
Discussion in 'The Signs of the Times' started by themilitantcatholic, Sep 3, 2015.

  1. DeGaulle

    DeGaulle Powers

    These people have no sense of irony. They warn of people falling prey to cognitive dissonance, while both these institutions would strongly uphold the views, for example, that a man can marry a man and that a man can transform himself into a woman solely by the power of his will.
    Mary's child likes this.
  2. DeGaulle

    DeGaulle Powers

    From what little I can find on the internet about the Virgin of Desatanudos, I can only ask myself why Pope Francis didn't introduce this devotion instead of Pachamama. I even found a prayer he wrote about it, which is quite orthodox.
    HeavenlyHosts and Mmary like this.
  3. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    this devotion is very reminiscent of Mary's role as the "new Eve" for according to St. Irenaeus of Lyon the knot of Eve's disobedience was untied by Mary's obedience.
    Don_D, DeGaulle, Mary's child and 2 others like this.
  4. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    One of my former students works in the local grocery store. He has become a “woman.”
    It’s very awkward for me. I kind of duck and murmur greetings. Very awkward.
    I do pray for him. People where he works laugh at him, I think. Inside jokes.
    Beth B, Byron, Don_D and 6 others like this.
  5. AED

    AED Powers

    Beth B, Byron and HeavenlyHosts like this.
  6. Jo M

    Jo M Powers

    :( I can't even imagine HH. God help him.
    Clare A, Beth B, Byron and 4 others like this.
  7. RoryRory

    RoryRory Perseverance

    My parish priest is firing. I visited and I asked him to pray for my family over me. He prayed what I always wanted for my family back to great grandparents. I was so happy and I hadn’t even asked for it. Thankful!
    Mario, Beth B, Byron and 2 others like this.
  8. RoryRory

    RoryRory Perseverance

    Sorry dieting with brain and lung cancer. He is 85. Please pray for him He is joyful.
    Beth B, Byron, HeavenlyHosts and 3 others like this.
  9. RoryRory

    RoryRory Perseverance

    Beth B, HeavenlyHosts, Jo M and 2 others like this.
  10. PurpleFlower

    PurpleFlower Powers

    I will pray for him
  11. AED

    AED Powers

    What joy for him to be going home to heaven soon. And how wonderful he prayed over you. What a gift! I will send up a prayer for him.
  12. Don_D

    Don_D ¡Viva Cristo Rey!

    This is such a great deception and sadness in this. So many people who walk this road believing that they will find the happiness they have never had and instead are tortured even more for their own decisions bringing on an internal pressure and torture which becomes unrelenting. It is why so many are brought to commit suicide. This is why so many today push others to celebrate this diversity as if this external sign of affection can somehow fix what is ailing them when He has been knocking at their door their whole lives.
    They are people who need a healer but not likely for what they would seek healing for.
    The whole thing reminds me of the marketing campaigns for products you never knew you needed until after you saw the ad and so many are falling for it.
    Clare A, Beth B, Byron and 7 others like this.
  13. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Well said. It’s a mystery to me still. He has opened a Pandora’s box of a multitude of sufferings now.
    Beth B, Byron, Te Deum and 4 others like this.
  14. DeGaulle

    DeGaulle Powers

    Every person on the planet could agree and celebrate this supposed 'transition' and this man would still be a man.
    Clare A, Beth B, Jo M and 2 others like this.
  15. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Yes. Truth.
    Beth B and Jo M like this.
  16. Byron

    Byron Powers

  17. Byron

    Byron Powers

    AED - He is in his 60’s. Actually 66 years old to be exact. Remember what Fr Gobbi said about the number 6 (666) over 3 (333)?
    If there is an antichrist today, and many signs seem to say there is, than according to Fr Gobbi, the AC may very well be in his 60’s.
    Beth B and DeGaulle like this.
  18. Byron

    Byron Powers

    I mentioned AED here, because I know she’s read Fr Gobbi’s book.
    Beth B and AED like this.
  19. AED

    AED Powers

    I just listened to a talk about Fr Gobbi's words this morning on these topics and the Triumph of the Immaculate Hesrt on Quo Vadis on you tube!!
    Beth B and Byron like this.
  20. AED

    AED Powers

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