Protestant details locution about the Warning

Discussion in 'The Signs of the Times' started by Rosa, Jul 20, 2013.

  1. Jackie

    Jackie Archangels

    Hi guys, :)

    The OP messenger, Julie Whedbee and Bonnie in Australia hearing about the Great Warning BUT they both are
    hearing of a 3 days of darkness before the Chastisement, well, certainly is confusing. I still believe God is preparing Protestants in their messages.

    I saw a writing about Comet ISON at Yahoo Groups - era of peace. There was a paragraph from St. Faustina's
    diary, everybody has read before.

    All light in the heavens will be extinguished, and there will be great darkness over the whole earth. Then the sign of the cross will be seen in the sky, and from the openings where the hands and the feet of the Savior were nailed will come forth great lights which will light up the earth for a period of time. This will take place shortly before the last day." Jesus to St. Faustina, Message #83

    The cross in the sky, a sign of the Great Warning, maybe the "great darkness" is literal. ???
  2. Indy

    Indy Praying

    Andy, you have probably seen this already, it was posted on this site not too long ago I think. It is in three sections, the middle section deals with scientific evidence for a Eucharistic miracle. This could be worth showing to the protestant brethren.

  3. tgo

    tgo New Member

    I have another video of a scientist who investigates Eucharistic miracles:
  4. Andy3

    Andy3 Powers

    Thank you. Those are excellent videos.
  5. tgo

    tgo New Member

    Now I know these two men in the videos have worked together :)

    About Dr. Ricardo Castañon:
    Dr. Castañon and Ron Tesoriero have worked together on a number of investigations into claims of supernatural experiences. In Ron’s book, Reason to Believe, he describes Dr. Castañon thus: “a fascinating man…dedicated to his work, scrupulously thorough, and courageously open-minded. As a neuropsychophysiologist, …(he is) an expert in relating the physical and chemical activities of the brain to human behavior. In challenging these claims of apparitions and revelations, he sought to use the best (that) science, medicine, and psychiatry had to offer.” The Catholic Church came to know of Dr. Castañon’s work, and has called on him to conduct investigations on its behalf.
  6. Jackie

    Jackie Archangels

    A new friend, a Protestant prophet, when I asked him why won't Protestants discuss Catholic and non-Catholic
    Christian current prophecy? He replied, nobody likes to be told they are wrong.

    Divine events prophesied are closer, one recent Catholic message said "at the door."

    Jeff Kingshott is a Protestant messenger. This is beautiful, what do you think Our Lord is saying in a very loving way?

    An excerpt from a Message to Jeff Kingshott. see prophecy forum at

    October 7, 2013

    NOW FEED from My Tree ALL that it bears !
    For this shall Sustain you and be your Wares ,
    The BREAD of LIFE That shows ME , ( SHEW BREAD )
    My Completeness not just a part of My TAPESTRY ,
    I AM bearing My ALL open to VIEW !
    Come EAT OF ME so that I might give to others to partake of Me to !
    Or it will drift by as if it is deadwood ,
    So do not seperate but Come unto Me ,
    For I AM Painting in you My COMPLETE TAPESTRY ! ! !
  7. Andy3

    Andy3 Powers

    THat is awesome! Now why they don't come and partake of him is just beyond me when they get messages like this.
  8. Ian Moynihan

    Ian Moynihan New Member

    Hi again not going to get into fights with people but why is there stuff being put on this site from people who had visions and I don't know any of them where is the obedience to the church here on such matters when a lot of these visions have not being read or approved by the church why are they up here are people not disobeying church teaching on matters remember false prophets etc and evil also.
  9. Andy3

    Andy3 Powers

    ^^^I am sure others will chime in here. Reading and praying for discernment is not disobeying the church. The church will typically or pretty much always not rule on private locutions until after they have stopped. It is not disobeying to read them and no one is saying we believe them. We are praying for discernment and looking for messages from heaven and as long as they don't break dogma then it is ok to be reading them. Here is what Pope Benedint said:

    According to Pope Benedict XVI in Verbum Domini, apparitions or "private" revelation is "judged by its orientation to Christ himself. If it leads us away from Him, then it certainly does not come from the Holy Spirit, Who guides us more deeply into the Gospel and not away from it… Ecclesiastical approval of a private revelation essentially means that its message contains nothing contrary to faith and morals, it is licit to make it public, and the faithful are authorized to give it adhesion… A private revelation can have a prophetic character and can be a valuable aid for better understanding and living the Gospel at a certain time. Consequently, it should not be treated lightly. It is a help which is offered but its use is not obligatory."
    kathy k likes this.
  10. Indy

    Indy Praying

    Hi Ian, this has crossed my mind a few times also but I then think of this from Acts of the Apostles.

    c 2

    17 In the last days -- the Lord declares -- I shall pour out my Spirit on all humanity. Your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your young people shall see visions, your old people dream dreams.

    18 Even on the slaves, men and women, shall I pour out my Spirit.

    19 I will show portents in the sky above and signs on the earth below.

    20 The sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the day of the Lord comes, that great and terrible Day.

    So unless a prophet is explicitly banned by the Vatican or is obviously completely disobedient or off the wall I guess its worth sharing.

    There were also saints such as St. John of the Cross who disapproved of Private Revelation and believed too much gives an unbalanced spirituality. So I guess its best to not let them take over from the message of the Gospels.

    Maybe there should be a list made on this forum of Locutionists we are allowed to post Locutions from and ones we should not.
  11. Andy3

    Andy3 Powers

    Bonnie from australia has a new message up about how quickly events will esculate and when we see the large cosmic event, go into our homes and stay there for 3 days. Only the homes of people of the Lord will have light and they will be protected from the darkness in the world. Interesting how this comes out and is similar to what the recent message from Pelianito is suggesting about the 3 days Jonah spent in the whale. 3 days in the world without Jesus. Sounds horrible!!! Must have been what Mary felt when she lost him for 3 days when he was younger. What is it with 3 days when dealing with all things religous. It is always 3 days!
  12. picadillo

    picadillo Guest

    Thanks Andy. I love your bible verse you picked out, I too am the publican.
  13. Andy3

    Andy3 Powers

    picadillo....we all are but sadly many don't realize that! It is one of my favorite quotes.
  14. Rosa

    Rosa New Member

    The Lord seems to like foreshadowing and repetition...3 days in the whale, Jesus missing for 3 days in Jerusalem, Jesus rising from the tomb on the 3rd day...the "three days of darkness" is a running theme.
    garabandal and Heidi like this.
  15. Andy3

    Andy3 Powers

    Most recent from Julie W.

    My children, it is My desire that you use this brief moment in time to enjoy your place with Me in My heart and in My Kingdom. You are in a very short pause for soon, all around you will change and although I have spoken about things that are coming, you will still find yourselves feeling it happens so suddenly. I hear each one of you, asking for more clarification of the things to come. And you will be given all that you need, each one specific to his/her purpose. I know each of you better than you know yourselves for I am your Designer. I also know that given too much detail, you would focus on events to come and I would lose your companionship in this moment of now. I ask one thing of you this day. Give Me this moment of now. Sit with Me, talk with Me, be with Me, in Me. Feel My peace and My love flooding your spirit. I have promised you a place in My Kingdom for all eternity and I continue to provide for you and protect you . What concern is it of yours what tomorrow may bring? I have guaranteed tomorrows to no one. You are only given today, remember your place. You are hedged in on all sides. Were you to be given too much information, you would simply not understand. Much is being accomplished in the spiritual realm on your behalf. Concern yourselves with me and our relationship together rather than the happenings in the world. I am moving powerfully and mightily for My children. Much is taking place that you are not aware of. Take your rest now, today, knowing that this journey you have been given is drawing to an end. My peace I give to you My friends. you will be told when this three days of darkness is about to occur so that you may gather your families together in preparation. Never fear as My voice will be heard by My people. Take rest that you are counted worth of My eternal Kingdom children.
  16. Jackie

    Jackie Archangels

    Ian, hello,

    I could be wrong, reading the Catholic and Protestant messages from Heaven, don't you think God is preparing our brothers in Sisters in Christ for the end times and the Orthodox too? Lately and quite often, Our Lord is speaking to Protestants about the most Holy Eucharist. And for a longer time, Our Lord has been revealing the Great Warning to get them prepared. Mary Clark is Protestant, she receives lighthearted messages. The latest group of four speak about the "hour", I think this is the Great Warning.

    And to follow, another Protestant message.


    Abundant Life - 4
    October 25, 2013
    Extremes are a part of the living God’s vocabulary. I do nothing halfway. I go far beyond man’s expectations. What I am bringing forth is one of those extremes. Get ready for a great pronouncement of wonder in your heart, dear child, and know that with it is coming an extreme that cannot be described with words, with man’s words, that is……
    Abundant Life - 3
    October 23, 2013
    I tell you truly, beloved, a new hour is surely around the corner. Many would look on the world’s situations and grimace, but the Beloved looks on it with excitement, for much is lining up according to My will. You will notice an explosion of wonder in your midst and you will exude the love of your God to those with whom you come in contact. Yes, the great pronouncement of My love will draw mankind into My holy bosom. You will be astounded at what is taking place. You will absolutely marvel at the wonder of the hour. So keep this in mind during your day and during your night hours when you lie on your bed wondering what is next with the Beloved. I, the living God, am about to bring forth a spectacular hour. Get ready to step in the grace of the hour with both feet and know that the walk you have been taking is about to pick up speed, pick up speed like you never imagined, never even dreamed at all possible!!
    Abundant Life - 2
    October 22, 2013
    Walking in the love of the Almighty, putting your trust in Me always, is an excellent place to be. I want you fully aware that a marvelous hour of splendor is on the way to your heart. It is to be a time of much rejoicing. So count on Me. Rely on Me, beloved, to bring about this exciting hour replete with much joy and wonder.
    Abundant Life
    October 4, 2013

    In a vision, I saw Someone writing the words “Abundant Life.”
    I want you, My beloved, to walk in the abundant life that I purchased for you. I don’t want you in doubt about My wonderful love for you. I want you exuberant, exuberant about each new day, looking forward to what I am bringing your way. So hear Me speak My heart on the matter of abundant life and know, dear child, with each word that I speak, I am speaking from My heart to yours. I am the living God, Creator of all things. I made a way for mankind to step into the wonderful destiny that I planned for each of you from the beginning. I carried My plans out to the nth degree. I am carrying My plans out in this day to perfection just as I did from the beginning. Never doubt it.

    Now I want you to know that there is completeness in walking after the heart of the Beloved. It is a satisfying place to dwell. That is what I want for you. I want you to dwell in that place of completeness and rely on Me to deliver you into the safe haven for which your heart longs. I tell you this truly, beloved, there is no greater place, or more satisfying place to dwell. No there isn’t, there positively is not!!!


    Here is a message to Protestant Yolanda Ballard.

    It speaks of the "manna" and in other Protestant messages and sometimes the term "hidden manna", this is the most Holy Eucharist. I read two messages to Protestants yesterday using "manna." And read the first paragraph in the message, Our Lord is getting them ready to accept Sunday worship, the Holy Mass. So many Protestants do not even go to Church~!

    p.s. Notice in the "manna" sentence, the words to follow, pretty obvious to Catholics but sweet and gently revealed to Protestants, God's way.

    An excerpt... found at see - Prophecies forum

    Message to Yolanda Ballard

    October 25, 2013


    For I say to you this day "Do not lean upon the opinions others might have
    concerning you for I alone am your sole source of judgment about how
    you should live your life, where or if you should go to church, what you
    should speak out about." These days there is a large amount of
    controversy about the subject of whether OR NOT you should even GO TO
    CHURCH, because many have given into doctrines that have been brought
    about by demons. But I have raised you up that you might be a light in a
    dark place, freedom in a place of bondage, love in a place of harshness.
    For either people have given into having a form of godliness denying My
    power or they give into the harsh taskmaster of legalism.

    For you will only grow where I have planted you, and even though where
    you are at present might not be completely pure in doctrine, know that
    their hearts are pure before Me. Yes, they are My people and I am their
    God. Trust Me to lead you and guide you into all truth. Listen only and
    take into your belly those things that witness with your spirit. I will
    protect you from all that isn't of Me.

    Grab hold of My garment and I will lead you deeper into My truth. I will
    lead you in My paths of righteousness, but I have not made you to be an
    inland by yourself. You need the support of other believers. Many will
    hold each other up by their faith through hard times. They will see by
    faith with you the answer before it is manifested and they will pray it to

    So lean upon Me alone as to know specific direction of your life. Others
    may confirm what I have already told you but do not seek truth in
    direction through others. Others may mean well but are not hearing
    clearly for you in these things. I will only speak directly to you alone
    concerning major steps in directing your life. Rest knowing that I will lead
    and guide you into all truth. I will prepare you for what is ahead by you
    coming before Me to know Me more and by you stepping out in faith to
    love My people.

    As you are being obedient to Me in the coming days I will lead you to
    those who are of like mind and are in one accord. I will lead you to those
    who I will hand feed like calves in the stall. These people desire fresh
    manna, pure words straight from My heart, that they can eat and be
    strengthened for this coming race. For you will run with ferocity against
    the enemy's devices. You will run with truth and I will lead you to those
    who hunger for it. ....
  17. Jackie

    Jackie Archangels

    It is upsetting when people deny the prophesied Warning. God would do this (loving act) and how else is He
    going to bring us together?

    Sharing an old message to a Protestant messenger I saved. I don't have a link, the Protestant prophetic website is no more. I bolded what Catholics have heard for a long time and at the bottom you see mention of the Warning.

    * * * *

    Tuesday, April 28, 2009
    Word of Judgment for America and Canada

    For the Word of Judgment doth Come to Canada and to America, For My Kingdom doth Now Come Forth!

    For I hear the Lord say, you Church world. Your house is left unto desolate. You have mocked me with your sin and your spiritual fornication for the last time. Now I shall spew you lukewarm Laodecian Church out of My mouth. For you have allowed the spirit of Jezebel to rise up in your midst! You have allowed these smooth ones, these false ones to itch your ears with enticing words of man’s wisdom. To tell you things that you wanted to hear. To make excuse to turn your face to following after the evil of your own hearts. You do not see that you're spiritually blind. Naked. Covered in your own self righteousness. For I God shall now cast you out for the dung that you are. Come out of her My true Remnants. Come out of her you who still feel My call upon your life. My Spirit within your hearts. For the Lord of Heaven shall now stand up for His true Remnants and free those who have been taken captive by these idle Shepherds! These smooth prophets that speak their own words.

    Hear Me sayeth God. You laugh and you mock, you criticize my true ones. But now the God of heaven shall turn you over to strong delusion. And you soon shall take down your nameplates, your signs. And put up the sign of the torch. For all those who are lukewarm, dedicated to following after their own hearts shall be turned into fables. Shall be turned over to a spirit of delusion to worship another Jesus. A Jesus who has no dedication. To follow after your own lusts. To do your own thing even as the children of Israel did their own thing and were cut off from entering into the promises of God. The Most High God will cut you off of eternal life and turn you over to another spirit.

    For the Lord would speak to His true ones at this time. Those who fear my name. For I shall take my Remnant and gather them together under the shadow of my Wings. And establish them in My places of refuge, into the wilderness and into a place of faith with Me. Any by faith I shall lead you into My promise that you might possess the Kingdom of God that is in the midst of your heart. But for those who do not awaken themselves to know the truth in this hour, they shall be turned in darkness.

    For you know not, My people that I the Lord have been preparing my Handmaids and My Servants in this hour. Preparing My true anointing in this hour to come out of the wilderness to stand their watch. For even this day the Lord thy God doth plant this one in your midst. To be as a Deliverer even as I God sent Moses to deliver My people who were enslaved by Egypt. That I may use him to free the captives and to raise up a new people in this hour. For there is much work to be done My people. Not just in the spiritual but also in the natural to prepare a vast contingent of men, women and children to get out of the cities and to be planted in the wilderness. Oh, you cannot see the vastness of preparation that is at hand. Even as I God have shown My Servant David Terrell back in the 50’s and the 60’s of a Remnant coming together like ants preparing for winter. And I would have you to know that the Antichrist kingdom is now to arise in the earth. That even now an evil one has been allowed to take office to bring America into a New World Order and into a police state. For soon now the camps will be filled with those who have been taught that they shall escape these coming judgments. For this is the time of America’s fall and to be taken over by her enemies. If you remain in the cities you will be forced into the camps. And you will realize that you have been lied to by this prosperity gospel of no sacrifice, no self denial. For only if you lose your life at this time for Me will you save it.

    For these smooth ones who have prophesied this false peace and prosperity and a taking out of tribulation has built for you a foundation of sand. For you will be given a choice to either compromise your faith, or take a stand for truth. Soon, the 5th seal shall be opened. Multitudes of Christians are not prepared for the shock that soon shall face the denominational Church world. For many of you will soon face the guillotines and be given a choice. Will you give your life as a testimony or deny Me and have your name taken out of the Book of Life? For it is later than what you think. This prosperity teaching and soft preaching has not prepared you to stand and to withstand and to be purified and made ready for My coming. For I the Lord Jesus will allow this antichrist system, this kingdom of darkness to rise in the earth. And on the other hand you shall see the kingdom of God rise up in great authority and great power and anointing.

    Time has now run out to do your own thing. Time has run out to be going your own ways. Now you either heed the call and come in and sup with Me or be cast into outer darkness. America and Canada, I shall now move swiftly to perform My Word in the earth and to bring it to pass. For even now My olives, my prophets shall begin to speak My Word for the last time. No longer will I hold my arms out for you to come to Me, you cold Church world! Choose now to sell out to Me completely, or go into captivity. For I God shall now bring forth My first fruits in the lands. My Sons and My Daughters. For the Prophets of Doom are at the door. Even now the Lord doth unlatch the gate to speak My words of death and destruction. All the words of My ancient Prophets shall once more be spoken by the manifestation of the spoken Word. Instant destruction on whole cities that refuse My grace. But for those who cry out to Me in true repentance, I the Lord will hear your cry and move on your behalf. For the Lord is going forth to build His living Temple. Calling for the living stones to fall into their place. Hear you Me sayeth the Almighty One. For I God have placed My Spirit of Deliverance within Joshua to lead a new generation into the wilderness and into My promises. For even the hour came for a new generation to cross over the Jordan, to enter into My promises. I God am raising up a Joshua Company out from this older generation to go forth to do great exploits in this hour of trial. To push back and to hinder the spirit of Antichrist for a time and a season.

    For know and behold that I the Lord shall raise up and bring forth all the mantles throughout all the ages of time. My Davids in the earth shall arise with My words of power and great authority. You know not that My kingdom is about to be unveiled in the hearts of a people foreordained to come forth in My image and likeness. Now begins seven years * of dread upon America and the world. Seven years that the cup of My wrath shall be poured out to bring a humbling to the nations. For no longer will I God allow the name of Jesus to be blasphemed. To be taken lightly. To be mocked. For this is the time that I God am returning in flame of fires to bring forth a time of purging and to prepare a people to be sealed. For only those who are sealed by My Spirit in this hour, only those who have the doorposts of their hearts marked by the blood of the Lamb shall escape My righteous judgments. For I God shall pour out My indignation upon the ungodly and the sinner. Run to Me the Lord would say! Run to Me that you might have life and have it more abundantly.

    Come out of the cities across the West Coast. Across the West Coast. Hear you the Voice of the Lord. The Spirit of His judgments will now begin to be spoken by many of My olives. I shall not spare America or acquit her for her sins. I shall not relent upon My judgments upon the West Coast where millions will die. I God have warned you for decades and decades. For all of this North America coast shall shake as a sign of a shaking revival to prepare your lives to get out of destruction. To get out of the line of My judgments. To get out of these Sodomite cities. For the death toll of the bell will soon sound and I shall fill your streets with your death. For the man of sin will follow this revival. The Antichrist will follow this spiritual awakening. Hear you the Words of the Lord. For God has spoken it and He will not relent. These are not the words of a man but the words of God put within this vessel to awaken My people. For great sorrow, great sadness, great hardships and a great loss of life is at the door and a time of great persecution is in the making. Come out of her My people. Come out of Babylon and live. For it is time to enter ye into My rest that I have told you about in My word. You know not that the God of Heaven is bringing forth a new leadership in the land. For the old has become corrupted. New mantles are rising. Cast not off this word, for you do so to your own undoing. For I God will no longer be mocked. For this is thus sayeth the Lord.
    11:32 AM

    Donald Taylor (Joshua)
  18. Jackie

    Jackie Archangels

    "For the man of sin will follow this revival. The Antichrist will follow this spiritual awakening."

    Our Lord is talking about the Great Warning to Protestants in this older message of 2009. The above sentence is evidence the Great Warning is true. I am sharing the obvious. :)
  19. Jackie

    Jackie Archangels

    This scientist's testimony and findings are powerful, miracles within miracles! Thanks.
  20. Bartimaeus

    Bartimaeus Archangels

    Jeff Kingshott is a Protestant messenger. This is beautiful, what do you think Our Lord is saying in a very loving way?

    An excerpt from a Message to Jeff Kingshott. see prophecy forum at

    October 7, 2013

    NOW FEED from My Tree ALL that it bears !
    For this shall Sustain you and be your Wares ,
    The BREAD of LIFE That shows ME , ( SHEW BREAD )
    My Completeness not just a part of My TAPESTRY ,
    I AM bearing My ALL open to VIEW !
    Come EAT OF ME so that I might give to others to partake of Me to !
    Or it will drift by as if it is deadwood ,
    So do not seperate but Come unto Me ,
    For I AM Painting in you My COMPLETE TAPESTRY ! ! ! [/quote]

    Am I mean and small minded for thinking this 'message' is a load of garbage because it says our Lord is painting in us his tapestry?
    Surely there are too many mixed metaphors in it?
    If it makes no sense can it be from the one who only speaks the truth?

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