
Discussion in 'Video Blogs' started by padraig, Oct 11, 2012.

  1. padraig

    padraig Powers

  2. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    Amazing story. Well worth a watch.
  3. Jane

    Jane Angels

    If ever I get doubts about Garabandal, I always remember what Father Pio (now St Pio) said when asked if The Blessed Virgin was appearing in Garabandal?
    His answer was "YES"
    Can't get better confirmation than that!
  4. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    And Joey Lomangino is still alive - he must be about 81 years old so he is a patient man awaiting new eyes:)
  5. Mary's child

    Mary's child Guest

    Fr Sudac, the priest with the stigmata and who has similar trials to Padre Pio etc, would tell people to go to Medjugorje before going to one of his retreats. He also says, if you have come here for me, then go home you have wasted your time, but if you have come for Christ then stay...

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