
Discussion in 'The Signs of the Times' started by themilitantcatholic, Sep 3, 2015.

  1. Frankly

    Frankly Archangels

    Yes of course.

    AND TO THE POINT.. It's current leadership ignores them - gravely exhibited by the Vatican's new "marriage" with top-shelf Globalist mavens of Capitalism

  2. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    yea; but this does not exclude the express condemnation of communism that belongs to the same magisterium of the Church founded more than 2000 years ago; in the same way, the condemnation of communism does not exclude that of a globalist pole centered on the reform of capitalism.
    Sam likes this.
  3. Frankly

    Frankly Archangels

    The Catholic Church sits upon the Foundation of 3 pillars: Sacred Scriptures, Sacred Apostolic Tradition and the Magisterium
    And No matter how errant some Leaders and Individuals become, It's Foundation - which ultimately flows from the Trinity, remains solid.
    The "Vatican" has gone astray... has gone the way of Mammon - with Globalists..
  4. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

  5. Frankly

    Frankly Archangels


    In very serious disobedience to Jesus' Teachings -
    the Vatican has gone astray by leaping into the arms of what is as a Legion of Globalist minions of AntiChrist - ergo, Satan, via its being taken in by the Council for Inclusive Capitalism

    It is the LOVE of Money which is a root of all kinds of evils.

    "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

    “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.

    Christine LaGarde Pres of European CENTRAL Bank..
    Central Banks? Have involved in financing Wars..

  6. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    the Magisterium absorbs the two previous pillars; after all, the Church is faithful to the word of Christ as he guaranteed (until the end of times) thus being the Holy Scripture; Holy Tradition and the Magisterium in one voice condemn communism and its ramifications:; as well as any prototype government or economic system that supports the coming of antichrist under the name of "Inclusive Capitalism".
    Mmary likes this.
  7. Frankly

    Frankly Archangels

    Lets' see what the Magisterium Itself has to say re: Scriptures, Apostolic Tradition, and Magisterium..

    There is a hierarchical order and a chronological order . with God's Word in writing preceding Apostolic Tradition which preceded in time - the evolving Magisterium..

    "Sacred Scripture is the Word of God - as it is put down in writing under the breath of the Holy Spirit" (Trinity)
    "[Holy] Tradition transmits in its entirety the Word of God which has been entrusted to the apostles by Christ the Lord and the Holy Spirit."
    The Magisterium is "The task of giving an authentic interpretation of the Word of God, whether in its written form or in the form of Tradition.
    "Yet this Magisterium is not superior to the Word of God, but is its servant."
  8. Lois

    Lois Guest

    So when the proximate Magisterium becomes "messy" so to speak, we look to the remote Magisterium for clarification.

    (this comes from a video of a talk by a good priest - can't remember who though)
    HeavenlyHosts likes this.
  9. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    yes; but there is a specific part of the magisterium that deals with the "excommunication", this is as if it were the scripture itself speaking because it serves to determine what can and what cannot belong to the body of the Church; this recalls the "anathemas" that existed in ecumenical councils even before the Church definitively ratified the Catholic biblical canon at the Council of Trent (1545-1563).
    HeavenlyHosts likes this.
  10. Frankly

    Frankly Archangels

    In individual Voices.. If you know Scriptures and e.g., Communism, you Know it's the work of Satan/AntiChrist..
    MeanWhile, I'm speaking of more than Just Communism Alone..
    Which is a somewhat latecomer in the AntiChristianity which bloomed amongst the Jewish Leadership in Jerusalem c.2000 years ago.
  11. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    here on the forum what has always been denounced by the majority is that everyone needs conversion and is susceptible to accepting the antichrist as Savior; from North to south; from east to west; from the poor to the rich... from Israel to the Muslim peoples (who also expect a false messiah called imam mahdi just like the jews who reject Christ).
  12. Frankly

    Frankly Archangels

    If you know Scriptures and e.g., Communism, you Know it's the work of Satan/AntiChrist..
    MeanWhile, I'm speaking of more than Just Communism Alone..
    Which is a somewhat latecomer in the AntiChristianity which bloomed amongst the Jewish Leadership in Jerusalem c.2000 years ago.

    During His walk on Earth, Jesus specificially came to the Jews..
    Some Accepted Him and some Rejected Him.. by Sentencing Christ to Death!
    Aka? A Supreme AntiChristian Action!
    It is to some Jews only that Jesus gave them His list of WOE's!
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2022
  13. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    it is clear that atheistic communism emerged centuries after the creation of the Church... when I say scripture; tradition; and magisterium condemn communism with one voice, I am saying that all three are replicating the infallible voice of Christ for the whole church; when they cast anathema against anti-Christian doctrines; this comes from the time when the magisterium of the popes condemned Christian gnosis in the early church; in perfect alignment with the scriptures and various writings of the church fathers.
    I'm basically saying that the infallible magisterium; it is the voice of Christ; of holy scripture; and from Holy Tradition at all times that anti-Christian doctrines have arisen throughout history.
  14. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    I am basically saying that while some Protestants have doubts about which political/philosophical/spiritual doctrines God would not approve because they are not implicit in the Holy Scriptures; the Church's infallible magisterium gives us the certainty of the biblical answer to these questions.
    DeGaulle, Sam and Mary's child like this.
  15. Frankly

    Frankly Archangels

    In Disobedience to God, the Vatican run by Francis - has gone way astray by joining up with Legion of Globalist minions of AntiChrist
    Each of the various Groups of Earth's Movers and Shakers in the Council contain a huge number of the most powerful Orgs, Corps, Etc. on the planet.

    The Coalition Leaders include a member of the Mega Billionaire Rothschild family


    Founder and Chair


    Executive Director

    Director of Communications
  16. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Carol55 likes this.
  17. DeGaulle

    DeGaulle Powers

    In the light of all this, does it not suggest, in the light of its collaboration with the Chinese Communist Party, that the Vatican has excommunicated itself? If this is the case and if the excommunication can only be lifted by the Holy See, which was complicit with this collaboration, are we not in a bit of a bind? My little brain is boggling bigly. Come, Lord Jesus.
  18. DeGaulle

    DeGaulle Powers

    What is dominating the world currently is corporate capitalism, which is really a misnomer. This form of economic organisation is much more closely related to communism than might seem to be the case. Corporate capitalism, in its present form at any rate, seems to me just another variation of central planning and its multinational tendency reminds me of Communist International. Corporate capitalism is the predominant driver of all the 'woke' ideologies that are infecting the world at present and the central planning is illustrated by the global reach and universal similarity of what is, at great expense and effort and often against their own economic interests, being everywhere shoved down our throats by these gigantic corporations. Their power and influence extends everywhere-in government, in education and has now reached the Vatican. Our Lady has, I believe, warned that Communism will come again; I suspect that here it is.

    May the Lord God have mercy on us all.
    Sam, Mmary, Byron and 6 others like this.
  19. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    I think that just as Francis' legitimacy can only be judged by a legitimate future pope this includes the issue of excommunication as well; I would say that there could be piles of documents as evidence of the apostasy of the current pontificate and some would include the magisterium documents against communism in contrast to the documents in which Francis supported this system and its ramifications.
    AED likes this.
  20. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    here I refer to the judgment that a possible future pope will make of this pontificate; perhaps together with an ecumenical council.
    AED likes this.

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