
Discussion in 'The Signs of the Times' started by themilitantcatholic, Sep 3, 2015.

  1. orangina

    orangina Archangels

    I quickly typed in google to see if there were any books on the subject, what the saints (who had the gift of knowledge) had to say about these things.

    This threw me off..I went through a couple of pages and it seems quite interesting. I'm putting the link

    This is just one example, there is also a story about Noah's Ark... Maybe there is something about the age of the earth :D

    This is what it says:

    "The strongest “proof” that emerged from the excavations of nineteenth century archaeologists was negative. According to Julius Wellhausen, the absence of evidence of writing in the time of Moses contradicted the traditional Christian teaching that Moses had been the writer or redactor of the first five books of the Bible. If there was no writing in the time of Moses, Wellhausen reasoned, Moses could not have written anything. In addition, Wellhausen and his school pointed to other anomalies.

    The author(s) of the Pentateuch wrote of kings; but there were no kings in the time of Moses. The author(s) of Genesis described domesticated camels in the time of Abraham—but archaeology had not unearthed any evidence of camels having been domesticated in the time of Abraham. Moreover, the author of Exodus referred to Philistines in the time of Moses; but the Philistines were not a great military power in the time of Moses. Thus, it seemed clear to Wellhausen and to most of the intellectual elite of Europe and North America that Moses could not have been the author or editor of the first five books of the Bible. Tragically, a host of Catholic scholars jumped on the Wellhausen bandwagon, forgetting that “absence of evidence” is not necessarily “evidence of absence.” Pope Leo XIII and Pope St. Pius X refused to abandon the traditional teaching of the Church on the Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch, however; and, in 1906, the Pontifical Biblical Commission, then an arm of the Magisterium, formally upheld the Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch in an official decree.22

    The wisdom of this decree was vindicated by subsequent archaeological discoveries which proved that writing had existed one thousand years before the time of Moses, that camels were domesticated in the time of Abraham, and that the Philistines truly existed in the time of Moses, though not as the great military power that they would become in the period of the Judges."
    DeGaulle, Mmary, AED and 3 others like this.
  2. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    I believe that the meaning of one day being equivalent to a thousand years for God could refer to the Celestial Dimension that God Inhabits, just as if time behaved differently in the sky, different perceptions of the same time, like the speed of a thought or a dream. I have this impression when I read the revelation given to Saint John that the reign of the Beast will last 3.5 years, which would hardly be fulfilled "multiplied by 1000", especially because this seems a reference to a force diametrically opposed to the Ministry of Christ on earth, which lasted 3 years.
    Te Deum and Mmary like this.
  3. Byron

    Byron Powers

    “Ancient earth and a creation week that is actually a re-creation of a devastated earth.” Dinosaurs were extinct before Adam and Eve. Maybe they existed with Luther.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2024
    DeGaulle and Heidi like this.
  4. Pax Prima

    Pax Prima Archangels

    There is some pretty amazing stuff in this document as I skim over it. I will give it more attention later, thanks for posting it.
    Sam likes this.
  5. AED

    AED Powers

    The arrogance of Wellhausen and company assuming they had the truth! Archeology is a guessing game. A detective trying to piece together clues. The elites wanted a reason to disbelieve. To be " set free" ftom the constraints of faith. Same thing with Darwin. Even though Darwin was totally wrong they can't let go of him because then they would have to recognize there is a God. The courage of Pius X and Leo XIII is uplifting.
    Thanks for this link. Good research.
  6. Mmary

    Mmary Archangels

  7. Mario

    Mario Powers

    In the various worldwide cultures, traditions of a devastating flood are readily found. The intact carcasses of frozen woolly Mammoths have been discovered in Arctic regions which indicate sudden and devastating changes in climate. The claim that sedimentary layers provide evidence of evolutionary dynamics has been significantly debunked. And the fact that evolutionary scientists fail to provide any catalyst for the Big Bang, actually supports a Theistic worldview.

    Evolutionary Theory has been used as a driving force to encourage the embrace of Atheism. However, archeological discoveries supporting the sudden destruction of the cities on the Plain (think Sodom), are helping to support the Biblical narrative.

    In the end, God is God and we are but creatures. Creationism provides evidence to support a Creator God of the universe, but unfortunately many of its adherents turn a blind eye to clear evidence for the Catholic Faith. May the Holy Spirit reveal to them the joy of being Catholic. May they never pull me from the One True Faith.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2024
    miker, Byron, Jason Fernando and 5 others like this.
  8. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Exactly. One Sunday not too long ago, our pastor stressed the fact that we are but creatures.
    That’s the second time you’ve posted something recently that he has said! That’s the Holy Spirit for sure.
  9. any name you wish

    any name you wish Archangels

    Mario, Te Deum, AED and 2 others like this.
  10. djmoforegon

    djmoforegon Powers

    I’m always drawn to the revelations given to Anne Catherine Emmerich.

    “But I saw that, even at the coming of Semiramis to Memphis, these people, in their pride had designedly confused their calendar. Their ambition was to take precedence of all other nations in point of time. With this end in view, they drew up a number of complicated calendars and royal genealogical tables. By this and frequent changes in their computations, order and true chronology were lost. That this confusion might be firmly established, they perpetuated every error by inscriptions and the erection of great buildings. For a long time they reckoned the ages of father and son, as if the date of the former’s demise were that of the latter’s birth. The kings, who waged constant war with the priests on the subject of chronology, inserted among their forefathers the names of persons that never existed. Thus the four kings of the same name who reigned simultaneously in Thebes, Heliopolis, Memphis, and Sais, were in accordance with this design, reckoned one after the other. I saw too that once they reckoned nine hundred and seventy days to a year, and again, years were computed as months. I saw a pagan priest drawing up a chronological table in which for every five hundred years, eleven hundred were set down.

    I saw these false computations of the pagan priests at the same time that I beheld Jesus teaching on the Sabbath at Aruma. Jesus, speaking before the Pharisees of the Call of Abraham and his sojourn in Egypt, exposed the errors of the Egyptian calendar. He told them that the world had now existed 4028 years. When I heard Jesus say this, He was Himself thirty-one years old.”
    Philothea, Dusica, Byron and 6 others like this.
  11. Pax Prima

    Pax Prima Archangels

    Putin outlines Russian response to long-range strikes
    Moscow is considering arming adversaries of West in “sensitive” areas

    "Russia is considering “asymmetric” measures against Kiev’s sponsors due to Ukraine’s use of Western-supplied weapons against its territory, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said."

    It appears that war will escalate around and in the holy land.
    Mario likes this.
  12. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Problem solved
    Mary's child likes this.
  13. Pax Prima

    Pax Prima Archangels

  14. AED

    AED Powers

  15. DeGaulle

    DeGaulle Powers

    I'd wager that Wellhausen took up archaeology with the initial intention of disproving the Faith and proceeded according to his prejudices.
  16. DeGaulle

    DeGaulle Powers

    There are reports that the Ukraine have been directing drones at the Russian strategic nuclear alert radar system. What could go wrong?
    Te Deum, Jason Fernando, Sam and 3 others like this.

  17. Mazzulla: How his Faith and Father has a daily impact on Celtics' coach

    The Boston Celtics coach loves praying the rosary as he walks around the basketball court...
  18. Pax Prima

    Pax Prima Archangels

    Clare A, Te Deum, DeGaulle and 7 others like this.
  19. Pax Prima

    Pax Prima Archangels

    AED likes this.
  20. orangina

    orangina Archangels

    Blizzard, Jo M and Pax Prima like this.

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