Oh Dear God grant that something good may come from all this huge dark mess. But I love as St Paul advises us to do to look to the positive and I must say its the one great chink of light I can see in all this horrible, horrible darkness. To know your enemy as he stands right out there in the light and not crouching in the dark, hidden by all his lies. Yes, I have to say that's a really big, big chink of light and thank the Good Lord for it.
https://catholicherald.co.uk/french-bishops-conference-backs-fiducia-supplicans-and-its-generosity/ Eldest Daughter no more
Padraig the African video you posted of the credo is so uplifting! A must watch. So I've reposted it.... I've reposted it for those thirsting for their spirit to rejoice and their soul to behold a heavenly magnification of the Blessed Trinity and it does this, in fact it lifts the spirit to soaring heights far above this quagmire of tears. Thank you and I'm going to listen again.
I woke up in the middle of the night last night and began to pray and meditate as I always do. One of the things I like to do in meditation is to go in prayer to different Churches, locked and closed at night and to pray in Front of the Tabernacles and in front of the statues of the Blessed Virgin. I find the various Churches at night time so beautiful and empty and quiet and I am the only one there. So sweet and prayerful. Not truly dark but lit by a heavenly light that enables me to see. Last night I went to the Church of St Patrick down town a lovely very old Church tourists love to visit. Up near the front is a truly beautiful statue of the Blessed Virgin and I stood in front of it praying and gazing at it, admiring it. But as I stood there I felt a presence at my side, also considering the statue witha smile on her face. The funniest thing, the Blessed Virgin herself considering a statue of herself and enjoying it. We must never consider the Virgin is far away when we do the little things like praying in front of her statue or lighting a little candle. She is standing there smiling, taking it all in with a motherly love.
I've come across the most amazing and consoling video by Sensus Fidelium, on the words of the great Saint Francis De Sales, regarding our imperfections and weaknesses; its only 14 minutes long. I just posted it on Sanctus' thread 'Little Getsamani'. I believe it may be of help to Peter and many on the forum as I found the words of St Francis encouraging, comforting and an uplifting help for myself.
When I was a child i used to make visits to the Blessed Sacrament and always ended up kneeling before Our Lady's statue. I would stare and stare at her as I talked to her and I was sure she smiled at me. I was heartbroken when they "modernized" the Church and took away her statue and St Joseph's statue and the two adoring angels on either side of the tabernacle. Also the Infant of Prague on a pedestal not too far from Our Lady's statue. The Church became a cold modern very dated 1970 concoction that has not stood the test of time. Where did those lovely statues go? On some trash heap? I can't bear to think on it.
Thanks be to God, in the Churches in my locality, the statues have generally been spared. I think this was probably due to the influence of Archbishop Thomas Morris, who was our local bishop at the time of the iconoclasm in the late sixties/early seventies. I remember him as a good, holy and humble man, God bless him.
When we lived in the Boston area we used to have a lovely statue of Our Blessed Mother. We had it because they used to do a festival and the statue was used and they used my in laws house as a base. One year the church didn't want her back. Whattt??? My poor MIL couldn't believe it. She called churches, schools, convents. Nobody wanted her. So they kept her and she was still used at the annual festival. My in laws passed away and the priest from the church started telling everyone he was getting her back, ummm without telling us. My husband called him and the first thing he said was You mad at me? Well all he had to do was ask. Well there was a beautiful ceremony and she was back in her church. The tide had turned on sterile churches. Mary will always triumph!!!
In the 1990's our Parish Priest made an announcement that they were cleaning out the basement of the Church. It was built in 1885 . . .St. Patrick's. He said everything was going to be put by the road and if anyone wanted anything to come and pick through it or everything was going to the dump. I went over there and found the old wrought iron votive candle holder, I'm sure from the late 1800's. With the iron cross attached. I dragged it home and still have it. I'm still working on the project of mounting it on the wall and displaying rosaries on it. The cross is with my statue of the Infant of Prague. Can you imagine how many prayers were said over this? It's very holy I'm sure.
I finished reading an interesting book last week and one of the points the author mentioned was that sacramentals blessed with the old rite blessing (ie...prior to 1965) still retain a most powerful blessing because most likely the blessing was done in Latin using the rite from the book. Therefore, I think the sacramentals that I have from my parents and grandparents should probably be in my purse, in my pockets, etc.
In reading this you reminded me that I had a door knob fitted to my front door. This particular knob came from my childhood home which was always in my family line and the knob itself goes back 3 - 4 generations. No doubt the old house would have been blessed with the old rite, so I'm presuming that would include the knob too!
I never thought of touching a blessing before and opening the door of my heart to Christ! Rev 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any one hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.
Wow that’s powerful. I never thought of that. QUOTE="Waiting by the window, post: 439646, member: 5845"]I finished reading an interesting book last week and one of the points the author mentioned was that sacramentals blessed with the old rite blessing (ie...prior to 1965) still retain a most powerful blessing because most likely the blessing was done in Latin using the rite from the book. Therefore, I think the sacramentals that I have from my parents and grandparents should probably be in my purse, in my pockets, etc.[/QUOTE]
Ireland's entry for the Eurovision Song Contest this year is entirely satanic. Children should not be exposed to this.
I wouldn't post that.i read she is very much into witchcraft and placed spells and hexes in her music