I’m pretty confident that not matter where this lands in terms of if unvaccinated are “banned” from Mass by diocese /bishop, the implementation is at the local/parish level. The priests I know would not comply - bit will be as sly as foxes…. They will find a way to ensure all their flock receive the Lord. Now not every in the trenches priest will do this. But some (I’m praying many) will. Our job… is to find them, pray fir them, be smart (quiet) but make sure others know. It’s almost as if we are headed back to the Catacombs. But I do have faith and believe in some of our Shepherds. I know several of them. Let’s pray for them. Peace
I believe you. I have been led by the Lord this way in the past year. I know three priests at least who will be there for us.
Pope Francis on Ukraine’s Russian Orthodox Church ban: ‘Churches are not to be touched!’ More here: https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/...dox-church-ban-churches-are-not-to-be-touched I have already criticized here in this forum the new Ukrainian law prohibiting the Orthodox church linked to the Moscow Patriarchate, but I find it curious that Pope Francis has rushed to criticize it, considering that, until now, he has not condemned the Putinist regime for the persecution of the Catholic Church or religions in general in the territories occupied by the Russian invaders. Or even the strong conditioning of the Catholic Church and the regime's unofficial religions within the territory of the Russian Federation. Vatican Ostpolitik remains very strong. Interesting points here: