
Discussion in 'The Signs of the Times' started by themilitantcatholic, Sep 3, 2015.

  1. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    Rosary being said.
    Jo M, Prayslie, HeavenlyHosts and 2 others like this.
  2. Carmelite

    Carmelite Archangels

    I wonder if Canada will see any on this storm? We do have a 37 degree heat warning today.
    Sam, Jo M, Prayslie and 3 others like this.
  3. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    The East Coast of US getting rains at end of week
    Remnants of storm
    Keep watch on your weather reports
    Sam, Jo M, Mary's child and 2 others like this.
  4. Pax Prima

    Pax Prima Powers

    Texas is swamped. There are now predictions for tornadoes in the Houston area as well.
    Texas seems like one of the epicenters of the unfolding of the end times to me. There is Bishop Strickland who was cancelled, former Bishop of the diocese of Tyler. Then there is the "Mission of Divine Mercy" where a sister has been allegedly receiving locutions. It is my observation that for each thing spiritual there is a physical counterpart. So given the spiritual battles taking place in Texas, it does not surprise me that so much destructive weather activity is taking place there.
  5. AED

    AED Powers

    Sam, HeavenlyHosts and Jo M like this.
  6. jackzokay

    jackzokay Powers

    Haahaaa brilliant :ROFLMAO::D
    Sam, LMF, Jo M and 2 others like this.
  7. AED

    AED Powers

  8. PurpleFlower

    PurpleFlower Powers

    Thank you for your prayers. Beryl ended up veering further right than predicted, so the worst weather (tornadoes, high winds) were south and east of us. We had steady rain for most of the day today, but it was actually quite pleasant, dropped the temperature down into the 60s, and throughly watered all of my trees and plants without flash flooding. The kids had a blast playing in the rain. I'm very grateful that we were shielded from the worst.
    Clare A, Byron, Mario and 16 others like this.
  9. Booklady

    Booklady La Dolorosa

    What a blessing, PurpleFlower.
    Jason Fernando, Sam, Jo M and 4 others like this.
  10. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

  11. AED

    AED Powers

    Deo Gratias!!!!
  12. Bernadette

    Bernadette Archangels

    We were on the dirty side of Beryl and even though it was only a Category 1, it was still harrowing. Every time a tornado alert would sound on the phone and the sound of the wind and things hitting the house were awful. I don’t like bad weather (who does lol) especially since we’ve flooded twice before. Yesterday I grabbed a picture of the Holy Face and prayed the rosary. I had to imagine I’m in the boat with Jesus and about to perish and He’s sleeping! But I just kept hearing keep your eyes on me and trust. Luckily, no damage and never lost power. There’s over 2 million without power please keep them in your prayers, it’s 88 degrees but feels like almost 100 degrees outside.

    God Bless!
  13. AED

    AED Powers

    What a harrowing ordeal. Thank God you are safe. We too are having very humid heat. Unusual for us. Poor people without power. Praying a Rosary right now.
  14. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Offering prayers today for all the people without power. God had his hand of protection on you.
  15. PurpleFlower

    PurpleFlower Powers

    So scary! Thanks be to God all turned out well for you.
    AED, Jo M, Jason Fernando and 3 others like this.
  16. Pax Prima

    Pax Prima Powers

    I don't know how many people are already aware of this, so please delete this if it has been posted to death. 2025 is the year of the snake according to the Chinese lunar calendar. It commences Jan. 29, 2025 (Wednesday).

    So this year is the year of the dragon, and next year the snake.
    Jason Fernando likes this.
  17. Carmelite

    Carmelite Archangels

    How often do they alternate in Chinese calendar ?
    Jason Fernando likes this.
  18. Pax Prima

    Pax Prima Powers

    My understanding is that it is annually, but their calendar isn't perfect, so it shifts. Like the Muslim calendar.
    Jason Fernando and Carmelite like this.
  19. Katfalls

    Katfalls Powers

    yup, I can see that now. Roaring like a dragon and slithering like a sneaky snake.

  20. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Yes, the remnants of the hurricane will impact Upstate NY starting at 7am tomorrow and it will basically rain for 2 days straight through- over 3 inches predicted. God was good today. We've been trying to move a bunk shed from camp up to our house for a couple of weeks but the field has been too wet. However, today we were able to do it...In less than three weeks we've got family visiting: 5 adults (includes a pregnant Mom!) and 8 kids. The bunk shed can sleep 8! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

    Lord have Mercy!

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