
Discussion in 'The Signs of the Times' started by non sum dignus, Jan 21, 2025.

  1. Michael_Pio

    Michael_Pio Archangels

    Yes, it would be nice, but I think it is an illusion. I think they are heading for a new direction, with new right-wing governments in the U.S.A., Argentina, New Zealand, etc. They may be thinking that they pushed the envelope too much with the 'vaccinations', etc. So now, they want to change the tune.
    We must beware. This is not a time to let our guards down.
    In fact, I think that evil is on an all-time high. The new direction of the system, with AI, big words, very unusual interventions, etc., is outright scary.
    Fr. Ripperger is on record this month saying that possessed people cannot be successfully exorcised anymore. Evil has become that strong - even exorcisms fail.
    May God protect us. Where there is much evil, grace abounds even more. Fr. Ripperger said in the same statement that the saints in heaven admire us, because now is the best time in history to win the highest merits for heaven.
    God bless
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2025
  2. karnala

    karnala Principalities

    Sounds like there's going to be a lot of people out of work .. musicians, actors, academics, etc. There's also robots doing dental work .. I dread the thought of a robotic arm drilling away .. imagine an extraction! I said to my own doctor that at least he mightn't lose his job as a GP .. but he told me they now have robots doing brain surgery.
    Sam, AED, Whatever and 1 other person like this.
  3. Michael_Pio

    Michael_Pio Archangels

    Yes, it is very scary. We must pray the Rosary. This is the road to serfdom and only God can help us, as He freed His people from captivity before.
  4. Michael_Pio

    Michael_Pio Archangels

    It is a "portal". You know where to...
  5. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Well I would not like to try AI as a Spiritual Director.:):)
    Agnes McAllister, AED and Michael_Pio like this.
  6. Whatever

    Whatever Powers

    Scary stuff. Perhaps that was the reason for the trial runs of universal basic income?

    Catholic preppers would do well to stock up on print copies of the Bible and the Catechism now.
    LMF, Marygar, karnala and 3 others like this.
  7. padraig

    padraig Powers

    The Vatican , I see, has just put out a document on AI....interesting. Not not I trust the present denizens of the Vatican two inches.

    A Vatican document released Tuesday offers wide-ranging ethical guidelines for the application of artificial intelligence in sectors from warfare to healthcare, with an underlying call that the burgeoning technology must be used as a tool to complement, and not replace, human intelligence.

    Pope Francis has issued several warnings about the risks associated with AI technology, and this new document by the Vatican’s doctrine and cultural offices expands on what the pontiff has already said. It comes as a new AI chatbot by Chinese tech startup DeepSeek has raised the stakes in the AI technology race, catching up with American generative AI leaders at a fraction of the cost.

    The document underlines that human responsibility needs to grow in proportion to the new technology, and that the impact of AI’s uses in various sectors “may not always be predictable from their inception.”

    “AI should be used only as a tool to complement human intelligence, rather than replace its richness, the document said in its conclusion.

    The document warns that AI has the potential to increase instruments of war “well beyond the scope of human oversight,” which could provoke “a destabilizing arms race.” Weapons systems that can identify and strike targets without human intervention, removing “the unique human capacity for moral judgement and ethical decision-making,'' it said.

    “No machine should ever choose to take the life of a human being,'' the document warned.

    AI and Human Relationships

    The document warns that AI is not a substitute for “authentic human relationships,” and cites its lack of empathy as a risk when anthropomorphizing AI in areas such as child development or interpersonal relationships.

    “While human beings are meant to experience authentic relationships, AI can only simulate them,” the document said.

    AI and Search for Meaning

    The document cites the risk that “as society drifts away from connection with the transcendent, some are tempted to turn to AI in search of meaning and fulfillment — longings that can only be truly satisfied in communion with God.”

    “The presumption of substituting God for an artifact of human making is idolatry, a practice Scripture explicitly warns against,” the document said.

    AI and <Surveillance

    Advances in AI-powered data processing have made data privacy “even more imperative as a safeguard for the dignity and relational nature” of individuals, the document said.

    “The risk of surveillance overreach must be monitored by appropriate regulators to ensure transparency and public accountability,’’ it said.

    AI and the Environment

    The document underlined that while AI can help fight climate change through models to forecast extreme events, help manage emergencies and help promote sustainable development, it also poses risks that are obscured by the use of words like “the cloud” that detach data storage “from the physical world.”

    “It is crucial to recognize that its operation demands vast amounts of energy and water, contributing significantly to CO2 emissions,” the document said.

    AI and Education

    The document said that AI should help promote critical thinking, and not just train “young people how to amass information and generate quick responses.” Education is not about “filling one’s head with ideas,” but “is about taking a risk in the tensions between the mind, the heart and the hands,” it said.

    “Schools, universities and scientific societies are challenged to help students and professionals to grasp the social and ethical aspects of the development and uses of technology,'' the document said.

    AI and Healthcare

    While citing the potential of AI to enhance medical care, such as in diagnosing illness, the document said it is critical that AI is used to enhance and not “replace the relationship between patients and healthcare providers.”

    “Decisions regarding patient treatment and the weight of responsibility they entail must always remain with the human person, and should never be delegated to AI,’’ the document said.

    AI and Misinformation/Deepfakes

    AI presents a risk of “generating manipulated content and false information, which can easily mislead people due to its resemblance to the truth,'' the document said.

    “Countering AI-driven falsehoods is not only the work of industry experts — it requires the efforts of all people of good will,'' it said, calling for diligence on the part of those who share AI-generated content to verify “the truth of what they disseminate.”
    karnala and AED like this.
  8. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    One of the reasons that prevent me from being Protestant is the reformers' belief that not even ecumenical councils are infallible. This would leave us at the mercy of a good Greek and Hebrew scholar to determine which of the multiple biblical translations is the correct one and what their theological implications are. However, after reading your comment, it occurred to me whether artificial intelligence could take the lead in this process to the point of radically altering the original meaning of biblical passages, which could happen in the generations following ours.
  9. Prayslie

    Prayslie Archangels

    Yes well said as this maybe the case in future beliefs.
    karnala, Luan Ribeiro and AED like this.
  10. AED

    AED Powers

    Excellent post.
    karnala likes this.
  11. AED

    AED Powers

    It's a good document for the most part. Good guidance thanks be to God.
    karnala likes this.
  12. karnala

    karnala Principalities

    Already this year, "Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim made headlines when he urged young IT developers and tech professionals to incorporate Islamic values into artificial intelligence (AI) systems, arguing that this would ensure that AI serves humanity in a more ethical and just manner". I haven't read anything about what the other many "religions" are doing.

    The Perils of Religious AI
    Prayslie likes this.
  13. padraig

    padraig Powers

  14. padraig

    padraig Powers

    The IDF used AI when they were bombing Gaza. They were doing such massive bombing humans could not keep up. They also used AI to identify targets. So AI was looking for people, finding them, deciding they needed to be killed and sending humans in planes in to kill them.

    So I guess you could say that Gaza was the first AI war against humans in history.

    Quite something to think about. The AI system used to run IDF bombing is called, 'Gospel'..I wonder why?

  15. karnala

    karnala Principalities

    That is horrifying.. sounds like Israel is testing it in this war. I was horrified with Israel using exploding pagers. Does this mean other countries will be investing and relying on Al and advanced technology for military operations ??? Another "culture of death".

    Blasphemous name for a war machine when the Gospel is about mercy. Gospel means "good news" because God's covenant has been expanded to include all peoples of all nations as His chosen people. The first part of the Apostles Creed is the start of our Profession of Faith - what the believer (Jew or Gentile) must profess:

    The Apostles Creed
    I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell. On the third day he rose again. He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead...
  16. padraig

    padraig Powers

    If anyone anywhere in the World was thinking of joining any Intelligence Agency anywhere I would warn them not to, for the sake of their immortal souls. The very least you would be called to do is to tell lies and to constantly tell lies for the rest of your career.

    Lies would be the very least of it. We either serve God or serve Mammon.

    Mark 8:36

    What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?
    karnala, Sam, Mary's child and 2 others like this.

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