Fr. Zlatko Sudac - Angelic Shepherd?

Discussion in 'The mystical and Paranormal' started by MomsCalling, May 27, 2011.

  1. Indy

    Indy Praying

    If these are genuine he seems to have gone to the new age side a bit or even one world religion. Does anyone else get that?

  2. Sparrows

    Sparrows Principalities

    He also has RARE gifts....such as to be able to paint and sculpt but no training. I just have a real hard time with all this because HUMILITY is lacking in any of these gifts.
    He is VERY HUMBLE in speech but when you take into account all his talent.....special videos, retreats, the FACT he does attend a lot to his looks's VERY ODD.
    Let's take ANY priest from the past like Padre Pio.....and you will NOT see himself put on a pedestal or tend to his looks .....or wear DIFFRENT CLOTHES than his order.
    Why wear white ALL THE TIME? He NEVER wears anything other than white. I would never feel worthy to wear white ALL the time until I'm in the pearly gates.
    He is VERY NEW AGE and not at all in line with a total humble priest like Padre Pio or any priest for that matter. I would AVOID HIM.
    Advocata Nostra and maryrose like this.
  3. Timothius722

    Timothius722 Archangels

    I went to see him in Louisville Kentucky back in 2002 at a conference. I remember not being particularly impressed. I also remember him being a bit long winded with divergent subject matter. I don't know about this guy...I'm a bit critical and suspicious by that may play a part in my wariness.
  4. Infant Jesus of Prague

    Infant Jesus of Prague The More you Honor Me The More I will Bless Thee

    Thanks for the heads up Sparrows. I didn't know anything about Padre , seen him mentioned in different threads but something just never sat well with me. He does put some time into his facial looks, that's almost a craft?
  5. maryrose

    maryrose Powers

    I have felt very uneasy about his cult status which he seems to embrace for a long time. I don't know. I think caution is called for.
  6. Peppermill

    Peppermill Angels

    I've been uncomfortable with him from the first time I read about him. Maybe he started out legitimate & over time got caught up in his own hype? Would not be the first to fall into that trap. But, all my senses agree with you -- stay far away.
    maryrose and fallen saint like this.
  7. fallen saint

    fallen saint Baby steps :)

    Thats the problem...where-ever Gods grace is strong, so is the "created one". I was impressed with some of his sermons...but some of those things mentioned on this thread, sure needs discernment.

    I guess i will pray for him tonight :)

    :) :(
  8. Pijon

    Pijon Principalities

    I don't know Fr. Zlatko Sudac, but I'm quite sure that the "Angelic Shepherd" is yet to come, and will emerge only during the tribulation.
  9. What are the examples of any "new age" speaking by Fr. Sudac? I've listened to the only you tubes that seem to be available where he is dressed in the more striking white overcoat with matching collar, etc. and haven't seen that. He has been obedient to his Bishop who took him off of the world's stage where he was getting so much attention in such a short time that it was rather overwhelming. And for some time he's been rather quiet back in his small island where he grew up. Perhaps the more "artistic" exterior is for attracting those on the fringes....or the younger generations so caught up (and fed up with the so called usual lines by the corrupted institutions) in the world of addictions and false love. He seems to dive to the core of things in his homilies. If there is some essential change to that it would be interesting to hear examples. Or maybe the dress is to get the focus off of the personal effects or questions about the noticeable stigmata. He did actually attempt to see if that particular cross on the forehead could be surgically removed and forgotten about....going to the Gemelli clinic only to have it that was out of his control or even desire. Don't know about now but if there is something drastically wrong one would think that his own bishop would not permit him to begin his retreats anew now. And his visit to Medj before beginning those retreats also seems to be a rather good or humble sign.
  10. padraig

    padraig Powers

  11. padraig

    padraig Powers

  12. Sam

    Sam Powers

    One thing I never understood from Fr. Sudac was something he said in a video-There is no sin. I kept the video but it disappeared[was taken down?}. In looking it up, I have found the statement in a couple of places though. Is that the correct teaching of the Catholic Church?

    Don't be afraid of sin! There is no sin! Jesus Christ died to banish sin from this world! Open yourself! Make room in your heart. Then he will come in there in those places. He will come real fast!"

  13. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Well, has Fr. Sudac read the Catechism of the Catholic Church yet?:eek:
    AED, Advocata Nostra and Sam like this.
  14. Once again there is that language barrier. From the usual overall meaning that Fr. Sudac has projected in his talks I believe that he means that it is hard to approach God if one does so always with a one can't approach Him until one is perfect and free from sin or thinking that one can never be without sin. So don't be pre-occupied about sin while you are trying to get close to God or your heart will not be open to His fullness of love for you, already knowing that you are a sinner. It can be pride that keeps one from going close to God since being more aware of oneself as only a sinner can block that openness to His unfathomable Mercy. Similar perhaps to scrupulosity.

    We should never be afraid of sin itself for we have a way established that we can come to God again. Before there was only justice. My take anyway.

    To me it is similar to the Meditation today from St. Faustina's Diary:


    .......Here the misery of the soul meets the God of mercy. Tell souls that from this fount of mercy souls draw graces solely with the vessel of trust. If their trust is great, there is no limit to My generosity. The torrents of grace inundate humble souls. The proud remain always in poverty and misery, because My grace turns away from them to humble souls
    (Diary, 1602).
  15. There is something very, very “off”and more than a bit unsettling to the spirit about this priest. I have always felt this way about him. For the life of me, I cannot fathom how anyone would want to subscribe to what he seems to be offering.
  16. He is indeed a bit of a figure of John the Baptist who was said to be like an Elijah who both, in boldness, took on such false gods as Baal, Jezebel's favorite deity, in their own ways.....but bold and rather "colorfully", to even cause the reaction by those who did not and do not grasp the level of sinfulness of the day in which they are buried. Today, in the midst of the same or greater muck of sin, people need to be startled in order to just wake them up....prior to their search for help and forgiveness. I think Fr. Sudac's approach deals straight on with both.....the sin needed to be recognized as well as the Mercy, already established for each, after conversion.

    And cultures preached to are different. We are more coddled while those places in the world where life has been and is tougher, being simpler without the frills, having witnessed great evil as what occurred during the Balkan wars in that region of Fr. Sudac, demand a straight approach to good and evil in order to be accepted as true and beneficial.
  17. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    In this video Fr Sudac very clearly preaches against sins of the flesh from the 5th and 6th commandments. I wish every Catholic priest was like this.

    earthtoangels and Sean Dowling like this.
  18. AED

    AED Powers

    Sam and HeavenlyHosts like this.

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