From Sister Emmanuel The Angels of Bethlehem. As Christmas approaches, our hearts yearn to fully experience the graces that Heaven offers us on this wonderful day when the Savior of the World is born, and which Mary calls The Day of Joy. Among the best distributors of joy, let's think of the multitude of Angels who sang of the glory of God above the little shepherds tending their flocks in the fields of Bethlehem. Why don’t we invoke the help of the Angels, when we need joy so badly? Here is one of my most vivid memories. I was invited to give a talk on Medjugorje to 2000 people at a European city. When I arrived, I saw that their faces were serious and sad. I was afraid of being put off right from the start, and I said to myself: “If they don't laugh at my little funny stories, it's going to be very dry”. Then I had the idea of calling the Angels of Bethlehem to my rescue, because they matched my needs in every way: their numbers, their joy and the fact that they were bearers of good news. I said to them: “You see my embarrassment, so please fill this entire place and stand by each person. Remove any heaviness! Let the joy overflow, let the atmosphere be light, cheerful, and let the message go straight to their hearts!” So I went for it... I was surprised to see a sudden cheerfulness lighting up everyone's faces! How encouraging! But I was even more surprised when they started laughing without me saying anything particularly funny. A few minutes later, their laughter increased so much, the joy burst out with such intensity that I was forced to slip a secret word to my troop of angels: “Dear angels, OK, you have sown incredible joy, thank you! But, if they keep laughing like that, how will I be able to keep talking? Could you turn the volume down a little bit, please, so I can still deliver the message to them?” It was a memorable evening, as the Angels once again dazzled me with their power and concern. What a wonderful key Heaven has given us here! If you're feeling burdened, call on the Angels of Bethlehem! They sweep away all sadness and do so with a delightful sense of humor; don't leave them jobless, live the Day of Joy to the full! (PS1)
December 25, 2024 – Christmas Message from Our Lady Medjugorje to Jakov Colo At the last daily apparition to Jakov Colo on September 12th, 1998, Our Lady told him that henceforth he would have one apparition a year, every December 25th, on Christmas Day. This is also how it was this year. The apparition began at 2:45 pm and lasted 8 minutes. Our Lady came with little Jesus in her arms. Through Jakov, Our Lady gave the following message: "Today, on this day of grace, in a special way I am calling you not to live a life striving for earthly goals and not to seek peace and joy in earthly things, because in this way darkness takes over your life and you do not see the meaning of your life. Little children, open the doors of your hearts to Jesus, permit Him to take over your entire life so that you may begin to live in God’s love and mercy. My children, only with Jesus in your hearts will you come to know the true goal of your life and long for eternal salvation. I am blessing you with my motherly blessing. (December 25, 2024)"
I am considering another trip to Medjugorje maybe in April or May. I have gone every year since 2002. I am wondering about the dire prophetic predictions on the horizon and am in two minds. Does anyone here have an opinion. I am concerned that it might not be a wise decision to book a trip. I would need to book in January to get a good airline price, January sales. If anyone here has a negative feeling let me know. I need discernment.
I had a vivid dream a couple of weeks ago. I should explain that I live in a beautiful quiet street in the city with mostly very good neighbours. But in my dream as I walked up the street it was dark and threatening. One thing I noticed was that in the street many of the windows had been broken and their curtains were flapping in the wind and were clearly abandoned. No lights were on , including street lights anywhere. When I reached my own home a group of really bad, violent men were squatting upstairs. One of them asked me to hand over a lot of my property and food to them. 2025 will be a year of huge changes and wars in the World. If I felt called by God to go to Medugorje I would go. But I would go with light feet paying attention to the News and prophecies around me and with light feet, being prepared to cancel at a moments notice.
Thank you Pádraig. I think I will heed your dream. My daughter is hoping to have the deals on her house done after Christmas and she is moving home to us while they do work on her new home. Despite all the sadness of David's nephew being still in a coma we were blessed to have family & 10 grandchildren with us. TV was not turned on. We had board games and anybody with musical talent entertained us all. I feel God is calling family together to help each other and strengthen us.
Well If you’re worried about the Warning/Miracle being next year… don’t be. We still have to have the Pope going to Moscow, Russia overtaking a great part of Europe, worldwide revolution, a schism in the Church, a Muslim invasion of Europe, and the destruction of Rome and the martyrdom of a Pope. Honestly I can’t see all of that happening next year.
One of my prayer friends who was a yearly pilgrim to Medjugorje since the late 80's, had an experience with Our Lady there approx. 10 years ago. Our Lady gave them a specific direction to take their spiritual growth to a higher level and she also said she wasn't going to call them back to Medjugorje anymore. Up to that point my friend had never believed that one is called by Our Lady to go to Medjugorje, but when they went home, all desire to return just vanished. They never went again. Perhaps it could be an idea to ask her if she is calling you?
The ordinary, normal, mundane end of each of own natural lives is far more likely and is always imminent. So, if you feel drawn to go ... heed her call and go. Each and every time I've booked Medjugorje so far, the closer it gets to going there, the more I then don't want to go, right up until even the first day or two there. I think it's old red legs and his colleagues trying to put me off. But by the end of the week there ... I'm on cloud 9 again, and always very grateful that I did go, and for the people I meet there and the great graces received. There's always so much to unpack and learn from any trip there.
Medjugorje message January 25, 2025 “Dear children, In this year of grace, I am calling you to conversion. Put God, dear children, in the center of your living and the fruits will be love towards neighbor and joy of witnessing; and holiness of your life will become a true witness of faith. Thank you for having responded to my call.” (With Ecclesiastical approval) +++++++++ Year of grace may be referring to the Jubilee year of hope(?) Lots of chances for plenary indulgences during this year. The Infant Jesus of Prague also said something about the Jubilee year to Manuela Strack on Christmas Day 2024. He said to her, "... I sprinkle my precious blood on those who think of me. Pray, pray very much, because the Holy Year is the year of decision!"
If you have desire to go, Our Lady & the Holy Spirit are inviting/calling you; regardless of what is around the corner. You are being called fir the additional special graces they give you when you go.
Michael Brown posted something from an email he received about luminous ground around the spot of the first apparition of the Queen of Peace at Medjugorje the video is fantastic
I found the description of the dogs interesting. I was descending the apparition hill one evening in Medjugorje when a snake slithered across my path. It was the only time I saw one in around 30 years of pilgrimage. I then went to Fr. Slavco's grave. There was a priest there alone setting up something. He was cautious of me until I asked for his blessing. Then he relaxed and said he was sent there by his order to exorcise the grave due to dark rituals being performed at it. As he started the prayers, a large dog appeared and started playing with the tassels on his habit. I shooed it off but it returned again and started hassling the priest again. Both of us then ran it off, him with his prayers and me with something a little more solid! He said the dog would have been "sent" to spy on him, that it's owners would have put a spell on it and be able to see through it's eyes. Medjugorje can be full of surprises!
Just today, I had a similar dream Padraig did. It wasn't a very vivid dream, but I dreamt my home was being invaded.