Our Lady in the Midst of the Fires

Discussion in 'Inspirational Stories' started by Mario, Jan 10, 2025.

  1. padraig

    padraig Powers

    I was listening to a husband and wife talking yesterday standing before the ruins of their home and was very touched indeed by what they said. There was nothing at all left of their home all their possessions gone. A truly horrendous situation.

    The wife said that she was very frightened by what had happened and what a terrible thing it was and that they were both totally unsure about what the future might bring. However she said something incredible had happened to them both in that they were filled with an incredible sense of peace . She believed that this was a great grace from God , a much needed grace at this terrible time.

    It made me think about how I might feel at such a time. No doubt I would go through the roof. But I would also be praying like crazy (what else could you do at such a time). If that day ever comes please God He will send me that miraculous grace of Peace that he sent that wonderful ,Faith -filled couple.

    I must see if I can find that interview to post it, it was outstanding. Miraculous; God is so good.

    But just imagine facing something like that with no Faith? No prayer? How truly terrible.



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