I have been wanting to get some representation of Mary in my office for some time. Well, I finally did and it's a beautiful little stained glass piece of 'Our Lady of Guadalupe' hanging up on my wall now. What's your favorite depiction of Mary? O our Lady of Guadalupe, mystical rose, make intercession for Holy Church, protect the Sovereign Pontiff, help all those who invoke thee in their necessities, and since thou art the ever Virgin Mary and Mother of the true God, obtain for us from thy most holy Son the grace of keeping our faith, sweet hope in the midst of the bitterness of life, burning charity and the precious gift of final perseverance. Amen God Bless, Jake
Our Lady of Guadalupe and Our Lady of Fatima are my favorite appearances of Mary. O Mary conceived without sin...
I think Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception is by Diego Valezquez and hangs in the National Gallery in London. One hot summer's day I wandered into the gallery and was stunned to see it hanging there. I stood for ages. I was delighted when I found I could buy the print in their shop. I had it for ages. Beautiful. Two Paintings for the Shod Carmelites, Seville / Velázquez painted these two works as companion pieces during his early career in Seville, in around 1618. They were perhaps intended to promote the recent celebrations in the city of a papal decree defending the mystery of the Immaculate Conception, the belief that the Virgin Mary was conceived without sin. We don't know who commissioned The Immaculate Conception and Saint John the Evangelist on the Island of Patmos, but they are first recorded in 1800 in the chapter house of the Convent of the Shod Carmelite Order in Seville. Saint John and the Virgin both appear in the foreground, surrounded by objects identifying who they are, strongly illuminated from the top left. The colours of the Virgin’s clothes are echoed in reverse in Saint John’s, and both paintings demonstrate Velázquez’s skill in conveying a strong contrast between light and shade. https://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/paintings/diego-velazquez-the-immaculate-conception