Here, in the Pope Francis thread, is a better place for the video I recently shared regarding the SSPX's stance towards Pope Francis. My apologies for reposting this. However, I think here is a more suitable thread for it. I also think this video is of huge importance regarding the crisis of the Holy Catholic Church and Pope Francis in particular. The short video also discusses the SSPX's stance towards Archbishop Vigano in relation to his recent leaning towards sedevacantism, perhaps in the form of beneplenism, the notion that Pope Benedict XVI was a true pope. (I find beneplenism an acceptable form of sedevacantism. Classical sedevacantism, i.e. the notion that there were no true popes since 1958, has never convinced me.) I must say that I very much honour and value His Excellency Archbishop Vigano. In particular, he was about the only prelate who warned publicly about the experimental genetic manipulations called 'Covid-vaccines'. Regarding Archbishop Vigano's recent stance of not recognising Pope Francis as pope, I am torn between his sedevacantism/beneplenism and the SSPX's stance of recognise and resist ("R&R"). Archbishop Vigano's sedevacantism might well be the correct position. However, I am inclined to find R&R more prudent, as it avoids the risk of schism, whilst also avoiding any heresies of Pope Francis. I am sorry if this contradicts my previous positions. Previously, I have been leaning towards sedevacantism in the form of beneplenism. Now, I am reorienting myself, but I am still willing to learn more, and I am prepared to take correction again. The crisis in the Holy Church we are facing is huge and complex, and I am only a layman. There is probably no human solution to the crisis of the Church. We may have to just endure with our Rosaries. But in summary, I am inclined to think that R&R is the most prudent stance towards Pope Francis whilst the crisis remains unsolved. This short video of 30 June 2024 explains R&R and the background very well. The gist of it is provided from the 24 minute-mark. God bless all here! We keep offering our family Rosaries for this forum, and its members, and all your loved ones.