hello, im a catholic young man from Argentina. I wanted to join a catholic forum to get advice,and talk,about my desire to join a third order as well as a bit of tips and advice for the monfort-ian Marian Consecration. So far I go to mass on sundays but its my desire to take up,within my work schedule if possible, daily mass practice. I also studied religious antrophology for a couple of years, however this was an academic endavour and didnt shield much spiritual merit.
Welcome xsantiagox to Our Lady's forum. This is a wonderful place for all the things you mentioned. Welcome aboard.
Welcome Santiago and I wish & hope that you will continue to grow in your spiritual journey through this forum. All the best!
Welcome I agree it would be great to attend mass more regularly than Sunday but workload and family obligations take up so much of our time.
Thank you for posting this. Fr Goring is a gift to the Church. I want to find out more about San Nicholas.
the crowns of Mary and child Jesus in san nicolas avocation have a dove and red rosary beads embedded the dove even has a little flame in the beak