
Discussion in 'The Signs of the Times' started by themilitantcatholic, Sep 3, 2015.

  1. Sam

    Sam Powers

    This was one of the replies to that post:

    This meme was in the replies:

    Steve79, Mary's child and AED like this.
  2. orangina

    orangina Archangels

    I hope Trump's first decision will be to release all the prisoners who were falsely accused of "attacking democracy" on Jan. 6/2021...
    That would be a good start to the presidential term and an announcement that this time he plans to deal with the swamp much more seriously.
  3. DeGaulle

    DeGaulle Powers

    Trump has announced the Federal Administration will only recognise two sexes. Confirming Genesis is a good start.
    Sanctus, JMJforever, Sam and 9 others like this.
  4. Carmelite

    Carmelite Archangels

    I was so impressed with his inauguration speech. I can’t say I disagreed with much of it. It’s a lot of dreams for a four year term however. But you could sense the hope in the room. While the deep state sat there looking quite uncomfortable. In God is our hope, but praying for Trump.

    Now pray for us Canadians that we get a strong leader, because our country is steeped in evil and darkness.
    djmoforegon, LMF, JMJforever and 6 others like this.
  5. Katfalls

    Katfalls Powers

    I am so relieved. I was expecting shenanigans. Loved how God was brought into the equation. Trump faced death, he is not afraid of anyone.
    QUOTE="Carmelite, post: 465299, member: 8122"]I was so impressed with his inauguration speech. I can’t say I disagreed with much of it. It’s a lot of dreams for a four year term however. But you could sense the hope in the room. While the deep state sat there looking quite uncomfortable. In God is our hope, but praying for Trump.

    Now pray for us Canadians that we get a strong leader, because our country is steeped in evil and darkness.[/QUOTE]
  6. orangina

    orangina Archangels

    Biden Pre-Emptively Pardons Fauci, Schiff, Cheney, Milley, & Family Members

    Sam likes this.
  7. AED

    AED Powers

    An admission of their guilt.
    Sanctus, HeavenlyHosts, Jo M and 2 others like this.
  8. Katfalls

    Katfalls Powers

    I have a different take on it. The Dems weaponized the DOJ, FBI. I think they are worried Trump will order swat teams to show up at their houses unannounced and ransack their homes. Just like they did to Mara Lago, and going through all of Melania’s personal items. And others they terrorized children with guns etc. They are worried about retaliation so they are pardoning themselves in advance.
  9. Steve79

    Steve79 Archangels

    What actually happened to the drone story?
    Are there still real sightings? Agnes?
    What I find on the internet increasingly appears to be fake.
    Agnes McAllister likes this.
  10. Supposedly a couple days ago, the news came out saying it was the FAA. They were doing investigative check flight paths... if that is true, then why wasn't that told to us...
    Honestly it doesn't sit right at all.
    Sorry I don't have a link but it was official news. But why did they hover over people's houses? In their yards.?
    Then allow people to be laughed at as though they are crazy.
    I've had a bad tooth or I would have shared the info. I will look for it today.
  11. [/QUOTE]

    Yes Canada deals with so much. I have friends there and it's no picnic I've heard. I will pray that you get an incredible leader!!!
  12. Jo M

    Jo M Powers

    Definitely something off here. (n)
  13. Prayslie

    Prayslie Archangels

    Sam and Steve79 like this.
  14. Steve79

    Steve79 Archangels

    Save yourself the effort. Your statement is enough at this point.
    Get well soon with your tooth.
    Sam, HeavenlyHosts and Jo M like this.
  16. Steve79

    Steve79 Archangels

  17. Katfalls

    Katfalls Powers

    Earthquakes picking up across the globe. IMG_6646.png
    Steve79, JMJforever, Seagrace and 2 others like this.
  18. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    The island of Santorini, Greece, is having major problems right now.
    Steve79, JMJforever, Seagrace and 4 others like this.
  19. Tibbi

    Tibbi Principalities

    Calls to mind Luz de Maria messages suggesting ever-increasing eathquakes.
    Come Lord Jesus!
  20. He makes sense usually and can be quite funny. Often the voice of reason
    Steve79 and AED like this.

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