The Coming Chastisement.

Discussion in 'Questions and Answers' started by Mac, Nov 26, 2016.


You think a chastisement is upon us?

  1. You think it is decades away?

    10 vote(s)
  2. You think the church has never been better?

    0 vote(s)
  3. You think a chastisement is upon us?

    35 vote(s)
  4. You think a chastisement has been underway for decades?

    19 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    I am still betting on Natan's NDE showing a 2 week global nuclear war killing millions to take place any moment now, which begins the end of the world as we have known it.
  2. Dean

    Dean Archangels

    he has already has his LTTW moment. He is false
  3. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    How so? He was not given a date from his visions. A 15 year old boy gave indication that what he saw would happen soon and guesstimated it would be within a year, but he did not know for certain.
    Booklady likes this.
  4. Andy3

    Andy3 Powers

    I still have not forgotten the details of a dream I had a few years ago where I saw a missile fly over head and detonate over New York City. It was a nuke and I was not killed in the blast but was telling everyone after the blast that this was God's chastisement against the US and he used the Chinese in this case to nuke the US. I was trying to get back home to my family and was urging all to get home and to surrender to God but no one would listen to me.
    AED, Booklady, HeavenlyHosts and 3 others like this.
  5. Carol55

    Carol55 Ave Maria


    You may be a bit surprised! I can't believe I found this article! I truly can't believe it!

    I had forgotten all about it and then I was searching through MOG last night and came across this conversation we had and I looked for it today and
    WOW, I actually found it!!! I am so excited!!!:D:);)

    Ok so the bottom line is, Yves Dupont was in favor of the apparitions at Garabandal!!! Yes, he was!!!

    Yves Dupont's first article on GARABANDAL was published in "WORLD TRENDS – 6, JAN. – NOV. 1967"
    and then he wrote an "ADDENDUM-AUGUST 1970" which is also included in the link.

    The article and the addendum begin on page 68 and end on page 80 on the following link, .

    The link includes his book Catholic Prophecy: THE COMING CHASTISEMENT, and the following issues from the WORLD TRENDS magazine by various authors:


    Enjoy and may God bless all of you!:love:
  6. Booklady

    Booklady La Dolorosa

    I remember he kept saying it was imminent, and it was the Rabbi who asked specifically if it could be within a certain time, and he responded it could.
  7. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Precise time frames and fixed dates do not often gel with mystical knowledge , I think. it's just the way it works. We do not use the same side of the brain for interpreting mystical experience as we do, say for Mathematics. We use the same side of the brain we use for poetry and art.

    It is, so to speak of the heart rather the head
  8. Blizzard

    Blizzard thy kingdom come

    This is an amazing find!

    Additional texts by Yves Dupont who wrote one of the most influential books on Catholic prophecy.

    Carol is indeed the forum´s "Indiana Jones" for all matters mystical and paranormal - thanks!

    I would urge forum members who are interested in prophecy to download and study the many excellent texts available. Dupont is completely orthodox and a very serious researcher.

    Here are some quotes:

    The twentieth century has witnessed an astonishing number (386 at latest count) reported Apparitions of Our Blessed Mother. These apparitions have been reported on every continent of our globe. The seers, men, women, and children, have been people from many walks of life. A spiritual outpouring of this kind has never before occurred in the nearly 2,000 years of the Christian religion. The apparitions are typically accompanied by communications which have displayed a remarkable similarity in content. They normally warn of very dark days ahead and future catastrophes. They appeal for a return to God, with renewed emphasis on prayer, the Rosary, Mass attendance, Penance, Confession, Bible reading, and distributing the messages widely to save those able to believe.

    Even before the 20th century there existed a not inconsiderable body of personal prophecy (called “private prophecy”) by recognized saints accumulating over the centuries. Those who would prefer to completely ignore these utterances must be reminded of 1Thess 5:20-21 “Despise not prophecies. But prove all things: hold fast that which is good.”(Douay Version) As demonstrated by Yves Dupont (1922 - 1979) there is much good to be discovered in searching through private prophecies, and they are in surprising congruence with each other, even when separated by many centuries.

    This eBook contains Dupont’s well-known book “Catholic Prophecy: The Coming Chastisement,” first published in 1970, plus other writings concerning private prophecy found in his booklet series “World Trends” (published by Tenet Books of Australia). The work of Yves Dupont confirms and extends by 30 years the prior work of Rev. R. Gerald Culleton who published his extensive compilation of Biblical, non-canonical, and private prophecies in 1941 entitled “The Prophets and Our Times.” A second work, “The Reign of Antichrist,” followed in 1951 about the many prophecies specifically pertaining to the Antichrist.
  9. Blizzard

    Blizzard thy kingdom come

    More from Carol´s find:


    March, 1964 Denys P. Vout

    Not by reason of historical inevitability (history is not predetermined, it is made by man's decisions and actions), but because the world is steeped in sin, and the wages of sin is war and death. This is not a pions platitude, it is a profound truth. Sin is not simply disobedience to some commendable but unrealistic precepts, it is basically a violation of the moral laws which were established by God to direct the volitive be haviour of Man, just as physical laws were laid down to direct the mechanistic behaviour of inert matter. But whilst matter cannot elude the physical laws that control it, Man, on the other hand, can transgress the moral laws which govern his life. Let him depart from these, and he meets death. It is as simple as that. Without moral laws; he is like, a car without a driver. A crash is inevitable.

    In the narrow sense, sin is a departure from any of the ten commandments given to Moses on Mount Sinai. The Decalogue, however, is an abridged code of conduct. In a broader sense, sin is a violation of any principle that can be related, even remotely, to the ten commandments; and there is no essential difference between a philosophical and a theological sin.

    How has the modern world come to flout every one of the ten commandments? Man has always been and will always be a sinner In the past, however, sin was a, personal matter. Society acknowledged God; and, at least formally, gave Him pre-eminence everywhere: in universities, schools, workshops, courts of justice, hospitals, etc. But it is not so now. One can say, I think, that sin was "institutionalised" in the 17th and 18th centuries. Sin is no longer a personal matter: it involves all our institutions, and, therefore, the whole world. Sin has become a collective business.

    Logically enough, it all began with the breach of the first commandment, when God became an object of enquiry and discussion. That was the birth of Rationalism. God was, so to speak, subpoenaed before the tribunal of Man's reason! In his delirious pride, Man wanted to "understand" God before accepting Him; if not, he would reject Him. Man did just that, for no creature can understand his Creator. Entered Positivism. Having rejected God, Man declared himself free to do as he pleased: in came Liberalism. FREEDOM became the new god, and it still rules the world up to this day. Even Christians are now using the word loosely. When Christian philosophy says that Man is free it really means that Man is endowed with free-will — and free-will entails the due to make the right decision according to God. FREE-WILL entails free obedience to the law of God, as opposed to the automat: obedience of inert matter. FREEDOM, on the other hand, has become to mean emancipation from all disciplines, control, and self restraint. It is no longer an act of voluntary obedience, but of disobedience whenever suits Man. In the modem sense, FREEDOM results in licence and anarchy.

    Having rejected God and declared himself free, Man set out to build his own panradise — an earthly paradise. He thought he could find it in material goods: so began the industrial revolution in the 19th century. PRODUCTION became another God along with FREEDOM. But that god required that the third commandment be broken too: working on Sundays is now the normal thing; and, indeed, it is even essential in some industries. These industries, therefore, transgress the Decalogue. Likewise the godfreedom required that the virtues c obedience, fidelity and respect for the established authority be thrown overboard, while the god-production demanded that the virtues of justice, protection and good example towards working people be trampled under foot. And so, we had on the one hand shameless exploitation of the working people, and on the other, the rise of worker associations (instead of the traditional guilds) and workers' parties such as Socialism and Communism. Democracy, based on the assumption that authority lies in the individual, spread to virtually every country. The rule of an enlightened elite gave way to the rule of a blind majority; up to this day, this is considered very desirable. Thus society broke the fourth commandment which places authority at the top. Gradually, sin became more and more widespread as a result of the new faith: freedom and the possession of earthly goods. Murder, adultery and theft climbed steeply to the extent that today in the U.S.A. — the most "progressive" country in the world —one marriage out of five ends in divorce; one million illegitimate babies are born every year; 60 people commit suicide every day; there is one murder every 40 minutes, one major crime every 22 seconds; 55 per cent of all burglaries, 58 per cent of car thefts and 19+ per cent of all arrests for rape are among teenagers; the nation spends more on alcohol than on education; more on crime and pornographic literature than on school construction; 15 million sex magazines are read monthly. Such are the truly appalling conditions in the most "democratic" country of the world. Lies are freely spread in the free press.

    Pornography is big business. After all, is not everybody free to cash in on the free instincts of the new free men? Such is the outcome of Liberalism. And it is no use deploring those evils while supporting the social philosophy that opened the way for them.

    Every one of the ten commandments has now been nicely broken. No amount of lying compromises, free talks, spurious treaties, pitiful face-saving manoeuvers, profitable trade with, or foreign aid to, Communist and procommunist countries, can avert the disaster. There is only one thing that could: a return to Christian sanity and to the social and political philosophy it entails. There is no hope of this being done as long as the majority of Christians tries to adjust to the Modern World instead of reforming it.
    Carol55 likes this.
  10. AED

    AED Powers

    And this in 1964!
  11. Blizzard

    Blizzard thy kingdom come

    More from Carol´s find:


    There is not the slightest doubt that Soviet Russia will be the instrument of God's justice. Many prophecies say so; A. C. Emmerich mentioned the "Land of Moscow" in 1820, and the Fatima prophecy named Russia at a time when this country was in the throes of anarchy and civil war, and counted for nothing in world affairs. Fatima lacked "credibility" in 1917 just as many of the prophecies which are quoted in this book do today. "If you hear my requests, Russia will be converted and there will be peace. If not, Russia will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions against the Church; many good people will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, several nations will be annihilated."

    The annihilation of nations, here, is not a mere annexation as some optimists have said, pointing out that the Baltic States had already been merged with "Mother" Russia. No, this annihilation will come at a later stage, after the flight of the pope who "shall leave the Vatican over the corpses of his brethren." (St.Pius X)

    It is a physical, not merely a political annihilation.

    A German prophecy, made in the late 18th Century by a Dortmund peasant by the name of Jasper, says: "The East side inspires in me great fear; a war shall break out from this side with such suddenness that the evening before they will say: 'Peace, peace!' but there will be no peace, for the enemy shall already be at the door and a great clattering of arms will be heard. It is not a war of religion, but all those who believe in Jesus Christ shall close ranks." By "war of religion", in the context of the 18th Century, is meant a war between opposing religions, i.e. Catholics versus Protestants. But this will be indeed a religious war against irreligion; the military union of Catholics and Protestants will pave the way for their religious union under the Holy Pontiff; they shall close ranks. A number of other prophecies also say that the cry "Peace, peace!" will be heard everywhere because a spectacular agreement will have just been signed with the USA. The next day (either literally or figuratively) the war will break out "suddenly".

    THE FORERUNNING SIGNS: Immorality and anarchy

    Jasper goes on to say: "One of the main forerunning signs that war is near at hand shall be a general lukewarmness in matters of religion,and moral corruption. . . The Pontifical seat shall be left vacant for some time."

    Other prophecies (that of Jeanne le Royer in particular) say also that there will be no pope for some time. It is not clear, however, whether the vacancy will take place between Paul VI's reign and the Antipope's, or between the Antipope's and the Holy Pontiff's. Personally, I am inclined to think that it will take place after the Antipope's reign,but I may be wrong. It is also possible that the term "vacancy" means that no true pope will be reigning at that time. In this case, it may coincide with the Antipope's reign.

    Speaking of what seems to be the present pontificate, Jeanne le Royer says : "The Holy Father is most unhappy; because of him the whole Church is in desolation." Hard also to avoid, is the inference that the pope who will "step over the corpses of his murdered brethren" in order to flee the Vatican, is the present pope. But prophecies, sometimes, lead one into error through their apparent clarity. For this reason one must exercise great care when it comes to specific details, not jump to conclusions.

    Jasper has told us that one of the main forerunning signs will be moral corruption and lukewarmness. Are there any other signs? Here is what he says in another passage (the emphasis is mine; interpolations between [ ]) "People shall no longer believe in God [God is dead]. They shall try to free themselves from Kings and Magistrates [Monarchies have been abolished; the Law is being challenged everywhere]. Then, a general insurrection shall take place, and the father shall fight against the son, and the son against his father. In those days, men shall try to corrupt the articles of faith, and they shall introduce new books [new catechisms in every country]. The Catholic religion shall be cruelly oppressed, and men shall try with perfidy to destroy it. In those days men shall be fond of gambling, amusement, and pleasures of all sorts."

    To continue download from the link Carol has provided.
    Dolours, Booklady and Carol55 like this.
  12. Carol55

    Carol55 Ave Maria


    Thank you! :love: I think it is quite a find also and I believe that I was led by God to find this at this time.

    I am reading Padraig's post above and I believe that determining when these things are going to happen is very, very difficult.
    As Glenn and Conchita have stated too many times to count, the messages are the important thing!

    And luckily some Mathematicians are good at Art also, :LOL:!

    I also encourage anyone interested in prophesy to read this.
    We have so many intelligent people on this forum, I think that each one of us will find something in this text that can be added to our discussions on prophesy.
  13. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    some prophecies mention a revolution in France in which the people will set fire to Paris. I believe that this revolution will be a movement inspired by the French revolution, or perhaps communist revolution, anyway I believe that this revolution will pave the way for the invasion of France by the armies of Russia
  14. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Yes, I think this is true, but the revolutions will not be just in France but right across Europe and in other parts of the world, including perhaps the USA. We can see the seeds of this there at the moment. Liberals are so full of a real rage and hate. A killing rage.

    Funny thing about Revolutions; they always seem wind up with mass slaughter of Catholics

    Last edited: Mar 22, 2018
    heyshepard, Byron, gracia and 6 others like this.
  15. Don_D

    Don_D ¡Viva Cristo Rey!

    Yes, this is why they are deliberately created and unleashed IMO. Because there is no other threat that they truly care about that can not be dealt with by sleight of hand and trickery. Catholics, must be killed because if they are left to spread the Gospel message these powers of iniquity will surely fall.
    The US may be a special case IMO, because right from the start this nation was created with the idea of personal liberty over that of everything Godly and good. Even when it comes to respecting the establishment of no national religion. Masonry is baked right in to the foundation.

    Also, it is not just liberals. It is why I have been saying if you live in an urban center get the heck out while you can. Liberals, conservatives... a great deal of people who wish nothing more than civil war to sort things out.

    Pope Leo XIII had a bit to say about it all...
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2018
    heyshepard, Byron, Dolours and 2 others like this.
  16. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    I really appreciate the links and the comments recently on this thread, people.
    A wealth of knowledge!
  17. fallen saint

    fallen saint Baby steps :)

    I haven't read all posts but the birth pains are just starting. But then again it might still take 100 years. But prophecy does state things must get much worse before they get better.

    Also, the created one will have his day...and yes it will be mass persecution. I think it has started in the West. People are afraid to acknowledge not to offend anyone. But by not acknowledging, we are making it worse and allowing the anti-spirit to enter the world.

    Brother al
    Dolours, sterph, heyshepard and 2 others like this.
  18. Carol55

    Carol55 Ave Maria

    From Rev. R. Gerald Culleton's book, "The Reign of Antichrist",

    328. Jane Le Royer (d. 1798) Sister Mary of the Nativity

    a. "Many precursors, false prophets, and members of infernal secret societies, worshippers of Satan, shall impugn the most sacred dogmas and doctrines of our holy religion, shall persecute the faithful, shall commit abominable actions; but the real and extreme abomination and desolation shall more fully be accomplished during the reign of Antichrist, which will last about three years and a half.

    b. "Thereupon I saw a great power arising against the Church. It despoiled, plundered and laid waste to the vineyard of the Lord, made of it a foot-path for those passing over it, and derided it before the nations as an object of scorn and mockery. After desecrating the celibate and suppressing monasticism, this power boldly confiscated the properties of the Church and at the same time usurped the powers of the pope, whose person and laws they condemned.

    c. "You will soon become aware of a great transformation. For the end has not as yet set in and they have not as yet reached the goal, as· they suppose. To be sure, the dawn begins to break, but the age that follows will be stormy and full of suffering.

    d. "Woe, woe, woe to the last century which is descending! What tribulations precede its commencements.

    e. "Out of this mighty voice I recognized that these woeful tribulations , will make their appearance in the age before the judgment. And as I pondered over and weighed, in God, the century, I saw, that which begins with 1800 will not yet be the last.

    f. "I see that when the Second Coming of Christ approaches, a bad priest will do much harm to the Church.

    g. "When the time of the reign of Antichrist is near, a false religion will appear which will be opposed to the unity of God and His Church. This will cause the greatest schism the world has ever known. The nearer the time of the end, the more the darkness of Satan will spread on Earth, the greater will be the number of the children of corruption, and the number of Just will correspondingly diminish.

    h. "Antichrist will kill the Pope, probably by crucifixion. As a child of ten he will know more than anyone else in the world and when he is thirty he will begin his real work.

    i. "The day of retribution will now (end of reign) begin, because, being full of the spirit of Lucifer, with the greatest presumption and self love he will consider himself God, and in his haughtiness he will endeavor, together with his followers, to solemnly arise to Heaven to the throne of God. The Almighty has already prepared St. Michael with power and justice and charged him to oppose Antichrist in the heavens. When the demon group with Antichrist in their midst arrives, St. Michael will descend from Heaven with great speed upon them, being filled with holy indignation. With his appearance great fear surges through the proud army. A terrible voice sounds forth from the mouth of St. Michael as the earth opens: 'Begone you cursed! Down into the deepest abyss of Hell!' A bolt of lightning from the cloud casts Antichrist and his cohorts into the fearful abyss of fire and flames with such force that the deepest foundations tremble and all Hell resounds. With the fall of Antichrist will come severe earthquakes, thick darkness will cover the Earth, the ground will open in thousands of places under the feet of the inhabitants and cities, towns, castles and an immense number of people will be swallowed up. One-half of that immense crowd on Mt. Olivet will be cast in the abyss with Antichrist. The ocean will move frightfully and waves arise heavenward overflowing the coast and inundate the earth. All these calamities are only to frighten the remaining into accepting the Grace and Mercy of God."

    j. "Fifteen days after the ascension of Henoch and Elias into heaven, terrible catastrophes will come upon the earth: most severe earthquakes, tidal waves inundating much of the earth's surface, culminating in a thick darkness over the entire earth."
    Don_D likes this.
  19. Carol55

    Carol55 Ave Maria

    Also from Rev. R. Gerald Culleton's book, "The Reign of Antichrist", from a Doctor of The Church...

    292. St. Hildegard (d. 1179)

    a. "Henoch and Elias are being instructed by God in a mysterious manner in paradise. God shows them the works of men as though they could see these with natural eyes. The two men are, therefore, much wiser than all wise men put together. The same force which removed Henoch and Elias from the earth will bring them back in a storm wind at the time when the Antichrist will spread his false doctrine. As long as they will dwell amongst men they will always be refreshed after 40 days. They have the mission from God to resist the Antichrist and lead the erring back to the road of salvation. Both men, distinguished by age and stature, will speak to men: 'This accursed one is sent by the devil in order to lead men into error. We have been preserved by God at a secreted place, where we did not experience the suffering of men. We are now sent by God in order to oppose the heresy of this destroyer. Look, if we resemble you in stature and age.' And because the testimony of both shall agree they will be believed. All will follow these two aged men and abandon heresy. They will visit all cities and towns, where previously the Antichrist had sown his heresy, and through the power of the Holy Ghost will work genuine miracles. All the people will be greatly astonished at them. Henoch and Elias will confuse the followers of Satan with thunder strokes, and destroy them and fortify the Christian in faith. Therefore, the Christians will hurry to martyrdom, which the son of evil will prepare for them, like to a banquet, so that the murderers will grow tired of counting the dead on account of their great numbers; for their blood will run like rivers."

    b. "Henoch and Elias have been taught much wisdom and knowledge in Paradise while awaiting their return to earth. God will instruct them every forty days while they are on earth. They will receive exceptional graces and powers from God to use against Antichrist."

    c. "When the fear of God has been disregarded everywhere violent and furious wars will take place. A multitude of people will be slaughtered and many cities will be transformed into heaps of rubbish. A few uncommonly cruel people will play their game at the expense of the peace and tranquility of the others. As it has been from the beginning of the world, God will deliver the rod of correction to his enemies for the extirpation of evil ...

    d. "The apostasy' or 'falling away' spoken of in the Bible as preceding the reign of Antichrist is interpreted by St. Hildegard as meaning-'ab impero', 'a sede apostolico', 'a fide', i.e. 'from royalty', 'from the Pope', and 'from the faith' of Christ itself.

    e. "The Son of Corruption and Ruin will appear and reign only for a short time, towards the end of the days of the world's duration; the period which corresponds to the moment when the sun has disappeared beyond the horizon; that is to say, he shall come at the last days of the world. He will not be Satan himself, but a human being equaling and resembling him in atrocious hideousness. His mother, a depraved woman, possessed by the devil, will live as a prostitute in the desert. She will declare that she is ignorant as to the identity of his father, and will maintain that her son was presented to her by God in a supernatural manner, as was the Child of the Blessed Virgin. She will then be venerated as a saint by deceived people.

    f. "Antichrist will come from a land that lies between two seas, and will practice his tyranny in the East. After his birth false teachers and doctrines will appear, followed by wars, famines, and pestilence.

    g. "His mother will seldom let anyone see him, and yet by magic art, she will manage to gain the love of the people for him. He will be raised at different secret places and will be kept in seclusion until full grown. When he has grown to full manhood he will publicly announce a hostile doctrine on religion. He will lure and attract the people to himself by granting them complete exemption from the observance of all divine and ecclesiastical commandments, by forgiving them their sins and requiring of them only their belief in his divinity. He will spurn and reject baptism and the gospel. He will open his mouth to preach contradiction. He will say, 'Jesus of Nazareth is not the son of God, only a deceiver who gave himself out as God and the Church instituted by him is only superstition'. The true Christ has come in his person. He will say, 'I am the Saviour of the world'. Especially will he try to convince the Jews that he is the Messiah sent by God, and the Jews will accept him as such. His doctrine of faith will be taken from the Jewish religion and seemingly will not differ much from the fundamental doctrine of Christianity, for he will teach that there is one God who created the world, who is omniscient and knows the thoughts of man and is just, who rewards the obeyers of his commands and the trespassers he chastises, who will raise all from the dean in due time. This God has spoken through Moses and the Prophets, therefore the precepts of the Mosaic laws are to be kept, especially circumcision and keeping the Sabbath, yet by his moral laws he will try to reverse all order on earth. Therefore he is called in Holy Writ the 'Lawless One'.. He will think that he can change time and laws. He will discard all laws, morals and religious principles, to draw the world to himself. He will grant entire freedom from the commandments of God and the Church and permit everyone to live as his passions dictate. By doing so he hopes to be acknowledged by the people as deliverer from the yoke, and as the cause of prosperity in the world. Religion he will endeavor to make convenient. He will say that you need not fast and embitter your life by renunciation, as the people of former times did when they had no sense of God's goodness. It will suffice to love God. He will let the people feast to their heart's content so that they will pity the unfortunate people of former centuries. He will preach free love and tear asunder family ties. He will scorn everything holy, and he will ridicule all graces of the Church with devilish mockery. He will condemn humility and foster proud and gruesome dogmas. He will tear down that which God has taught in the Old and New Testament and maintain sin and vice are not sin and vice. Briefly he will declare the road to Hell is the way to Heaven.

    Last edited: Apr 22, 2018
    Don_D likes this.
  20. Carol55

    Carol55 Ave Maria

    continued from above...

    h. "A great enemy of the Church, a precursor of Antichrist, will take the title of Saviour. Heretics will join this precursor of Antichrist and persecute the true Church of Christ. Their cunning will be great, so great in fact that they will be able to draw many righteous men to their side. The Bishops in general will remain faithful, but all will, on account of their courage and faithfulness to the Church, suffer much, yet many Protestants will console the children of God by their conversion to the Catholic Church. Immediately preceding Antichrist there will be starvation and earthquakes. (It will be remembered that Protestants did not yet exist at the date assigned this oracle).

    i. "When the great ruler exterminates the Turks almost entirely, one of the remaining Mohammadens will be converted, become a priest, bishop and cardinal, and when the new Pope is elected (immediately before Antichrist) this cardinal will kill the pope before he is crowned, through jealousy, he wishing to be pope himself; then when the other cardinals elect the next pope this cardinal will proclaim himself Anti-Pope, and two-thirds of the Christians will go with him. He, as well as Antichrist, are descendents of the Tribe of Dan. (Some say that the Turks are of the Tribe of Dan).

    j. "The mark (of Antichrist) will be a hellish symbol of Baptism, because thereby a person will be stamped as an adherent of Antichrist and also of the Devil in that he thereby gives himself over to the influence of Satan. Whoever will not have this mark of Antichrist can neither buy nor sell anything and will be beheaded.

    k. "He will win over to himself the rulers, the mighty and the wealthy, will bring about the destruction of those who do not accept his faith and, finally, will subjugate the entire earth.

    l. "The streets of Jerusalem, will then shine in the brightest gold with the blood of Christians which will flow like water. Simultaneously Antichrist will try to increase his wonders. His executioners will work such miracles when they torment the Christians that the people will think Antichrist is the true God. The executioners will not permit the Christians to win the martyrs' crown easily for they will endeavor to prolong their pain until they renounce their faith. Yet some will receive a special grace from God to die during the torments.

    m. "Antichrist will make the earth move, level mountains, dry up rivers, produce thunder and lightning and hail, remove the leaves from the trees and return them again to the trees, make men sick and cure them, exorcise devils, raise the dead to life (1). He will appear to be crucified and rise from the dead. All in all Christians will be astounded and in grievous doubts while Antichrist will be confirmed in their false faith.

    n. "Finally, when he shall have converted all his plans into action, he will gather his worshippers about him and tell them that he will presently ascend toward heaven. However, at the moment of the ascension a bolt of lightning will overwhelm and annihilate him. The planned ascent into heaven will have been prepared by the artful employment of ingenious devices, and the moment at which the event was to have taken place, leading to his destruction, will produce a cloud that will spread an unbearable odor. Through this many people will again come to their senses and to understanding.

    o. "Then the people should prepare for the last judgment, the day of which is indeed veiled in secrecy and obscurity, but not far distant.

    p. "A longer time of peace is to follow the desolation and wars, and which (2) will precede the second coming of Christ. During this time God will pour out His richest blessing. During these blessed days fertility and blissful prosperity will spread over the earth. As the clouds fertilize the earth, so shall the Holy Spirit enrich the nations with the dew of His Grace. A real summer of spiritual life will come. During this time also the holy angels, who formerly were held back from human society by the vapor of sin, will associate intimately with men, because they are delighted with the renewal and holiness of their lives. Many pagans will also be converted during this time, be baptized and acknowledge Christ with praise. Many converted Jews and heretics will also increase the glory of the Church, much to the surprise of mankind. Many wise men with the gift of prophecy will unfold the secrets and meaning of Holy Scripture."

    q. See also Prophesy 84.
    1. Only God can raise the dead, only He will cast out devils. This we know from the Gospels. A copyist probably left out the words "seem to."
    2. 'and which' is probably a copyists error for 'than'.
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