One of the monks there the late Father Athanasius was generally thought to be saint. I heard all kinds of wonderful stories about him. One gentleman went to see him and told me that although he was wearing a very thick woolen Aran sweater the Father said, 'What a beautiful cross!' and plucked out his silver cursillio cross.It was Father Athanasius, I believe, who built the grotto were the Blessed Virgin later began to appear. Father Athanasius O'Brien OCSO., born in 1919 in Wexford, Ireland, entered Mount Melleray in 1942 and made his solemn profession in 1945. He was ordained priest in 1950. Passing away on May 27, 2010 at 91 years of age, had been in monastic vows for 65 years, 60 of which as a priest when the Lord called him.'brien
I really hope you are right Adoremus, but I suspect if they are going to be on any part of the Abbey grounds they will really take over all of it. For example in Dundrum in Tipperary they brought in some IPAS to a part of the hotel, but told everybody that the rest of it, like the golf course, would continue to function. The next day after they arrived however, they announced tbat nobody could be on the grounds of an IPAS centre who wasn't Garda vettted so they sacked everybody on the spot.
Bishop Router compares Pro-Abortion "Bishop" Budde to St. Brigid of Kildare. Irish Catholic Bishop Router: call by Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde on President Trump reflects Christian principle to love our neighbour
I emailed Bishop Router to tell him that his comments were scandalous as that 'lady' is pro-abortion - I probably will receive no reply. If anyone else feels like emailing the address is below
He seems to know a lot about St. Brigid. I was looking for some solid reading material on her recently for a non Irish person. All I could find were mostly myths and legends.
Yes, there were people on Irish television saying she is very "empowering" as a "goddess". Did you ever hear such rubbish
This is another example of the denial of our Irish Christian heritage. I'm so glad to have gone to Derry to join the rosary & Eucharistic celebration on St Brigid's day. That's the anecdote to paganism. There have always been Judases in the church and they have progressed right to the top in these times. There are many good and holy priests so I prefer to focus on them.
I was walking with you sister lol so was Jack I met him there it was a fantastic day and Sr Clare is definitely our little amber of ulster.
Beautiful reply. You are so right about the necessary antidote. Not just for Ireland but for all of us.
It was a truly amazing day. Felt so blessed to be there, and so emotional. I saw many shedding tears of joy.