Hi everyone There is a really inspirational article on this blog. I like the idea of the living rosary. I believe such a movement was founded in France after the French revolution by a devotee of St John Viannie. The idea then was to get groups of lets say 5 people to commit to one decade each as the practice of the faith was so low that getting people to say a full rosary was a problem. The living rosary took off and there were millions involved and it helped re evangalise France. http://donotbediscouraged.blogspot.com/ mary
This is the link for the living rosary which was originally founded by Ven Pauline Jaricot. This would be a wonderful thing to get going especially to get people who dont normally pray the rosary involved. I think most people could manage 1 decade. I am considering this at the moment. http://www.philomena.org/ Mary
Unbelievable! What a small world! I saw your brief comment, Padraig, and decided to give this fine priest a look. I was surprised, not by what this Father shared, but by who he was: Fr. James Farfaglia. From 1993-97, he was my spiritual director. Father James is very wise! When preaching, he was a challenging exhorter, calling all to repentance and holiness. Once, Father James filled in for our vacationing pastor and preached against the sin of contraception. It was the first and only time in my life that I've heard such a homily! My poor, unsuspecting pastor was confronted by numerous complaints when he returned. When giving advice in spiritual direction, however, Fr. James conveyed great prudence and understanding. He was hesitant to endorse our move toward homeschooling, but when Geralyn and I provided him with our research, he reconsidered and supported us. He cautioned my wife, however, concerned that the demands of homeschooling would be too taxing. Once, when I lammented the advance of the homosexual agenda, Fr. James taught me to look to the future, "Remember Terry, those who support such a lifestyle don't reproduce. Be open to children, and raise them to love and follow God. We will win out in the end." Subsequently, Father James moved to the Corpus Christi area in Texas. He speaks Spanish fluently and has started a couple of mission churches. He is a wonderful priest who writes instructive articles. Just last week Geralyn emailed him late at night. When we awoke the next morning, his response was already sitting in our inbox. Though very busy, he still loves those whom the Lord placed in his path years earlier. Praise God for good priests, indeed! 8) Safe in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary!
maryrose, What an encouraging apostolate! When we think outside of the box and realize 11 million have embraced this call to prayer, all I can say is, "Hallelujah!" O Lord, thank you for your encouragement and hope. May we move forward without timidity and fear, confident in your love! Safe in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary!