I ask your prayers for our latest grandson, Declan, born today shortly after midnight (8 lbs, 12 oz.). It isn't life-threatening but he was born breech (feet first) with some breathing difficulties and is currently in the MICU down in the great State of Texas!. Our daughter-in-law, Michelle, fortunately suffered only a slight tear. Thank you, Jesus. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for Declan and Michelle and Christopher!
Firstly congratulations on baby Declan. That's wonderful. I will pray. One of my grandsons had breathing difficulties but great now.
Thank you all for your prayers! Declan has struggled through the worst of it and is now breathing freely on his own and nursing from his Mom. He will be headed home most probably on Monday! Today, I also had the pleasure of baptizing Rose Felicity down in Lancaster, PA, so the latest grandchildren are blessed by God.