Please could you add prayers for my family? My daughter who lives with us, has a multitude of autoimmune disorders has rolled her ankle, needs to be non weight bearing and in need of surgery. My husband was in a real bad car accident this weekend and has broken his neck and alo in need of surgery. And lastly... For myself to help care for them, the farm and working a full-time job to not despair into weariness of carrying the burden of it all. Thank you.
I will pray, Mary's child. May the holy angels bear you up to endure the struggles and may the Virgin intercede in immediate healing for your husband and daughter.
So sorry, MC! Praying on my beads! O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!
Oh my! Will keep your situation in my prayers MC! May God grant you the strength to endure this all. He will.
MC i am so so sorry to hear all this. Cross upon cross. Praying to Our Lady to give you superhuman hope strength and endurance.
Praying tonight and offering up prayers and masses through the week. You have my deepest sympathy, big, big Crosses, mountains to climb. But Jesus will climb them with you.
Such crosses. Join your crosses and your suffering and theirs to that of Jesus on the cross and I will be praying for you all week.