Protestant details locution about the Warning

Discussion in 'The Signs of the Times' started by Rosa, Jul 20, 2013.

  1. Rosa

    Rosa New Member

    I found this blog post very interesting:


    I am indeed coming down to the hearts of men and I will demonstrate Myself in such a way that has never occurred in history. I am about to reveal Myself powerfully and directly to every soul on this earth. Not one person will be able to dispute who I am, the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords. This act is the greatest demonstration of My mercy that one could ever know. I am confirming to you what I have revealed to Bonnie so there will be no more uncertainty in your hearts. I have spoken to many concerning this event, and it is one and the same. You will be shown what I see, your true hearts will be revealed to you.

    Read more:
  2. HOPE

    HOPE Guest

    You will see for yourselves the condition of your souls. For many, this will be a terrible experience and so I ask My remnant body to prepare now to minister to those who will be presented to you after this occurs. I am allowing this final act, this final warning, because of My infinite love for each one of you. Do not fear My children, only be obedient as I have required, and ensure that your spiritual house is in order. Once a soul sees its unrighteousness before a holy God, that soul chooses for itself its eternal destination. I desire that not one would be lost, but again it is a personal choice. Prepare I say again, the hour draws near.


    Very interesting
  3. HOPE

    HOPE Guest

    At least this person identifies herself

    Julie Whedbee
    Florida, United States
    I am a born-again disciple of My King Yeshua Ha Mashiach. I am married with three precious daughters of God. I began receiving prophetic dreams of the future and of America almost 20 years ago. It has only been in the last 2 years that the Lord has shown me the meanings behind my dreams, and I am now receiving open visions as well concerning the seriousness of the times in which we live. Starting in October 2011, the intensity of the warnings for the end times has been incredibly powerful, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit has lead me to not only write these warnings for my own reflection, but to share them here for anyone who is willing to read them and hear what the Lord is saying to us. I pray these words will encourage and prepare you for the most important times ever spoken of in God's word.My husband and I are preparing our children for the soon return of our King Yeshua and training them in His Holy Word daily to lead as many as possible to the Kingdom. We emphasize constant prayer and intercession, and are always looking for the guidance of the Holy Spirit in all we say and do. Contact me at
  4. HOPE

    HOPE Guest

    I am confirming to you what I have revealed to Bonnie

    Hmmm, and Bonnie?
    From Bonnie:

    The Next Pope

    "Yes, My daughter, the last Pope will soon be on centre stage and he will usher in the New World Order. This next Pope will usher in many evils and try to fool and deceive My people, but My children, who are called by My name, shall not be deceived and will hold to Me, their Lord and Saviour.You will be given discernment in these times and you will see the deception laid out before you.I will honour your trust and faith in Me, your Lord and Saviour. Fear not - all is in My hands.
    This is the time I have spoken of, when even the very elect may be deceived - but you, My children, will not be deceived if you stay close to Me and hold fast to My words to you. You will have discernment in your spirit and you will know that what is being presented as truth, is not truth, but lies, deceptions and false teachings.
    Cleave to Me, your Lord and Saviour, always."

    Please Note: I received these words yesterday, after hearing that Pope Benedict XVI had resigned. Please be aware that the Lord did not tell me that the next Pope will be the false prophet referred to in the book of Revelation. I write only what the Lord gives me.
  5. Timothius722

    Timothius722 Archangels

    Sounds to me as though she is a mouthpiece for satans deception. Satan can't deny the warning... so when it happens... he will cleverly try to use it to lend credibility to his attack on the Pope. Notice how the messages fail to use the word Jesus Christ in it ...instead using Lord of Lords or King of Kings. Jesus's name is any titles to side step using it always causes me pause.
    Teresa, janet Walton, tgo and 2 others like this.
  6. HOPE

    HOPE Guest

    sunburst likes this.
  7. FoundSoul

    FoundSoul Angels

    I dont understand this about these so called prophecies. Krizevac sorted all of this nonsense out for me about what they say - Pope Benedict is good and Pope Francis is bad...i don't believe that for a minute and since both Pope Benedict and Pope Francis are very close (I think), I wonder why false prophets are being led this way by stan. There must be some great grace coming from both Popes that he is afraid of, I think. Mahybe the two are a thousand times more gace filled when they are together or something.

    If anyone has had any inspirations about this, I would really like to know.

    In the meantime, I think I will Pray for both Popes equally. They must be doing something right.
    MomsCalling likes this.
  8. Mario

    Mario Powers

    I believe you are right. It is in God's Plan to have two living popes, brief though this may be.

    One thing we must remember is that as important as the gift of prophecy is , it's easily imitated or manipulated by JoeJerk. Each of us is a product of the worldview in which our faith is nourished. The prophet is also tempted to incorporate independent sources into the locutions or prophecies he or she believes to be receiving. This is why a mature spiritual director (discernment) is so important. This is why the Magisterium's role in testing apparitions is so crucial. Earlier this year, Stephen and Mark Mallet debated over their differences. It was refreshing to see them both present their case while looking to the popes and Church Fathers for wisdom.:)

    Now Protestants and independent-minded Catholics are even more susceptible to deception because they lack this covering. Bonnie, the blogger, has been obviously formed with an anti-Catholic bias. So even if the Holy Spirit has been speaking to her heart, JoeJerk will make use of her bias to manipulate the message.

    And so any Catholic who feels the inspirations from the Holy Spirit are actually prophecies for a wider audience, should beg for a pure heart and mind, and should seek out a spiritual director. Thank you, Jesus, for the Holy Roman Catholic Church.:cool:

    Safe in the Barque of Peter.
    kathy k and HOPE like this.
  9. padraig

    padraig Powers

    It's a pity, I would have loved a true Prophesy on the Illumination of Conscience from our Protestant sisters and brothers, it would have been very powerful as it is not in their prophetic tradition.
    Genuflect likes this.
  10. Rosa

    Rosa New Member

    Hope, Padraig, and all,

    There is some mistaken identity going on here. Two different Bonnies are being confused. The Bonnie that wrote about the Pope ushering in the New World Order is from Australia. The woman named Bonnie in the blog I quoted is from Florida, US.
  11. HOPE

    HOPE Guest

    The woman Julie Whedbee, from Florida, that is quoted in the first post had the link to Bonnie's blog on her site
  12. sunburst

    sunburst Powers

    Yep,...I saw that too,..and Bonnie has some anti-Catholic sentiments going
  13. MomsCalling

    MomsCalling Principalities

    The first time I read where Maria Divine Mercy said the next pope would be bad, the hair on the back of my neck went up. In fact, I think that was when I was banned from posting on her facebook page because I argued about the great deception that this idea presented. I think this new prophecy above is either Stan getting to another person or someone parroting off of Maria.

    It is an ingenious deception for old Stan. If he can convince a lot of Catholic people that the Pope is evil and deceptive, then he has done a great deed for himself, and also will open a huge door. Many protestants already do not trust the papacy and with the divisions that are occurring with all the social issues in the Church, many Catholics on the fence can be easily sucked into being suspicious, simply because they don't agree with things the Pope says. Anyway, there are prophecies that there will be two "popes" vying for the seat of Peter. One will be evil, and one will be good. This is NOT our current situation as Benedict is not competing for anything with Francis. However, if a lot of people are tricked into believing that this is our situation right now simply because there are two Popes, and that Francis is the evil one, then this allows room for yet another to come onto the scene, one who will claim to be the rightful leader of the "new" Catholic church. He will be under Stan's influence, of course. This leader will win over everyone who have become suspicious from these false prophecies, and he will embrace some of the social issues and make them "work" within the framework of the Church by twisting the doctrine so that others will believe he is what they have been waiting for. And so the real spiral begins. The actual Pope may have to flee in fear of his life. This is what I think that these false prophecies against Pope Francis will cause. That's my take on all this.

    PS. While trying to write this post, the forum froze, then my connection was lost, and also a bunch of it got erased by a slip of my fingers, not once, but three times. And I have been riddled with tyops (just like that one!) literally within every sentence. To me that means that someone is trying to keep me from posting this. Well, whoever you are, you lose.
    Daria, HOPE, kathy k and 3 others like this.
  14. Julie J

    Julie J New Member

    Very sadly lots of people can sound like they are 'hearing fron the Lord' the left behind series and books written over the last 30 years of full of this stuff by the likes of Bonnie in Australia, I came to the conclusion a few years ago while working in a Christian Bookshop(not Catholic) that most of the stuff should have been burned and that all the people racing in to buy the Left Behind Series book were lazy christians (we can all be!) who wanted the rapture and all the 'others' to be doomed and it would all be over in the twinkling of an eye. Too hard you see to live personal Holiness for each of us, if we have our eyes on prophecies and world events too much then we forget our inner world where we need to make sacrifices and be purified. We are not able to discern properly without the church and the advice of the saints. Someone wise once told me to stick to reading and following those who had already completed their journey so that there could be no more error in them. Worth thinking about! Good Night, God Bless
    Daria, Mario and kathy k like this.
  15. padraig

    padraig Powers

    The supposed 'Rapture' raises so many more questions than it answers.

    One has always stuck in my mind from the film, 'Left Behind' .Jesus is supposed to come and bring to heaven all the 'saved' and leave all the baddies (including of course we Catholics) to kinda stew in our own juices. :) But after the Rapture quite a few are converted and turn to Christ. This seems to me paradoxical that all 'saved' Christians are whisked off while the newly converted are left below. Strange and illogical.

    But I suspect that the reason why these newly converted Christians are stuck in after the Rapture is to give the s[​IMG]tory hope. For the Rapture for those who are left behind is a story without hope.

    That to me is the big fly in ointment for those left behind it is just so hopeless.

    I can also the attractions of this myth to many as was mentioned its very black and white and clear cut.
  16. Peter B

    Peter B Powers

    The idea of a pre-tribulation Rapture has done untold damage within many Protestant circles (just look at the sales figures for the 'Left Behind' series). It not only paralyses through escapism but encourages revenge fantasies - apparently a video game was even produced in which Christian vigilantes go round gunning down the enemies of God...Of course there are also many Protestants who are appalled at this, but combatting it is very difficult because the 'mainline' denominations are caught in a contradiction. If they try to shut it down by acting as a Magisterium, they can always be accused of betraying the principle of 'Sola Scriptura' which in effect means the complete opposite, i.e. pure subjective interpretation as the ultimate authority. It's a tragic result of history with which millions of godly Protestants somehow have to deal as victims of a system they inherited. But...2017 is not only the centenary of Fatima but also the 500th anniversary of the Reformation...what if part of the Triumph of Our Lady were the end of half a millenium of Christian division? Surely that has to be worth praying for?
  17. padraig

    padraig Powers

    I believe, Peter that there will be a return not only of the Protestant Denominations but of all religions to the true Church.

    Over the weekend I saw two signs of an outpouring of the Spirit concerning these thing. One, which you yourself may be interested in concerned doubts of Mormons in Europe (and throughout the world) concerning the validity and teaching of the 'Book of Mormon' by a former leader of Mormonism in Europe.

    A second came from the Amish in Pennsylvannia from the BBC called, 'A secret Documentary' . This concerned a young Amish family who against their sects teachings allowed a TV crew access to their private lives. Notably they risked excommunication or 'shunning' by doing so. They also took risks by praying with the shunned and non Amish. When asked why she did so the young woman said she believed that the Holy Spirit is pouring forth His gifts on the world at this time.

    For we Catholics perhaps the greatest sign of what's coming down the road right at us is this new Pope Francis a huge living sign of the Renewal of the Holy Spirit.
  18. padraig

    padraig Powers

    I have encountered difficulties posting several times Connie, this does not surprise me. It drives me nuts but if I have spent half an hour on a single post.

    But it reminds me of the need to pray for protection in all things.:)
  19. padraig

    padraig Powers

    I wonder if instead of simply being a single event the, 'Illumination of Conscience' might be the culmination of a whole huge wave of graces, not only in the Church but all over the world? We as Christians have prayed for this for centuries.
  20. HOPE

    HOPE Guest

    Isn't there a prophecy from Garabandal that there will be a unification of the churches. Something of that sort?

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