I was wondering if anyone knows where I can have Gregorian Masses said in Canada? My sister passed away yesterday and I would like to do this for her. There is a Monastery where I live that does them, but there's a year wait list to have them said. I was hoping to find a place that could do them sooner. Thank you.
Go online to Seraphic Mass They will send the Mass card to you Seraphic mass.com I am so sorry about the loss of your sister. I will pray for the repose of her soul and that God will comfort your family.
The Catholic Near East Welfare Association will arrange for them as well, but they are unable to provide for the dates as they are arranged abroad. https://cnewa.org/ca/masses/
Thank you so much Padraig. Very much appreciated. My Pastor told me this morning that one Mass alone is better than many prayers said for that soul.