
Discussion in 'Announcements' started by padraig, Nov 12, 2024.

  1. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Well it's better to be kind. On the whole.

    I agree there is a time too to kick ass.

    But on the whole kindness.

    I guess any parent, particularly of a teen, understands all this intuitively.
  2. Sam

    Sam Powers

    Well "kind" was my word as I was paraphrasing it. I guess the point I was making was that after she prayed for him, it was completely different.
  3. padraig

    padraig Powers

    It's a really great idea to pray for Confessors beforehand. I think I will try praying to their Guardian Angel and the Holy Spirit. Looking abck down the years I believe I have been very,very blessed with priests in confession. Although when we do hit it a bad one it can be very upsetting.
    JMJforever, Sam, Katfalls and 3 others like this.
  4. AED

    AED Powers

    I think we should pray for them. That God will give them the necessary wisdom to direct us in confession. For some years now I say a Rosary for the priest who will be hearing my confession for this insight and for protection from all harm physical and spiritual and for sanctification. I am so grateful for the priesthood.
    JMJforever, Seagrace, Sam and 3 others like this.
  5. padraig

    padraig Powers

    They must hear with the heart as well as the head. They can only hear with the heart if they pray. They can only understand with the head if they read.

    Regular confession means we wind up not too surprised when we arrive before the heavenly court when all the deeds committed in secret will see the Light. Things that we have tried to bury even from ourselves.

    One of the Great Signs of the time ,as Pope St John Paul 2 said is a loss of the sense of sin and any fear at all of falling into hell. The Fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom. We should fear hell very,very,very much , it is the most dreadful place. Apart from anything else it is the boredom and sameness of the place. Nothing ever changes there; there is nothing to hope for, for all Eternity. Endless pain and regret.
    Sam, Mary's child, Steve79 and 3 others like this.

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