Conchita’s Locution with Jesus on July 20, 1963 (Conchita): “I was making my thanksgiving and praying for things. He answered me” . . . Conchita— Will I go to Heaven? Jesus— You should love much and pray to Our Hearts. C— When will You give me a cross? (He didn’t answer me.) C— What will I be? (He didn’t answer me. He only told me that everywhere that I would be, I would have much to suffer.) C— Am I going to die soon? J— You have to stay on the earth to help the world. C— I am very small. I couldn’t help in anything. J— With your prayers and sufferings, you will help the world. C— When does one go to heaven? . . . When one dies? J— One never dies. C-(I thought that we didn’t go to heaven until we were resurrected.) C-I asked Him if St. Peter was at the gate of heaven to receive us; and He told me J-No. C-While I was in this conversation, in this prayer with God, I felt myself out of the world. Jesus also told me that now His Heart should be loved. Concerning priests, He told me that I must pray much: — So that they would be holy and fulfill their duties; — So that they would make others better; — So that they would make Me known to those who do not know Me; — So that they would make Me loved by those who know Me and do not love Me. From: “Memoirs of a Spanish Country Priest” by Father José Ramon Garcia de la Riva, CHAPTER 26 pages 60-61
About April 8,2024 Recently I hear a tremendous amount of gossip about April 8,2024. My own opinion is that this is not tied to any of the three Garabandal prophecied events ( The Warning, The Miracle, or the Chastisement). Now you may ask why ? Because we have not experienced the 3 “ Pre-Warning “ events we were told would happen prior to the Warning ,which is first. (not to mention we know the Miracle is between April 8-16th,so all the pre-Warning events would have to happen in the next few days ! ) We were not given the exact time & date, but we were given 3 clues as to when the Warning is approaching soon. The three clues were after a Synod, ( one is currently ongoing and will conclude in late 2024), also “when Communism comes again “and the global effects of Communism, especially religious persecution, and difficulty of mass being said and lastly the Pope returning from a visit to Moscow, Russia (and hostilities breaking out in Europe ). When all 3 have taken place, we are very close to the Warning ! So again, its just my opinion the solar eclipse was never mentioned at Garabandal, nor it is one of the “pre-Warning “ signs. Let’s all just go to mass and confession as frequently as possible, say a daily rosary, and pray for a global repentance and conversion when the Warning & Miracle do come. God bless.
Amen to that! You are correct, Glenn, there are far too many crackpots running around social media scaring people. It's becoming a cottage industry.
Will Mary appear at the “ Miracle “ ? Conchita: "The miracle of Fatima is nothing in comparison with what will happen here. This will be much, much greater. “ Then the interpreter, Eloísa Deguía, whispered to the French woman: “Perhaps the Virgin herself will be seen in person.” Conchita, overhearing this, replied vigorously: —No, no! It won’t be that . . . If it were that, then it would be an apparition, not a miracle. Conchita ,September 10,1965 “She went in haste to the mountain”, book 3 page 189 Also on page 204 of the above mentioned book, As she ( Mary ) said to Conchita, “This is the last time you will see me here”.
Hi Glenn, At your convenience . . . Could you - once again - post the impressive list of those well-known and saintly individuals who have openly expressed their personal belief in the supernatural origin of the events which occurred in Garabandal? Many thanks and Happy Easter!
Yes, there are many known and unknown, Popes, Saints , Blessed's, and Catholic notables who believed. I can’t think of another apparition with this resume of believers. Saint ( Padre ) Pio Saint (Pope) John Paul II Saint (Pope ) Paul VI Saint (Mother) Teresa of Calcutta Saint (Fr. ) Jose Maria Escriva Saint (Madre) Maravillas Pope Benedict XVI Sr. Lucia of Fatima Venerable Marthe Robin, Venerable Fr. Ciszek , Venerable Padre Nieto, Cardinal Ottaviani (Vatican Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) , Archbishop of Madrid, Casimiro Morcillo Gonzalez Arch Bishop Carlos Sierra of Madrid, Spain, Arch Bishop Manuel Lopez of Mexico, Bishop of Fatima Joao Venancio, Fr. Constant Luis Pel Madre Esperanza of Jesus, Fr. Aloysius Ellacuria Mother Angelica
APRIL 2, 2005 SAINT POPE JOHN PAUL II PASSED AWAY Interestingly enough, Saint Pope John Paul II, a great believer in the apparitions of San Sebastian of Garabandal, is entombed under the alter of the Chapel of St Sebastian, at St. Peter's Basilica. The chapel contains the altar of St. Sebastian, an early Christian martyr from the Late Roman Empire. Under the altar are the remains of Pope St John Paul II, which were moved to the chapel in 2011. John Paul was the second longest serving pope, from 16 October 1978 until 2 April 2005. He was beatified 1 May 2011 and canonized 27 April 2014. Pope John Paul II's Remains Moved to the Chapel of St Sebastian, at St. Peter's Basilica.
Mary talks to girls, like their own Mother. Some people questioned me about the way Mary would speak at Garabandal, and why Mary talked "what you think is non sense" to the girls. THIS IS A MOTHER TALKING TO HER 11 & 12 YEAR OLD DAUGHTERS ! At first ,she engaged them in everyday conversations to make them understand Mary was interested in their lives and concerns, like a concerned Mother would be ! We spoke with her about everything, even about our cows. She smiled a lot. We also played with her. We were so happy in those days! We didn't suffer at all, even when someone made fun of us. It was so good to be with the Blessed Virgin! She was truly a friend and a Mother, it was just as if she lived with us. She called us by our nicknames, just as everyone else did. She didn't say “María Concepción” but rather “Conchita.” Nor did she say “María Dolores” but rather “Loli,” etc. Conchita: “Many times the Virgin Mary didn't look directly at us but further away, at the people who were behind us. Her face changed sometimes, but she never stopped smiling. I asked her: -Who are you looking at? She replied, - “I'm looking at my children.”
Jacinta’s Vision of the Sacred Heart, Interview with Father Benac On December 23, 1978, Jacinta was interviewed by the Jesuit missionary Father Francisco Benac at his home in California. Here are some excerpts from this conversation: Father Benac: We have read about your vision of the Sacred Heart. Please tell me about this experience. Jacinta: I recall a day when the four of us went a little further up (in the lane) from where the angel had first appeared—no one from the village followed us—when suddenly the other three fell into ecstasy seeing the angel. I was a little behind and seeing them in ecstasy I said to myself: "But I don't see anything." Then suddenly like a flash, I saw the Sacred Heart of Jesus which made a deep impression on me. He did not speak to me, but His gaze penetrated deep into my heart. Benac: What impressed you most? Jacinta: His eyes, His look—a gaze that penetrated so deeply into me that I cannot explain it. Benac: What were your thoughts at that moment? Jacinta: Oh, Father, more than seeing Our Lady, this vision of the Sacred Heart had the greatest impact on me even though I did not see Him again. Whenever I see His image, I have an intense feeling of suddenly seeing someone very dear. Benac: Do you still feel this? Jacinta: Oh yes. Whenever I see His image or talk about Him just as we're doing now, I feel within me something I cannot explain. Reprinted in the “ GARABANDAL JOURNAL “ May-June 2005.
MODESTY In her lessons at Garabandal, the Blessed Virgin impressed upon the girls the importance of modesty. She did this in a number of ways by requiring: 1) a proper code of dress; 2) proper comportment; and 3) that they not wear jewelry or cosmetics (inappropriate for young girls) especially when they were going to see her. In She Went in Haste to the Mountain, Father Eusebio Garcia de Pesquera has this to say on the subject: "Yes, their comportment was most proper, although we should bear in mind the customs and styles of dress then prevalent in their sheltered and secluded environment. The girls from Garabandal dressed like other girls of their time and area, and because of this, they sometimes wore short skirts, as was then the style. "The Virgin called their attention to this with a mother's delicateness. In one of their ecstasies the three girls each went to their own homes separately, at the Vision's request, to change the dresses they were wearing for longer ones. Conchita was heard to say later during the trance, 'We should always wear long dresses like this, above all for coming to see you.'" By Barry Hanratty: “ GARABANDAL JOURNAL: July- August 2003
Conchita’s Brother Miguel Gonzalez testifies “I knew my sister well and I knew that she was telling the truth. The things that happened during the Apparitions were incredible and all of the events impressed me in a way that I remember as if they happened yesterday. When I witnessed my first Apparition, I was profoundly impressed. I was equally impressed the first time I heard the girls pray the Rosary and the first time I saw them go up to the Pines and then come down backwards. The girl is transformed in the presence of the Mother of Heaven The first time that I was a witness I was nervous because I had never seen something like it and I didn’t understand many things that were happening. For example, Conchita had no reaction to the powerful lights that I sometimes shone in front of her eyes or even when people pinched her without a reaction on her part. The doctors tried to lift Conchita from the ground, but they couldn’t.” PHOTO :From left to right: Miguel, Aniceto, Conchita, and Serafín, with their mother Aniceta in the center of the photograph, 1965.
TODAY IS DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY SIMILARITIES BETWEEN DIVINE MERCY AND GARABANDAL THE PASSION "Fix your gaze upon the Passion of my Son." --- Our Lady to Faustina (St. Faustina’s Diary, 449) "Think about the Passion of Jesus," --- Message of Our Lady of Garabandal, June 18, 1965 APPEARANCE OF OUR LADY "I saw the Mother of God in a white garment and blue mantle with her head uncovered." (August 15, 1935) (St. Faustina’s Diary, 468) "The Blessed Virgin appears with a white dress, blue mantle and a crown of small golden stars." [but no head covering] --- Conchita's Diary (On one occasion Our Lady appeared as above however without her crown.) HUMILITY AND SIMPLICITY "I keep company with you as a child to teach you humility and simplicity." --- Our Lord explaining to Faustina why He sometimes appeared to her as the Child Jesus (St. Faustina’s Diary, 184) "Love humility, simplicity." --- locution of Conchita with Our Lord, February 13, 1966 NOT FOR YOU ALONE "The graces I grant you are not for you alone, but for a great number of other souls as well." --- Our Lord to Faustina (Diary, 723) "I have not come for you; I have come for everybody." --- Our Lord to Conchita, July 20, 1963 ABORTION "I was seized with such violent pains that I had to go to bed at once ... Jesus had me realize that in this way I took part in His Agony in the Garden, and that He Himself allowed these sufferings in order to offer reparation to God for the souls murdered in the wombs of wicked mothers." --- September 16, 1937 (St. Faustina’s Diary, 1276) "Can you imagine how somebody could kill children in the womb without thereby killing the mother? ... Well, the Blessed Mother spoke about this and she let me know that this will happen with the overflowing of the chalice [of iniquity]." --- Conchita to Albrecht Weber November 14, 1965. HUMBLE AND PROUD "He [God] is well pleased only with the humble; He always opposes the proud." --- Our Lady to Faustina (Diary, 1711) "What God loves most is humility; what most displeases Him is pride." --- Words of Our Lady at Garabandal as recounted by Conchita to Sister Maria Nieves in Burgos on April 19, 1967 COMMUNION FROM AN ANGEL "I saw at my bedside a Seraph who gave me Holy Communion ... This was repeated for thirteen days..." (St. Faustina’s Diary, 1676) “The angel appeared to us with a goblet that looked like gold ... and then he gave us Holy Communion. He gave us Holy Communion over a long period of time." --- Conchita's Diary . Reprinted with kind permission from GARABANDAL JOURNAL July-August 2004
Today will be my last post for about a week as I am taking a vacation for health reasons. God bless.- Glenn