Inconsistent notification emails

Discussion in 'PC Help' started by Julie Marie, Sep 4, 2024.

  1. Julie Marie

    Julie Marie Principalities


    Wondering if anyone else is having this issue. When I signed up, I said I wanted notifications for every new post on Garanbandal Info & Answers as that is the thread Glenn posts to. At first, I received daily email notifications. Then it stopped. Because I was new, I assumed there hadn't been any new posts. Then I realized that Glenn posts to this thread daily "On this day in Garabandal history."

    I don't understand why this is happening. They aren't going to my spam folder, and Gmail is usually pretty good with things like this. It's like I'll get an email notification for 3-4 days, and then all of a sudden it stops. Then if I go into the thread manually and read from it, then I get them again for a few days, and then it stops again. It's very weird.


    "Quis ut Deus" likes this.
  2. "Quis ut Deus"

    "Quis ut Deus" ADMIN Staff Member

    Hi Julie,
    Unfortunately how email servers on our hosting account and other third parties operate is something out of my control however I do think there is a maximum amount of notification emails sent when watching a thread so if you receive 3 notifications and then don't read the thread it presumes you no longer want to receive any more notifications. when I get a bit of time I will look to see if I can increase time limits on email alerts. In the meantime try this if you havent already done so...

    select user name
    select alert preferences
    tick box "replies to a watched thread"

    Thanks John.
  3. Julie Marie

    Julie Marie Principalities

    Okay thank you. I also checked "watch forum" instead of just the thread so hopefully that will help.

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