Ireland 'waking' up?

Discussion in 'Spirit of Ireland' started by sparrow, Sep 1, 2021.

  1. sparrow

    sparrow Powers

    Irish protest COVID-19 jabs following young athlete’s death
    Roy Butler, 23, died just days after taking a Covid-19 vaccine.


    Tue Aug 31, 2021 - 1:48 pm EDT

    WATERFORD, Ireland (LifeSiteNews) — Residents of a southern Irish city turned out to protest the experimental COVID-19 jabs after a young athlete died soon after receiving one.

    Saturday’s demonstration in Waterford, which began at a vaccination center and grew as it moved through the city center, was attended by several hundred people.

    Roy Butler, 23, who once played professionally with the Waterford United association football club, is said to have taken the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine, otherwise known as the Janssen shot, on Friday, August 13. According to reports online, he was later rushed to hospital after suffering headaches, vomiting, and fits. He died the following Tuesday, August 17.

    A cousin of the well-known Waterford native told followers that Roy had developed a bleed on his brain due to the vaccine, which eventually saw the 23-year-old footballer tragically pass away just four days after being injected.

    With news of Butler’s death spreading on social media, there was widespread criticism of the perceived attempt by mainstream media outlets to ignore claims by people close to the victim, including his aunt, that the injection had caused the young man’s demise.

    On Saturday, seven days after Butler’s funeral, hundreds of protestors from the area stood peacefully with signs outside the vaccination center at Waterford Institute of Technology to voice their opposition to the injections, with some warning that “people are hiding the truth.”

    “It can’t be coincidental that a healthy young man who played football to a high standard could suddenly die like that,” protestor Padraic Walsh told one cameraman at the event.

    “…t couldn’t have been that he died from a ‘short illness’, which is what the local papers are saying.”

    “There’s poor Roy now…” another protestor lamented. “It’s so, so sad really, you know, when I see what’s happening in the country.”

    After several speeches and reciting the Our Father together, the group then travelled three miles from the vaccination center to the city center, where they were followed by members of An Garda Síochána, the Irish police force.

    Banging bodhráns (Irish drums) as they marched through the streets, demonstrators shouted “No to the vaccines” and “Freedom” as more and more people joined the rally.

    Signs read “No more lies!”, “Why inject children?”, “It’s causing deaths”, and “Are you risking your fertility?” with other homemade posters simply saying “Stop V”.

    Ireland had seen several significant demonstrations earlier in the summer against lockdowns and the use of vaccine passports, which are now required for access to pubs and restaurants, but the weekend’s gathering represents the first large protest in the country against Covid-19 vaccines in particular.
    Carmel333, AED, Carol55 and 1 other person like this.
  2. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    I read this recently and it is so heartbreaking because it was so preventable! The poor parents need our prayers!
    Just devastating…..
  3. DesertStar7

    DesertStar7 Guest

    Prayers for Roy and his family.
    Ananchal, AED, Beth B and 1 other person like this.
  4. Indy

    Indy Praying

    Maybe all is not lost yet!!!

    Consecration of Ireland on Skellig Michael

    AED, Michael Pio, Carol55 and 4 others like this.
  5. sparrow

    sparrow Powers

    How awesome! :)
    Beth B and Indy like this.
  6. miker

    miker Powers

    Not sure where this was best placed…. So out in this spirit of Ireland thread…. Praying as always for thus dear Island of my ancestry. I hope one day to return and see both it’s physical beauty but I hope and pray it’s spiritual rebirth. This song gave me hope the small flame still flickers. Happy Sunday.
    Sam, Mary's child, AED and 6 others like this.
  7. sparrow

    sparrow Powers

    Sam and Beth B like this.
  8. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Love it!:ROFLMAO:
    sparrow, Michael Pio and Beth B like this.
  9. Indy

    Indy Praying

    That's great, thanks for sharing and it shows a really great north and south of Ireland collaboration, more of which i'm sure we will see over the coming years and we all realise how much we have in common and who our common enemies are.
  10. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Wow! There are so many reports of the death of athletes after taking the jab. But it is quite one thing hearing about in general terms in scientific reports and seeing in an individual. I am glad at least it is being discussed.

    When I was down in Dublin last week with my friend of 50 years, Anthony the subject of my taking a , 'Booster' came up. I did not really want to discuss the subject as it is divisive, but since the I was asked a direct question and answered that not only not had a booster but never had and jabs at all.

    He nearly fell over in horror and outrage ( I could read the sub text.. I was putting himself and his his wife at risk by being unvaxxed).

    I pointed out to him that I, who am unvaxxed have never had the virus, whereas he who has been jabbed to the top of his head had the virus twice, once very seriously. Who of us then, I asked was the better off?

    Of course he was even more outraged. :D:D

    We dropped the subject.

    Nevertheless a recent study has shown that there is 133 times risk of Myocarditis in young people who take the jab. That's 133 times more risk of a swollen heart and consequent Cardiac arrest.

    Anyway its something to think about...which is why there has been reports from all over the world of deaths in recently jabbed athletes:

    sparrow, Sam, Michael Pio and 2 others like this.
  11. padraig

    padraig Powers

    sparrow likes this.
  12. AED

    AED Powers

    Beautiful! I hope Canada's consecration to the ImmaculATE here let's loose St MichaEl and his army as well. Its a bit like fighting for Middle Earth. We are outnumbered and outgunned and surrounded by the modern Herods and Judases. The eye of Sauron seems to be everywhere.
    sparrow, Sam, Michael Pio and 3 others like this.
  13. padraig

    padraig Powers

    I went to Mass this morning full of hope. All the virus restrictions are being lifted by the Government and I thought to myself no more masks , no more nonsense in Church, all back to normal.

    But there they were all were priests and congregation and all wearing masks, out with the sanitisers, cleaning the Church with their fugging machines,all sitting far apart, all going out by special doors, no holy water.

    They just can't bear to let it all go.

    The big question being, when and at what point will they let go of the fear? Will they ever?
    sparrow, Sam, Michael Pio and 3 others like this.
  14. DesertStar7

    DesertStar7 Guest

    A congresswoman in my State is proposing political amnesty for Canadian protesters.

    They would be safer here ... for now. But for how long? :unsure: And crime rates are worsening in cities.
    Ananchal, sparrow, Sam and 2 others like this.
  15. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    It’s almost cultish…a mental disorder. The lying media and government are responsible for this. They are still trying to silence the good doctors and scientists who are trying to present evidence to the contrary. Sorry folks, this is just plain evil.
    People are dying for lack of knowledge….knowledge that is being ignored and censored. Just evil.
    sparrow and Michael Pio like this.
  16. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    We should give them asylum….celebrate them, welcome them! Heck, we roll out the red carpet for illegal aliens crossing our border…free everything! I think we’d do well to welcome the Canadian freedom fighters to America. Let them lead our freedom truck convoy! Canada doesn’t deserve those good people!
    Crime went down drastically in Ottawa while the truckers were there. They fed the homeless! They are a asset! Love them!
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2022
  17. DesertStar7

    DesertStar7 Guest

    My one reluctance in this if IF these folks (or most of them at least) were spouting all sorts of "lines" since November 2016, regarding the USA ... then {shrugs}. Some of this is no doubt reaping what's been sewn. In that case, they were warned and warned. :coffee:

    I don't want more Marxist sympathizers here. Some people don't learn.
  18. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    Who are you suggesting are the Marxist? The truckers are fighting against Marxist…..
    sparrow and Michael Pio like this.
  19. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    It’s the freedom truckers praying here:

    sparrow and Michael Pio like this.
  20. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

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