider explains the original Novus Ordo Mass approved after the Council was moderate in its changes and Latin still was significantly preserved. Bugnini had not yet pushed through his radical changes!Initially, at the 1967 Synod of Bishops when Bugnini's more radically updated Novus Ordo was celebrated, the majority of Bishops in attendance rejected it.

    Lord have Mercy!
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2024
    AED, Sam and Agnes McAllister like this.
  2. padraig

    padraig Powers

    As Pope Paul VI said the Council itself was fine but then Satan took a hand. In fact he got in the driving seat.

    So sad.
  3. Yes Mario. I have struggled with this for years but reading this from Him. I cannot help but believe.
    AED and Sam like this.

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