Yes, but these powers-that-be are so arrogant that it might prove to be their downfall: Lord have Mercy!
I don’t think its mark of beast...but the globalist are testing to see how to best organize the masses. i have this weird theory. Yes, if vaccine has aborted tissue or created through abortion, then it is a abomination to our bodies (temple) it would probably open us up to evil. My theory is the created vaccine is a attachment to our dna. Currently, everyone has unique DNA sequence. Currently, Any disease or sent chemical release would affect everyone different. Once everyone has that vaccine building block. Man mad viruses can be sent across the world and they can-be stopped by adding a block to existing vaccine block. The sinister part is...the elites could add a block to themselves, while everyday people would not receive that block. Easy way to depopulate world. on separate note... The use of aborted body parts to create micenoids and pignoids is actually a abominatio wanting to be like God. Its pure evil. everything is really coming to light. That concert where people were being crushed to death and singer kept singing. Too Much evil right now. So should we take jab. I don’t know but for me...i’m good. bro. al
Oh God bless them…the world is in crisis. St Michael. Protect our forces…from the vaccine and war. Thank you Biden for ruining just everything!
FS, I don't think your theory is all that weird. If the vaccines are indeed a precursor to the Mark, then they could very well open the door to evil. It's disturbing to let my mind wander down this scary path because I have loved ones who have been vaccinated. These are the thoughts I have when I am wide awake at 3am.
Dear Michael, I truly respect your commitment to the faith! You know the persecution that may ensue, yet as a convert, you probably appreciate the faith more than most. Refusing the vax might be the one issue that we die on the hill for, and so be it. Praying for the grace for those of us who will hold out against the powers to be that we all have this strength and fortitude to follow our conscience and to do Gods will regardless of the consequences.
I ditto HH….additionally, I believe that the whole Covid/ vaccine event is a spiritual event…part of a bigger picture/plan. It’s a global event with global consequences…like the great reset and NWO…(new world order). Global elites need a form of global control…this could be it…IMO.
This idea did not come from me, I am only joining in. The prayer I posted above did not come from me either. I am surprised how well my fast has gone so far. I could never fast before, always struggled with it. I am hoping to stay strong for a few more hours. GOD BLESS!
You can test it, if you are most often thinking of negative thoughts, temptations, anxiety or too much worrying, then most probably you are under diabolic attack...
I don’t understand...everyone needs to follow their path. Crossroads happen all the time. Negative Thoughts never, temptations sure, anxiety lol, worry...not me. I have battled things which i have tried to ignore...but it always returns. I never speak to anyone personally about these things. This forum is different. People can’t say i am doing it for pride. No one knows me. I only post because some people, on this forum, need to understand they are not alone. And if i help one person...then God might be merciful to my soul. I am just a fallen saint who has been given a little insight. Every soul is special, especially on this forum, hopefully i never lead anyone on wrong path. jason, you don’t appreciate my posts, im sorry. Maybe im just a crazy old man who God has been merciful too. i will try to post less, Prayers, Br. al
People, being people will always have negative and positive thoughts about us. The only thing that really counts is what God thinks. If I worried what people thought I would never post anything. The time is fast approaching when they will be killing us and throwing us in prison for who and what we are. We can feel the chill and frost all around us. But that doesn't matter either, it's just proof that we really are walking in Christ's footsteps.