Garabandal.. The Revival of Communism.

Discussion in 'The Signs of the Times' started by padraig, Jun 29, 2011.

  1. padraig

    padraig Powers



    Conchita told the author in 1965 when everything would be set in motion:

    "When communism comes again everything will happen."

    The author responded: "What do you mean by comes again?"

    "Yes, when it newly comes again," she replied.

    "Does that mean that communism will go away before that?"

    "I don't know," she said in reply, "the Blessed Virgin simply said 'when communism comes again'."

    In spite of continuing to see the Virgin, [during the first night of screams] we saw a great multitude of people who were suffering intensely and screaming in terror. The Blessed Virgin explained to us that this great tribulation, which was not even the Chastisement, would come because a time would arrive when the Church would appear to be on the point of perishing. It would pass through a terrible trial. We asked the Virgin what this great trial was called and she told us it was "communism." [SHE WENT IN HASTE TO THE MOUNTAIN by Eusebio Garcia de Pesquera, O.F.M. Cap.]

    According to Garabandal, communism will again be a force to be reckoned with in one final attempt at world domination. On September 29, 1978, Father Francis Benac, S.J., interviewed Mari Loli at her home in Massachusetts. Here are some of the questions and answers pertinent to our subject.

    FATHER BENAC: Did the Blessed Virgin speak of communism?
    MARI LOLI: Our Lady spoke several times about communism. I don't remember how many times, but she said that a time would come when it would seem that communism had mastered or engulfed the whole world. I think it was then that she told us that priests would have difficulty saying Mass, and talking about God and divine things.
    FR. BENAC: Did Our Lady ever speak of people being put to death?
    LOLI: What Our Lady said was that priests would have to go into hiding but I didn't see whether they were being killed or not. She didn't exactly say they would be killed, but I'm sure they would be martyred.
    FR. BENAC: Your mother told me that one night you were upstairs with your father and that you cried and cried for one hour. Afterwards your father said to her: "I have just seen the most touching sight. Loli was crying the whole time while saying, 'Oh, it's going to be like that? People are going to suffer like that? Oh, make me suffer!'" Do you remember what you said at the time?
    LOLI: It was all related to communism and what is going to happen in the Church and to the people because all these things are to have repercussions amongst the people. When the Church suffers confusion, the people are going to suffer too. Some priests who are communists will create such confusion that people will not know right from wrong.[THE CALL OF GARABANDAL, Apr-Jun 1984.]

    Conchita mentioned that Padre Pio, during her visit with him, said to her "The great wonder of God [Miracle] must be paid for with much blood throughout Europe." [Since this information is new to many English readers we contacted Mr. Weber to confirm the source. He responded that Conchita mentioned it in the presence of his mother, Eloise Deguia and himself, and that his mother wrote it down word for word.]

    One of the key Warnings from Garabandal was on the revival of Communism. Which ,since the Fall of Communism has never seemed likely at all. Another part of Catholic Prophesy is of a Revolution in Italy ,setting Rome on fire and causing the Holy Father to flee. The Third Secret of Fatima indicates that the Pope will be killed.

    Suddenly with the Economic melt down a Revival of Communism and unrest right throughout Europe a revival of COmmunism and Revolutions no longer seems so far fetched.

    Greece seems particulary a prime candidate with a General Strike there going on at the minute:

    ...........and rioting in Athens which seems to have a lot of Anarchists and Communists heavily involved:


    With the ecomomies of Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Ireland all at the point of melt down, it seems to me that never have the prophecies of Garabandal seemed closer to coming to fruition.

    I don't think its that people particulary want to support the Communists, its just that many people cannot seem to know were else to turn as the Capitalist system in Europe appears to fail:
  2. Mario

    Mario Powers

    The news is reporting that the Greek austerity plan has passed, but I think wherever extreme belt-tightening takes place, unrest will continue to flourish!

    Lord have mercy!

    Safe in the Father's Arms!
  3. Kathleen

    Kathleen New Member

    Sadness to know and watch. My husband is finally beginning to get it. I try not shove anything at him- but he is seeing all of this on the news and recalls what I said several years ago about prophecies. Pray I can help him convert this year. I really want to be able to talk about this stuff out loud with someone. Its so stressful to watch and know and not have anyone (besides you all- of course) to reflect upon this.

    Its like watching a puzzle of broken pieces put them self together one piece at a time all the while speeding up.
    pray, pray, pray
  4. PotatoSack

    PotatoSack Powers

    Yes, indeed the pieces seem to be falling into place...slowly but surely. I guess the protests will continue in Greece and now the UK. The people really do seem to be looking to the governments to save them, but the well has run dry everywhere. If communism does indeed revive itself, it will be in a very stealth way. The words you hear in the news is socialism, not communism. It will come in so stealthy, people will be unaware until it is here already, and then they will ask themselves...what just happened?

    In the past month 1 person has told me he believes the dollar will completely collapse (he believes its being done on purpose now) which will lead to anarchy in the US...communities of non-violent people and communities of violent people will emerge leading to a dark time. A second person told me that others had told them that they believe dollar will collaspse and a new world order will ensue. Neither of these people knew at all that I believe the same things. Perhaps a few are waking up...even those not into Catholic prophecy, as neither of these individuals are. I was just stunned they were even bringing the topics up, since if you do you are, for the most part, perceived to be a little "off" (to put it politely). Let's hope more begin to wake up. I am now praying a short prayer daily for the US, that a great leader will emerge lead us through these times.
  5. padraig

    padraig Powers

    I am constantly stunned at the reaction of ordinary people. They are in a huge state of denial, its as though they are sleepwalking. Even if we didn't believe in God at all the situation is just mind boggling, we don't need prophesy to believe at this stage.

    However with prophesy we have the promise of a happy ending, it would be too terrible for words facing this without faith and confidence, without hope.
  6. MomsCalling

    MomsCalling Principalities

    Unfortunately, that great leader it is said, wil be the bad guy...then there will be a good guy but he will not have the warm and fuzzy answer that the bad guy will. Then there'll be another bad guy that looks like he's with the good guy, but he won't be either. The good guy will say to follow God and work hard. The bad guy will have an easier answer. The fake good guy will rival the real good guy for his power and play on the vunerability of the good people. Sounds like a soap opera, doesn't it?
    Unfortunately, knowing this, I look at every politician now, and other world and religious leaders, with a new level of mistrust that I never had before.
  7. PotatoSack

    PotatoSack Powers

    huh :?:

    Sorry, I didn't follow you at all. I was just thinking of a good leader in the US. I believe you are referring a leader that would be an anti-christ type? I'm not as up to all the prophecies as many people on this forum. I don't think that leader will come out of the US...I could be wrong of course...but don't think so. I'm just selfishly thinking of a good leader here in the US, as the economy is getting only worse and we are on the wrong path in terms of social issues (in my opinion).
  8. Kathleen

    Kathleen New Member

    I guess I'm a little off.
    Connie- I actually understood that! LOL!
  9. Mario

    Mario Powers


    I'll pray the Holy Spirit continue to soften your husband's heart. Jesus, we trust in you!

    Safe in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary!
  10. MomsCalling

    MomsCalling Principalities

    You are so serious! :wink: You always look at things so seriously, I'm sorry I lost you...I was being a little light about it all. Sorry, I have been so down lately that I guess today I finally cracked and am having a little fun with life. Kathleen, you are as "off" as I am sometimes, so you got it! LOL :lol: I must be cracked, I went to see the new Transformers movie in 3D by myself today, and enjoyed it! :shock:

    Hubby is meeting an old Air Force buddy in Chicago today (so I am home alone, which is nice, really) and ALL the kids are coming back again this daughter is pregnant and she heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time yesterday...and called me to share her joy. I guess that's what did it!

    Anyway, for the sake of all the serious folks out there, yes, it is about the antichrist and all that. It just came bubbling out. In the prophecies it says that people will be looking and hoping for a leader. When you said "praying that a great leader will emerge" it just hit me like a brick that this was exactly the way I have seen it written in some of the prophecies. This leader will "emerge". He will have a wonderful answer...and many will follow him, and it WILL seem perfect! BUT we are supposed to beware because he is a deceiver. He has another agenda...he will be an AntiChrist. Will this happen a year from now, or 40 years from now, or 400 years from now, it depends on who is prophesying. This prophesy scares me because it will divide families against each other even worse than the crazy bickering between the parties is doing today.

    Then there's "the other two", the Pope and the AntiPope (the good guy and the other bad guy who seems like a good guy). That prophesy is probably my favorite in that I am so curious as to who these two people will be. I think it will happen sooner, not later. I think they are both alive and we know who they both are already in that they are already in the public eye. I think it will be after Pope Benedict dies that this will happen. It will cause the great divide in the Church and will appear to many to be its demise. I think this will happen shortly after the Warning, when people will be spiritually vunerable and confused. I also think that the AntiPope will not be a "bad person". He will mean well, he will not be directly under Satan's hand at first - I mean, I think he will be under it, but that Satan will be working quietly with him, leading him in a sneaky way that even he will not recognize. So others also will not recognize it. It will be a crazy time for the Church, with two "leaders" pulling in different directions. This will also divide families. So who will they be...Fr. Sudac and Fr. Corapi?(probably not) Fr. Sudac and Bishop Tom Gumbleton (or someone like him). I am guessing a fundamentalist Catholic leader and a very liberal Catholic (or other Christian) leader.
    We will see soon, I think.

    I was a bit surprised today, that in the Transformers movie, the battle to either save or destroy the earth (and make all humans beings into slaves) took place in Trump Tower! Hmmm :eek: subliminal messaging? Just sayin'
  11. Kathleen

    Kathleen New Member

    Connie: Cool- I'm seeing Transformer and Super 8 tonight in a drive in double feature. Lets hope I can stay awake! I'll watch for parallels.

    Yeah more babies! Congratulations!
  12. MomsCalling

    MomsCalling Principalities

    Ooh, a hot humid night for a drive-in movie. I have one close to me too, in Monroe, WI. Just 15 miles north of my house. Don't forget the bug spray - as you will surely have all the windows open! And bring a big jug of Sugar-Free Lemonaide!

    OH, are you a Trekkie? Listen for a line that they stuck in the Transformers movie, from one of the Star Trek Movies...right from the "horses mouth", so to speak!
  13. Kathleen

    Kathleen New Member

    I am totally a Trekkie! I'll watch for that. How fun!

    It is going to be soooo hot! We'll bring popcorn and lots of ice water. I don't even want to eat dinner. Blah! We can always sit in the car if we are completely miserable.

    I've an aunt and uncle who live in Monroe, WI- I'm very familiar with it. We usually have our family reunions there.

    Connie- I'm glad to hear you are feeling a bit lighter. Enjoy your kids! Kath
  14. MomsCalling

    MomsCalling Principalities

    OH, you'll catch it for sure...its just a line...but I laughed out loud, and oddly, I think I was the only one in the theatre who did! Lots of youngsters in there with non-trekkie parents, I guess.

    Now i found out that my son and Adam may not come up after all, they may just go straight to Chicago where they are going to a party on their Dad's side, and then back home. But my daughter is still coming, because her sole reason for coming to Freeport is to tell her Grandma, my Mom, about the baby! She want's to do it in person, with Joe. So it will be great, my mom will be very happy, and in fact I am more excited about that anyway. She is bringing her whole family too, of course, even the dog. They will only be here one night though, as then they go on to that party in Chicago on Sunday afternoon. But that's okay. I plan to make the trip down to see them all in Carbondale in a few weeks anyway. I want to see my son's new apartment (well, half a house) and etc.

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